Is this just going to be a slightly upscaled 3DS game...

Is this just going to be a slightly upscaled 3DS game? Or do you really think they're going to completely redo the engine and models again?

I dont know but i wish the hardware was powerful enough to have pokken graphics and be 60fps

I really wouldn't expect much of anything.

>do you really think they're going to completely redo the engine and models again?

>expecting Game Freak to do anything other than the bare fucking minimum to get the drones to turn up to the store counter again

Pokken runs at 60fps though

I would expect it to be higher res Moon/Sun

Gen 7 engine was probably already the prototype for the new game.

We certainly not the models. Pretty sure that people already played with the models back when XY came out and found they were highly detailed than what you can see in-game making them future proof.

yes but for some reason they are horrible at getting the actual games to run with a decent fps, also the file size would be like 60gb to have those textures for 700 pokemon

The models have absolutely huge polygon counts.

It's why XY ran so slowly.

pokken wasn't developed by gamefreak

The new models are fine as polygon count goes, but they desperately need new textures. They're all base color gradients and look boring as fuck. There's no detail to them at all

>yfw you realise the new pokemon game will have pixelated textures EVERYWHERE because they'll need to fit all 700 on a cheap cart for maximum profit physical release

It's going to be PMD

And probably why Sun and Moon dropped to a slideshow during double battles

What are the chances they charge for $60 instead of $40?

Why would they redo the models when the 3DS can barely even handle the current ones?

posting this image should be a bannable offense


Primarina's model has 16,292 polygons, one of the highest of any Pokémon.

For comparison, Snake in MGSV: Ground Zeroes has 18,120 polygons.

Game Freak doesn't make the models for their games though. No developer makes their own models for Pokemon games. The job is outsourced to Creatures Inc. They're the ones who make all the models.

It's a Switch game, so... They don't really have a choice. It will be $60.

Pokken is so fucking ugly, I will not buy the game if it has super textured 3D.

The lack of detail is fine to keep with the cartoon look and to avoid crossing too much into realism since the designs are simple, but the colors definitely need to be more vibrant as they are too washed out as they currently are.

The models actually looks pretty good at high resolution without the borders

>looking good

it looks like shit without the outlines and you know it

looks good to me

probably more smooth looking, but still have that 3ds feel

oh shit, i take my comment back. that looks pretty good

You need an eye test

I really just wanted a 3D Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow/Silver/Gold. Then we could be rid of all the shitty late gens and they could cash in on nostalgia.

Why the fuck would it be $40?

Same here

OR they could have mandatory extra installations. Would boost the microSD sales as well.

Would you rather your trainer to be a customizable anime looking character or be your Mii?

Both like in Go Adventure

*Go Vacation

We both know this won't happen

>Creatures Inc
Are you sure? It's not mentioning their credit to any of the mainline.

Genwunners like you ruined this series. We can't go a single game now without endless Genwun pandering.

Wasn't there job listings at Game Freak looking for devs fluent in Unreal engine?

>slightly upscaled
that would mean not only stretching the image but also from a 3DS resolution to at least 720-900p.
The game at the very least will have a higher resolution of 720-900p and feature higher resolution texture work.
The models will probably be reused since they have a high enough polycount.

I have a feeling there will be another forced narrative about this game now.
>"it's just another sequel that's mostly like SuMo but with better resolution and and textures and some new mechanics"

This obviously means the game is 4/10 shovelware garbage, Switch will stop selling immediately,
nobody will care about the new Pokémon game that either doesn't sell or only sells because everyone but Sup Forums is unintelligent or a child
and you should make 3 steam accounts at the same time because Nintendo will go 3rd party soon.

I wish Sup Forums wasn't what it is now.

They don't need to redo the models because the models were future proofed. It's why gen 7 runs like shit.

They dont need to try.
Release a upscaled 3ds pokemon game that doesnt tank in fps and people will like it, i really wish the switch had a slot for 3ds games.

Probably just the shitty 240p tn screen on the 3ds making them look washed out.

Dude, every game since XY has pandered to people like you.

They spent a whole generation cashing in on nostalgia. Notice how only Kanto pokemon have Alolan forms.

Can you imagine a full 3D Pokemon game
Like, not camera locked. You can just roam around and move the camera around.

Yes, it's the nostalgia that ruined Pokemon. Not the hand holding, overabundance of story, cutback on exploration, and lack of effort to implement a good postgame.

Pic related is the real reason the games became shittier.

Sure, that's why people post that shitty BotW edit here all the time. I wouldn't mind such freedom, but I wouldn't count on GF to provide it for us. They can barely stand to do the bare minimum as is anymore.

Where did you get this information?

>Probably just the shitty 240p tn screen on the 3ds making them look washed out.
How did we go from this

Meh, they already broke the grid of pokemon and then they went further to not make chibis. I'll still play it but whatever. I don't really care much for it if they did.

to this


The engine yes, the models no. We know the models are future-proofed, they look amazing when they're not on the 3DS.

that was the point, they purposely pushed the polycounts so that they wouldn't have to remake all of the models for a while.

>Expecting anything from Game Freak especially when Masuda's around.

Has he always had that stupid fucking grin?

>the colors definitely need to be more vibrant as they are too washed out as they currently are

To be fair the colors match the official artwork, the games that made them more vibrant were technically incorrect.

>To be fair the colors match the official artwork

This is Pokemon Ga-Ole, an arcade game that uses the exact same models as the 3DS games.

This is what Pokemon Switch is going to look like.

Yes, and? The second picture is the official artwork, done by Sugimori for FRLG.

So their strategy was to ruin their products while playing the long game. I actually believe it

I actually want the Switch games' artstyle to be in the style of old Sugi art.

I think everyone would love that. Would really make the game stand out as well, not having generic animu samefaces like all the other jappo games.

The first is the official artwork, done by Sugimori for Gen 1. See also

Looks neat. Never heard of it. What is it exactly?

Looks alright
Guess it needs better shaders though, they look like plastic toys

>Toriyama artstyle
>that Pikachu
>that pouch
what a cursed image.
doesn't mean the new artstyle is better though.

You mean knock-off Akira Toriyama art?

How do you even make a 3D game look like that?

Where did you get that picture

the models are pretty good now they need to make then game run well though

water colour cell shading

those tiny carts can hold 64gb hon

by playing with shaders and textures

Don't be obtuse, we both know the more recent art is what is treated as the "official" artwork. That was official, but he made a conscious design to change the color palette.

>but he made a conscious design to change the color palette.
Yeah and it sucks, people like the old colours more.
The whole art direction in general for the franchise just gets worse with every gen

Polygon count threads on /vp/. The numbers are pretty varied for me to just brush it off as some ruse.

DQ11 did a good job of this with Toriyama's artstyle.

It will be just a higher-resolution (hopefully 60fps, 30 without drops), models are already future proof (high poly) and they have yet to use several walking/running animations already done.



It always saddens me seeing how washed out the colous are in the latest pokemon games, why did they chose to do this?

Models look good at higher resolution with no modifications watsoever

I'm not seeing it

Huh, that's pretty weird. I don't know how to feel about it.

No, it makes sense. Most of the polygons come from Primarina's hair.

>several walking/running animations already done.
Aw shit I can't wait for pokemon to follow me.

That's the most optimistic theory, but, it could be just animation for in-world pokemon doing shit or even a mistery dungeon game, not necesarily that.

I hope you also expect the pool of following Pokemon to be limited if they hope to do realistic sizes.

The future proofing of models gives me hope for the Switch game. But nothing will matter if GF can't get their act together in nearly every other department.


Mainline pokemon games have been always in cartoony artstyle and un-realistic in world proportions.
They can easily use unrealistic sizes in world and realistic size in battle.

This, it's what they do in-battle already.

The actual models are the proper size but they're scaled down/up in battles so that Wailord doesn't take up the entire screen and Joltik is actually visible.

Moving away from sprites was a mistake. Not letting pokemon follow you in B/W/2 was a mistake.

They aren't washed out, the entire fucking point of that image is to show that the models in gen 6/7 match the artwork: it's not the models are washed out, it's that the sprites are over-saturated.

>joltik is completely invisible

Colosseum and XD did the realistic sizes just fine.