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Of course red, he was ony of my favorites from design alone.
is this even supposed to be a competition?
Pokemon red. How is this even a fucking question. Bluefags are soyboys.
bottom row red top row blue no one can argue this
don't even try
In terms of battle ability, blue is better by far because persian and victreebel are viable competitive RBY.
In terms of pokemon I like I'd go with red because I like scyther more than sandslash.
Victreebel isn't that great with Blizzard being everywhere. Persian is good, but Tauros is better.
Blue, can't say no to Persian's Slash+critical hit bug.
Red. I used to always catch a mankey early in the game and gape Brock’s asshole.
Scyther, Arcanine and Arbok? Sign me up for red
Red, gotta have my snake bro
Victreebel is great. It has sleep, razor leaf is solid in general and is a godsend if your opponent sets up a slowbro, wrap is super ultra gay. Even without wrap, swords dance + hyper beam is a strong option that can punch through a chansey.
Tauros is better than persian, sure, but tauros is the third best pokemon after snorlax and exeggutor so you could have room for both on your team.
Red is the only answer unless you are a fruit.
Can you make an image like this for every gens exclusive excluding 3rd versions I guess
We're done here bruh
If you don't think Pinsir is cooler than Scyther, you can get the fuck outta my face
If you say Blue you have stockholm syndrome because mommy bought you the wong game.
Red I guess.
Arcanine has been in my team in every single generation if I have the ability to get them.
Although I had Blue, so I originally had Ninetails, which I also like because its adorable.
Red just for this guy
Jynx and Venusaur are faster sleep setters.
There aren't many commonly used pokemon between 70 and 95 base speed, just cloyster which ties with victreebel and maybe articuno. Jynx is a great pokemon nonetheless due to typing, and it fills a very different niche than victreebel. Venusaur is basically a worse version of victreebel aside from that minor gap in speed because victreebel has superior attack (and wrap if that's not banned). You also have other notable sleep users like gengar and of course exeggutor; you don't need to be super fast to use sleep effectively.
Really, if you're planning on using sleep powder with victreebel you're going to be aiming for chansey or exeggutor, who it outspeeds.
Arbok < Sandslash
Vileplume > Victreebel
Primeape > Persian
Arcanine > Ninetales
Scyther < Pinsir
Electabuzz > Magmar
>red for mankey
>blue for sandslash and bellsprout
Guess I'm a blue fag
I can live without Sandslash, Persian, Ninetales, and Pinsir.
>Vileplume > Victreebel
red is better but sandslash, victreebel and pinsir are all pretty cool in my book
Blue for Critty Kitty and Psychic Magmar
Blue, gonna miss Arcnine & Scyther tho.
Switch around the last two and were agreed
Red is not THAT much better, but it's definitely better.
- Vileplume
- Primeape
- Arcanine
- Scyther
- Electabuzz
- Sandslash
- Ninetails
- Pinsir
- Magmar
Goes to Red.
Red has cooler Pokemon, but Blue wins in battle.
Blue, only because it was the first one I got as a kid that my mom got me. Even tho red had Arbok and doggo
I'd choose Red. Again.
Can I pick a different game entirely?
Red every time. Vileplume is my eternal nigga
i had blue because blastoise > charizard
but red pkm look cooler
I had Red growing up and the only thing I felt I missed out on was Sandshrew/ Sandslash because I thought they looked cool. Red is so much better overall.
what sort of kook thinks turtles are cooler than dragons?
Electabro and Scyther.
That's a non-choice.
My Mankey is the best.
>FIRE !!!1
Were you one of those kids with a flame t-shirt?
Blastoise looks like a total bro. Even my 8 year old self knew that back then.
Here are your fruits
>All those memes on red
I'm sorry vulpix
Why did I do this?
I rest my case.
i had blue as a kid before i even knew about the exclusives, but damn red is just better.
gold for Teddiursa
ruby for mawile and my nigga ziggy zangoose
pearl for slowbro and houndoom
I choose this one
ninetales >arcanine
Blue, just because of Ninetails. Redfags are edgy tryhards.
Blue like I had when I was a kid. My brother had red. I might not ever use Meowth but he's one of my top 5 favorite Pokemon. Him being in the game brings me comfort. No Mankey to cheese Brock with Low Kick. I'd rather have Arcanine than Ninetails, though.
Huh never knew houndoom was in pearl, I originally had diamond and later platinum and for the longest time thought that Diamond&Pearl only ever gave you chimchar as an option for fire types
White because White Forest
White 2 for skitty
X for Aggron
Moon for night time
Alternatively, add in 3rd version and say no Mareep.
> not buying both versions so you can trade with yourself
>They were completely forgotten.
Gotta be blue, Sandshrew/Sandslash are my favorites. Magmar, Victreebell, and Pinsir are also nice.
This was only really viable for the first two gens using Stadium.
Always hits me right in the feels.
very true
Cranidos/Rampados & Shieldon/Bastiodon doesn't count since can be obtainable in both version due digging. Also, the amount of version-only mons increases since you could put the GBA gen 3 games on it making some of them appear in Sinnoh.
But yeah, Diamond for moiself.
Superior Black2 because Black power
None, they're both shit
You weren't kidding.
Diamond because I'm an unashamed edgelord
>Motherfucking dinosaurs like T-tar, Aggron, and Rampardos
White 2
X, pistol shrimp and edgier charizard.
Moon for Alolan Sandslash, same for Ultra Moon
White for Reuniclus alone, he is amazing.
Gothitelle is literally in ubers. She's far superior.
After its hidden ability. In normal gameplay it's worse.
Diamond, because I like Dialga more.
What in the fuck happened to her? She was mediocre back then.
>11 years later and you still can't catch Glameow in-story outside of Pearl
Is there a more forgotten Pokemon?
Pokemon fire red was the first game I've ever owned
Shadow Tag. Without it, it's in PU.
>that super cutie sandshrew sprite
I always loved that one.
>box features blastoise, which defeats charizard and is infinitely cooler
>mofuggin pinsir
>ninetails, the most aesthetic of them all
The decision basically made for you.
Confirmed for not actually knowing shit about pokemon fucking smogon faggot.
>Must Watch!!! FUNNY Dog Mad at Camera LOL
Well, I can't live without Scyther, so I have to go with Red
I had all 151 in both versions
The only way Blue could be any better is if they switched Electabuzz with Magmar.
Red obviously
I want to love Growlithe,but last time I remember having to wait for it to level up to the late 40s for it to learn Flamethrower
Pearl. Like is this even a question?
They're about the same.
>Scyther, Arcanine and Electabuzz
Red, always red. Blue babbies were warped children who's grandmothers touched them in their sleep.
i love blue now