Ah nu cheeki breeki iv stalker thread

Ah nu cheeki breeki iv stalker thread

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Jheeze been so long since I've seen a stalker thread, remember when they used to be a regular thing
Post the guide?

I was hoping this would blow up after seeing a thread earlier.

I remember seeing posts about 'neo v' around the 2010s but this level of fags who don't have a clue about the mediums their boards are based on is fuckin unprecedented
I bet less than 10% of Sup Forums (if that) have played stalker nowadays

>remember when they used to be a regular thing
Things started tumbling down around 2013. I wish things could go back, but they never will.
Huge overhaul mod with new maps and questline when?

Ahh lmao what was the name of that stalker mod that'd been in development for like 50 gorillion years and was meant to have 500 years of content and when it finally came out it took like 70 hours to torrent and compile then it turned out to be a steamin turd

>liking a game because its "hardcore"
go back to r*ddit

Reminder that Freedom is bunch of fags who wants to destroy world because DUDE WEED LMAO.
Duty is only option.
Loners and scientist are ok also.

>posting outdated trash

Go back to Sup Forums

What's Freedom endgame anyways?

Why do you exist
Like what is your actual purpose

I made the realization that I have seen about 3-4 stalker threads in the past couple years yet all of Sup Forums secretly dickrides Skyrim well acting like they play games like stalker

Even /leftypol/ would hate freedomcucks.
I bet you like measure you're dicks with other fat faggs like you, and then stick you weewee in your butts.
God I hate freedom

I see them regularly on /k/. More often than I do here funny enough. Same thing with fallout NV

I want to finally play stalker modded but i can't decide on a mod. I just want more guns(with gunporn if possible), more locations, more missions and a higher difficulty.

Also what's with all the nu-Sup Forums shitposts?

In the russian language sphere, amongst stalker fangs, Duty were always considered more Soviet oriented/inspired faction, whilst freedom was always considered a more pro-nato westaboo faction. Also some believed that it Freedom is a play and mocking on one of the Ukrainian nationalist parties that's called "Freedom".
Just as a side note.

Who here ready for stalker 2 coming out this year?

I guess my brain wasn't sure if I wanted to spell fags or fans.
Time for sleep.

>cheeki breeki
>reddit meme

I don't even know what to say anymore

>Freedom contains monolith
>Duty can hardly hold back the random mutants from the wild territory

Im cautiously damki, the others werent really that cheki to begin with but im pretty a nu atm

Fuck are you talking about? Duty wants to destroy the zone while Freedom wants to open it up to free trade. Duty is also probably causing the Zone's expansion, and Freedom has done more to make the Zone a safer place than Duty ever has.

Good Night, sleep tight!

I dunno what to think about an open world Metro game with that kind of inventory.


>Sup Forums considers stalker reddit
>Sup Forums shills overwatch
>Sup Forums was shilling fortnite

Skyrim fags should go back to /vg/, Skyrim threads are just image dumps with people shitting on Skyrim in between.

Is it open world or another linear wasted potential metro game

just ignore maybe it just leaves

it's just their way of saying chop chop.
An onomatopeic expression.


Breddy good for a 2007 game.

Having someone make a thread every once in a while is cheaper than paying 20 bux for ad space.
Also threads can't be hidden with adblockers.
Shilling via threads is just more convenient for publishers.

Most people seem to forget that nu-Sup Forums is now the majority on Sup Forums. We are being replaced as time moves on, that has been the case for years. Sadly Q4-2014 and the 2016 election sped up the progress. Apparently half of the posters on Sup Forums are phoneposting now.

They definitely have to overhaul the inventory system, that and the system they had for using items was trash. I think it will be a good game though. 4a studios is one of the last developers who are actually passionate about the games they make. Plus Slav developers are always the best

I’m phoneposting cause work but I’m pretty sure nu/v/ doesn’t remember stalkers release

The maps are supposed to be “non -linear”. So each level will be a large map to explore

Lost Alpha?

The only thing that turns me off about it is the crafting system.


Crafting in games nowadays is like zombies back in 2012ish, every fucking new release has to have it so they can market to normans

Euro games are always good but always have questionable menus and interfaces

it's "i v" not "iv", actually

a really cool drawfag taught me that

but to be honest I can just comfypost from bed now which is nice. No webms though.

Not the best but once it starts to include something of their culture, be it an AKM, they step up their game for sure.

>Around 2013
>That was 5 years ago
>I've been here since early 2011

Fucking kill me. Stalker is still a great game tho

Just download an app on your phone that can play wembs like VLC

Joint Pak 2 has literally everything you want and more
>Massive selection of guns/ammo types, including special guns
>Maps from all 3 games and even some shitty original ones
>Gigantic collection of new story missions, NPC quests, special artifacts/armor
>Literally the hardest game I've ever played
I'm currently wearing the 2nd best armor in the entire game and it still only takes 2 shots from the weakest bandits to fuck my shit up. Playing tactically and coming prepared is huge, even more so than in the vanilla game. Biggest downsides of the modpack? Garbage machine translation for most of the content and some of the quests are genuinely bullshit (all but unfindable caches, unfair enemy spawns). If you're handy with google translate, you can find guides on stalker-worlds.ru and even more helpfully, video guides on youtube as well.
Also, make sure not to kill Sergeant Kuznetsov in the Cordon. I paid 500000 rubles for that mistake.
I don't have my screenshots on this computer so have another russian game

Kinda illogical that 9*18 can still fuck you up so badly but it adds to the difficulty.
Has it such a great choice of ammo like Escape from Tarkov?

Found my screenshots. I don't know what kind of ammo EfT has, but there's a ton to collect here, and it's mostly accurate to the guns from my limited knowledge of firearms. This game is 100% a hoarder's paradise which is why I stuck with it for so long (be sure to lock your stashes though).
I can actually take a few 9x18mm hits, it's the shitty AKM and shotguns that are the worst offenders.

That sounds pretty much what i was looking for, especially the difficulty. However the translation is a big dealbreaker for me. Do you know if someone is working on a full english translation for it?

There was a guy working on it, but he hasn't been heard from in years. He made it through most of the main story quests from what I can tell, though. It's a huge bummer when I'm trying to take on a quest and it ends up being incomprehensible gibberish, but that's just how it goes when you play Russian fanmade modpacks.

Ok it features the most important classes.
EfT lives from gun autism so it has the most known soviet bullet types that went into mass production. Except incendiary, but soon I guess.
But stalker takes the more relaxing expirience for sure as it is singleplayer only.

Well, that's why /vg/ happen.

>2018 Sup Forums thinks STALKER belongs in reddit

Well, that's better than nothing i guess. I'll definitly try it this weekend.

who the fuck said that? i dont even think reddit knows about stalker outside of their sub

No it isn't.


Ok elaborate then.


Might be good
But I still have hopes that after cossacks, theyare making stalker 2 in secret.

This game is so fucking great, i spent several hours chunking on vodka and ravaging trough literal piles of garbage for cheap artifacts, and even felt accomplished.
I wish there was more

Ignore that single sad fucker, if you stop giving him attention he'll fuck off eventually.
He loves those angry (you)s.

That sounds great. Most of the ammo in JP2 is pretty much regular + AP which are both based off of the real ammo types (5.45x39mm, 7.62x39mm, 7.92x33mm, 7.62x54mm, 9x18mm, 9x19mm and more). There are also artifact-based "isomorphic" cartridges which are more expensive. Shotguns have 12x70 shrapnel, dart, slug, and buckshot rounds along with some other special variant which is extremely rare and can only be shot by a couple specialized guns. The shotguns in the game are really fun, you can actually fuck around with 2 different AA12 models, but the Remington magnum is more reliable for me.

>Get about ten hours into a save
>See chimera
>Pull out RPG
>Today is gunna be a good day
>Fire rocket
>It explodes right on the thing's dumb face
>Game crashes for the first time since I started playing
>Relaunch the game, select my last save, which was thankfully very recent
>"Alright this isn't so bad, I just have to walk a bit to get back to-"
>Game crashes
>Try again
>Crashes again
>Try a few more times, from different saves, even tried to start a new game to see if that even worked
>Nope, nothing works. All broken.


Just started Call of Chernobyl, played a bit as a Stalker, but I feel like I'm missing out
Should I go for a faction? And should I try the Story mode for the first time?

You've played the vanilla games right? CoC is just a free-play mod and is pretty barren

Yep, I've played them all. I know it's free play, but I like free play in this game, so I've tried it out.
Is there any better free play mod than CoC?

>Is there any better free play mod than CoC?
Not really, also if you want something more interesting then try starting as a faction you normally don't get to play as like Bandit, Monolith, Merc. You could also try downloading some faction war addons if you're into that.

Doom's Mod Merge for SoC is arguably better.

somewhat concerned

I feel you user
i can't even get call of pripyat to boot up anymore

Faction warfare and a weapon pack are pretty mandatory. Vanilla CoC has nothing going on, you just repeat randomly generated missions until you have the best gear in the game and then start over on a different character.

I like stalker because its one of the few games where youre a nobody that is completely alone trying to get ahead, and cool Slav aesthetic

I've downloaded the faction relations mod from the same guy who did the story mod for CoC. Would that be enough or should I also use something different.
Wanted to use A-live mod that made every area active at the same time but it took too long to load the game to use it

Last light wasnt good. Very low expectations for this one

>A-live mod
That addon isn't that great, just creates a lot of bugs in the AI and shit.

Honestly I stopped CoC and went back to vanilla because it was just so barren

Has anyone played Escape from Tarkov ?

I might get it for my Stalker + survival game itch but 35€ seems a bit to steep for me

Is this really the only reason you see why someone would like stalker?

Get fucked /leftypol/. Talk about a non sequitur.

Yes I've played it. It sucks ass, and it's nothing like STALKER, it plays a lot worse than it looks in the videos

They have said in December that there is an open beta coming, so hold on to that

Thank you for sparing my wallet, kind sir

Its a garbage game. the only redeeming thing is the insane weapon mod system

Get the Warfare mod instead, Dynamic Faction Relations is awful.
>get a mission to kill an enemy faction guy
>when you kill him you lose rep with his allied factions even if your faction is friendly to them
>lose enough rep and their friendly factions go to war with yours
>eventually you're hostile to every faction but your own
>there is no way to avoid this other than not killing anyone

No, YOU are the reddit

If anything it'll be like the stalker mission from last light. So something inbetween.

Never realy thought Metro held a candle up to STALKER. They should have made a Metro game where the whole Metro is explorable freely, instead of just an overworld thing

Are there any stalker roguelikes in the style of nethack?

>Also what's with all the nu-Sup Forums shitposts?
By that you mean the faggots from the last 5 years that have been trying to hijack the board with hate towards games that ACTUALLY were liked by Sup Forums?

hit me up on steam if they have an beta wave with keys they give out to the old fags of the game I'll pass you one
if you are interested

the best factions to play are the ones that are hostile to loners, they make for the most interesting characters to play

The netcode is shit but it has the right ingredients. Saying the whole game is just bad would be disingenuous as when it functions as intended it makes for some really cool operator gameplay. I don't support people just casually buying into it though, because it isn't a pick up & play experience. IMO you should only buy it at this point if you couldn't wait for the game to fully come out to test it.

>Saying the whole game is just bad would be disingenuous
but I don't like the way it actually plays, and you can't seriously say it plays ANYTHING like STALKER, and that user was asking for a comparison

A vy? Vy ne zhdote novogo metro, tovarischi?

Hmm it has it's stalker moments when you fight the AI but it is too hard with the PvP for a true chilling STALKER expirience.

when is it coming out anyway?

It'll be like the other Metros hopefully, fun 13 hour timewaster on a weekend. A new STALKER game would probably make me lose my marbles though.

Ne znayu. Veroyatno 2018?

>we will never get a stalker mmo
>we will never get together with other stalkers and explore the zone for artifacts
>we will never have faction wars with other players
Kill me now.

Brat, pozhaluysta... eto ne stoit teryat' nadezhdu, eta budet novaya igra. my prosto ne znayem, kogda.