Which Xbox One exclusives are you looking for this year?
Which Xbox One exclusives are you looking for this year?
You just posted them
Sea of Thieves, Crackdown 3, Ashen, State of Decay 2, and The Last Night. Good to know that most of them will be included on game pass. Thank you, based Microsoft
Sea of Thieves
Any updates on The Last Night?
Just bough Deep Rock Galactic.
Will check out Sea of Thieves (I liked alphas).
I'm honestly excited for Crackdown3 and The Last Night.
Not that I've seen, hopefully it will be at E3 this year.
You posted all of them.
Sega's new Xbone exclusive
Vanquish 2 and tenchu z 2 if they're out this year
Deep Rock Galactic is great so far and nobody is talking about it. Also crackdown 1 & 2 are both now backwards compatible so crackdown 3 looks hopeful
>watching the Sony marketer known as Dunkey
>tfw jsrf2
I would go buy and xbox just for that
Who caresabout soyga
They said they're announcing something Halo this year for a release this year, so probably that.
State of decay 2 the new ori and forza horizon 4.I love fh3 so I am excited to see whats next
>New Tenchu is Shadows Die Twice and is also Xbone exclusive
Oh my god if that's true this place will be on absolute fire.
according to the leak that contained Perfect Dark, FH3, Mech Assault, and Fable 4, FH4 will take place in Tokyo.
What if it's actually a new Otogi?
Damn I forgot from software developed that. All these sega published games can he true based on their deal with MS so anything is possible really
Won't be out for another few years at the very least. We don't know who they've given it to. The renewed domains seem to indicate at least 3 years.
>Won't be out for another few years at the very least. We don't know who they've given it to.
...what are you talking about?
Scalebound has been given to another company to develop and MS have renewed the domains and IP licensing or whatever it's called.
Besides nintendo, people don't choose platforms because of exclusives. Look at these exclusives and their sales numbers and then look at this multiplat
These aren't perfectly up to date but they don't even come close to call of duty
Exclusives are only important to nerds, people just buy whatever platform they're familiar with for the multiplats and to play with friends
Xbox and Xbox 360 BC
Sea of Thieves
Crackdown 3
State of Decay 2
Ori and the Will of the Wisp
Perfect Dark reboot
Fable reboot
Forza Horizon 4
Mech Assault reboot
Phantom Dust reboot
ReCore 2
Sega exclusive
Horizon outsold every game released on Xbox One in 2017
There's a larger userbase for the PS4 than the xbone, find me an exclusive that outsold the popular multiplats on the same platform otherwise you're missing the point.
>The last night is xbox exclusive
well, now I'm sad
No it didn't. PUBG released in 2017 and has sold a fuckload.
On Xbox One it did not sell more than 7 million copies though, most PUBG sales are on Steam.
Well it hit 1m in 3 days, 3m by the end of December and 5m by like mid Jan so I don't see why it would just stop selling
>find me an exclusive that outsold the popular multiplats on the same platform
in 2016 Call of Duty IW sold 7.5 mil on PS4, while Uncharted 4 did 8.6 mil
>find me an exclusive that outsold the popular multiplats on the same platform
>that outsold the popular multiplats
>popular multiplats
CoD BO3 sold 14.9 mil on ps4 alone. CoD IW got a lot of hate, just look at this reveal trailer's dislikes
I'm comparing the games that released the same year as each other
CoD IW was still the best selling multiplat that year
it fit the requirement of popular multiplats. stop moving goalposts
>the best selling game of the year isn't considered popular because of muh youtube dislikes
Damn nigga, you asked for a game he gave you one but it's not good enough, it's never enough for Sup Forums, keep moving the goalpost butt-heads, Sony will keep dropping those exclusives and devouring the competition
Obviously it's still relatively popular but not compared to other CoD games. A lot of the fanbase absolutely hated that it took place in the future. If you don't think this hurt the sales and that your evidence that exclusives are the reason normies buy consoles isn't circumstantial, then you're a fucking idiot and I'm done replying.
any source for this?
I thought pubg had hit 10 million on xbox alone already