Realistically, what could arcades have done to stay relevant?
Realistically, what could arcades have done to stay relevant?
Other urls found in this thread:
>walk into arcade
>turn 360 degrees and walk away
Not really anything, since technology in households has become exponentially cheaper and more accessible.
having actual games
Maybe have the latest releases of games with all characters and best graphics, have tournaments and stuff? Maybe have had more reasons for people to get together and socialise?
Get rid of quarter munching games and just have freepasses for people to play all the games with a subscription or something?
I dunno.
obviously nothing. Arcades didn't kill themselves. They were killed by the home console becoming 2 dope.
Rent out rooms with consoles and newest games where you can play on your own profile with or without friends for a fee.
Would be hard to get a license from publishers, though.
Implement VR, AR, or other such advanced tech that is too expensive for home consoles, basically offer something unique within the games themselves.
Made fighting games easier so people didn't feel like they were being shortchanged by a seemingly unbeatable boss? I really don't know. Why spend quarters on the same game you can pay for once playing at home?
VR booths.
>tfw midwest arcade resurgence
>all these people recommending VR
Arcades died in the 90s kids, try keep up
Freeplays for a single one off ticket for the day.
A much better system I've seen a few still open arcades use is instead of charging per game, they just charge you to enter, then you can play every game as much as you want.
Specialise more in experiences that you can't get at home due to them being prohibitively expensive. I can't afford a racing wheel or a fight stick or a steel battalion controller but I'd be happy to spend change on it at the arcade. Change that would eventually add up.
I think the social aspects of arcades should have been emphasised more. They could have held tournaments with prizes and shit. Offer to host events where a group can rent out the arcade on free play for a few hours.
Put them in places where people are instead of strip malls.
This. Put them in peoples homes.
Move to college areas, or a reasonable commute from college areas.
Do weekly tourneys, and set up stations that have modern consoles with modern games in them for people to play. Could easily do this with the Switch parental control app, charge some dude 2 bucks for an hour or two of gameplay, and shut it off after his time's done.
Also rent out rooms for birthdays.
There's one around my neck of the woods that did this last July. Every time I've been in there, it's been packed with people of all ages.
He charges $15 for the day, usually opening at 11 and closing between 8PM and midnight depending on the day of the week. And it's a wristband, so you can come and go as you please for the entire day, say to grab lunch or dinner.
Apparently he used to run it out of his basement because they were machines he was going to own anyway, and then he either just got too many machines or his wife wanted their basement back (I think he's stated it was the latter), so he rented some space and filled it. He's doubled the roster of games since then, and he's got a little roped off area with all of the games he's currently fixing up to add later.
I think that's the best case scenario. Someone with passion that pretty much just needs to break even on his hobby, but he's definitely making profit.
There's places that already do this. They never last longer than a year at most.
Arcades are still big in Nipland, why not look at what they do?
>rhythm games
>idol games
>crane games
>horse racing simulators with built in gambling
>some Dragon Quest garbage, who cares?
not be filled with games from 1997.
not have a jewy payment scheme where ten minutes of gaming costs $2
You build an arcade that looks really nice and open on the inside, and you charge a monthly membership like a gym.
The arcade has no actual games in it, but outlets, a crt section, some soundproofed windowed projector rooms, and plenty of portable seating options.
The members are free to bring their own systems and games and use the clean, bright, and open space to hang out and play their games in an open or closed environment.
WiFi is fucking fast. Wired options also available. Charging station for portable consoles and meetups.
Basically, make it a college library, but without the books. Keep it clean as hell, no food allowed, but there’s an in-house cafe with some pastries and coffee.
And that’s the only kind of acrade I would ever consider going to.
Biggest verbal diarrhea I've ever read.
Never post again.
Biggest verbal diarrhea I've ever read.
Never post again.
Soy arcade.
If you turn 360 you walk forward not away wtf idiot
Sounds good but you'd be up to your eyes in debt with no way to pay it back outside of liquidation. Unless you set up shop in Seoul.
the arcade I live next to is still there, no idea what you're talkin bout m8
They could have kept the games at a quarter. By the time the 90's came around most games were 50 cents, often 75 cents and the sitting ones were like $1.50.
Now kiss.
I just realized they copied Golf n Stuff for the exterior. That shit is still open too.
Seriously. I was in Japan recently and arcades there seemed to have entire floors dedicated to crane games and gambling. My guess is that is where the money comes from, and the other shit is just there to draw in a few more people.
>You build an arcade that looks really nice and open on the inside, and you charge a monthly membership like a gym.
Hey, you know what that's actually not too bad an id-
>The arcade has no actual games in it
>The members are free to bring their own systems and games
Nevermind. There's literally no point to that. You're essentially renting a living room and at that point you might as well stay home so you don't need to lug all your shit and you can smoke, drink or be naked.
completely revamp the model to be 100% different from what aracdes were
>go to new bowling alley because they advertise having a bunch of arcade games
>not a single fighting game
>no gun games
>one racing game
>try some X-Wing game
>literally impossible to lose and wants me to pay $1.50 to play the second level
>everything else is just crane and rigged chance games
I ended up spending the rest of my tokens on Guitar Hero.
It cost $3 to play a "premium" song once.
What the fuck
I went to a retro videogame bar in Japan once, and had alot of fun drinking and playing games in a grouo. I think an arcade that doubled as a bar would be even funner
There's a sequel? Cool, loved the first one
Realistically not much. All the traditional videogame cabinets were made obsolete by home consoles and the car and flight simulators were too limited. Working virtual reality was the only that could save them and that still arguably hasn't been achieved in 2018. Like a lot of old social clubs they can only really limp along in a few densely populated metro areas.
Go to Japan and find out
I guess whatever it is they did in Japan. Going into arcades there was my favorite thing to do as a student.
It depends on the arcade, there's one in Shibuya if I remember correctly that has a really big retro section.
PC bangs in Korea are basically the modern day arcade.
>Pay hourly rather than per play on top end PC hardware
that shit would only work on japan
>go to US location
>all the consoles are filled with bulled shot by the monstruos ar15
>go to south america
>they stole everything
Those aren't arcades though.
There was a place like that near me, it was a little office store turned into a rental console place where you pay hourly to play a game/console you don't own and your parents don't want to buy you.
They also sold overpriced used games/handhelds/consoles that just collected dust.
Spending several grand every month to buy the latest $60 games multiple times + paying staff to literally just sit around and watch timers means these places barely break even from all the kids that are dropping like $5-10 to play a game for a bit.
Make an arcade only game that is the best game ever
Then sell it on consoles/pc, make millions and close down the arcade
Go ask Japan because they managed to keep arcades relevant
Anyone remember in the late 90s and early 2000s when mcdonalds and burger king put game consoles in their restaurant? What happened to those?
they got stolen.
Broken by stupid kids
That was mostly Nintendo consoles, right? Don't think I ever saw a Playstation in one of those. Probably didn't make much sense to keep doing it once the Wii came out.
Most Japanese arcades are just casinos games with a few actual normal video games mixed in.
Different culture, arcades in Japan are considered cool places to have fun with your date while in America they were considered places for children and neckbeards.
the last part is funny but the rest looks kind of dumb
health hazard with kids and food
Nipnop is a way more close Knit than the us. More people close together and easily accessible via train.
I think the first Megaman game I ever saw was Megaman 7 in a mcdonalds somewhere. Good memories.
separate nightclub/all in one lounge.
I only ever seen N64 and Gamecube ones. The one by my house used to have Gamecube ones way long ago, but its since been removed.
Be like Japan and have cabinets that track your gameplay or record progress since that's huge.
But America's culture won't allow it. People always lose their shit and wanna deface everything or trash it.
>Draw is that it's going to have a bunch of references to real life websites
>Will necessarily be an advertisement of a movie
ralph deserves better than this
except he didn't say walk forward he said walk away
Probably nothing due to console takeover. If they made a comeback a few years back with a focus on FGC hosting and had a bar or something they could do ok
>Wreck it Ralph 1 came out 6 years ago
Nothing. Online video and the increasing budgets and popularity of videogames would have done the job sooner or later
1. Offer additional chaperone/babysitting services for young elementary kids (parents drop off their children and pay $20, kid gets free play for the evening until parent returns to pick up).
2. Tournaments
3. A reward system like cafes that offer stamps and give something free once you completed it.
4. Go the Hooters route and include sexy hostesses.
ban niggers, it's the only reason they existed in the 80s and early 90s. Just low-key ban all the riffraff who fuck up and destroy all the machines and try to steal the buttons.
Japan still has plenty of arcades because they have a homogenous society that doesn't disrespect people solely because they own things.
Continue developing and not use the same hardware as home systems? That about covers it.
Have arcades that aren't owned by out of touch old men trying to make an easy buck.
That's the worst thing I've ever heard of
Less drug dealers sex offenders and bikers.
They should'ave had gloryholes in their arcade machines and hired hookers to suck.
Put money into changing laws to prevent rapid demographic change. Niggers and spics don't go to arcades besides robbing kids coming out of them, slinging dice behind the dumpster of said arcade, or just getting into fights and scaring people away.
A lot of the arcades around MN are bars as well, which means lines at every game and being elbow to elbow with chads and stacies who played The Simpson's beat em up once when they were kids. Rough stuff. Up/Down is obnoxious but i still go sometimes and their pizza is bomb
Arcades in US are run by bumfuck retards. Arcades thrive in Japan because they are constantly maintained and updated with the newest technology. Meanwhile in US have games that constantly break down with little maintainence, nesica card systems that only work on SOME machines. Online capabilities either don't work are weren't bothered to be implemented. Gigantic machines in a row of games that no one fucking plays but cost 3 dollars to play, most likely draining their electricity bill. 1v1. I was so excited to get a Round 1 in my area but the whole thing fucking sucks. Learn how to fucking optimize an arcade you stupid motherfuckers.
I can't believe that image already exists
There isn't much that could be done once home consoles became somewhat affordable. The only arcade in my area is full of DDR machines and one enormous horse racing simulator thing.
Cities are dense and houses are tiny
Also it's not as common to invite people over to your house
There are other countries with thriving arcade scenes but OK, sure.
Happy Birthday SVZY
Some places still have them. I've seen locations last year with both the N64 and Gamecube. The N64 was broken (controller was fucked up) but was still on, and the Gamecube was playable but the controller was not in the best of shape.
exclusivity. all an arcade needs is killer games or experiences you can't get on home consoles. but the only real way that would make sense is if arcade chains were still a thing, and had the monetary deciding power to contract games like that being made. since everything you can play in an arcade you can practically get at home, no one bothers wasting their quarters, and rightfully so.
the biggest thing keeping non chain locations up now is creating a community through tournaments and shit like what happens on the west coast. however, this doesn't appeal to the normie.
In addition to this, the US has had exactly one major arcade machine distributor for quite a while now and they make awful machines and the worst games. They're the reason you see so many big buck hunters/Fast and furious games
Gaming rooms kind of like karaoke but still having open places for certain things like fighting games
Arcade games with controls consoles don't have
Adopt VR systems since they're too expensive for the average consumer.
start off with lgbtq event my dude that also sounds like it could work
I would make the games free and focus on making it a cool place to hang out and eat/drink
covert all arcades to PC cafes
they need to do this.
Evolving and adapting like consoles did, before going down the shitter.
get chicks to cosplay as viga girls.