What games?

What games?

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NieR: Automata
inb4 reddit


Splatterhouse 3, took me 6 years to finish

Batman arkham asylum

Unironically shadow of the colossus.
All my family was in the living room watching the last colossi and the ending.



Dark Souls 1 and 2



>that empty feel when you finish a game you've been playing for weeks
>that empty feel when you finish a show you've been watching for weeks

This feel is actually something that keeps me from wanting to try new games or shows nowadays.

>tfw you enjoy games but they aren't emotional experiences since you aren't a twelve year old


>tfw you confuse maturity with autism


There is no such thing as a great game

Nier, New Vegas, TLOU, Halo 3, and Persona 4 all come to mind. Call me a normie shitter, but I'm sincere.

Although it saddens me to realize that none of my picks are from this gen, despite my efforts to find something to like.

RE 1-4 in general
SH 1-4
Dark Souls
Demon's Souls
Half-Life 2 - episode 2
A Hat in Time fuck off it's great
NieR: Automata
The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind
MGS 1-3

>that spoiler
Don't worry, everyone knows that, people just meme it into oblivion.

Alan wake

Kotor 2

people think it is terrible and pedo bait though, that´s the vocal majority yes but they're also bumfuck retarded

Castlevania 3 - Dracula's Curse
Castlevania - Dracula X
Paper Mario - The Thousand Year Door
Resident Evil (Gamecube)
Resident Evil 4
Shadow of the Colossus
Danganronpa 2
SMT: Digital Devil Saga (1 & 2)

First metal gear solid on PlayStation. Only video games I had played prior to that were snes games like Mario and street fighter. Had ZERO clue games could be any deeper than Mario or movie tie in games. Imagine my face playing something like metal gear for the first time.

>suda 51
what is this meme, I played killer is dead and it was one of the worst games I own that I've played

Persona 4 Golden.

Shit was fucking cool.

Pic related seems like a contender as well.


Killer7 had such an impact on me it's all I thought about for nearly half a year and replayed it 5 times

Recently Xenoblade 2, that shit ruined video games for a month for me

I can't imagine that being the case when killer is dead's writing was such an appalling cheesy mess and the gameplay was dogpiss


TWEWY perfect for me when i was 19

To be honest Killer7 is the only suda game I adore, Killer is dead is OK and No more heroes is doghshit imo.

>I have shit opinion for the sake of controversy
weak bait

most recent experience with this was Kingdom Come: Deliverance. It felt like it ended too soon (even though the game is fairly long) but really, really made me want more.


La Mulana
Trails in the Sky SC
Deus Ex
Shadow Tactics
Ultima Underworld
Link to the Past

Probably more.

The Witcher 3
Shadow of the Colossus
KotOR 2


>inb4 t. libcuck
>inb4 leddit
>inb4 muh stronk womyn

If you took this game for what it was and understood the message it was trying to convey. The game was pretty good and for the first time made me actually think about what it must be like to have schizophrenia.

I have schizophrenia and this game has it completely wrong and makes us seem like mad people that see flaming death trees and dead relatives

she has Psychosis, not schizophrenia

tbf I know someone who has schizo and he sees his family with their heads chopped off all the time

Just finished Okami again.

God the last bit of that game makes my fucking dick diamonds.

This feeling is 10 times worse when you've finished a long series of books or a TV series


For a mod this was fucking amazing. Bethesda could learn a few things from these guys who managed to make a city larger than five houses.

The story development and character progression were great. Even the voice acting was spot on. Though short and limited in scope compared to Skyrim. The whole thing was a wild ride and presented a difficult and meaningful choice at the end.

Bravely Default

MGS2 and Persona 3, both of which coincidentally have sequels that should be ignored.


Demon Souls did it for me

Tiz a shit

As a 15 year old i actually felt like pic related after finishing GTA 4

I actually laughed out loud at this.
You're adorable user, Nico best GTA protagonist.

Sorry senpai

Here you go

Japan, please stop being so pedo-normative.

This, but holy hell I hate this game almost as much as I do bloodborne

Agnes was worst

All AoE2 Age of Kings and Conquerors original campaigns and missions

The new expansions campaigns are very hard tho

Yakuza 0

this was a good

My nigga

>posts generic fantasy setting followed by vague description that does nothing to describe the game, just shits on bethesda and skyrim
kill yourself

Kotor 2. The game was really special with the restored content mod. It sucks Obsidian was rushed to finish it and that the series got killed because of SWTOR.
This song really fucks me up

killer7 does a good job of toeing the line between being so nonsense that you have no clue what you just played and feeling like, despite the fact that you may not understand any of it, that it actually does make sense if you can just out it all together. That's a good formula for leaving you with a lot to reflect on and, though I didn't love it when I first played it, I've come to appreciatemit a lot overtime.

it's a full conversion mod for skyrim called enderall

Hyper Light Drifter

>Now I understand... endings and beginnings are within the Fissure, that Riven-cleft of stars that acts as both wall and a bridge. And though I am unable to understand how, the very flow of stars that brought my Myst book into worthy hands, I am sure, served as a safe passage home for my friend. The Age of Riven is closed forever, but the people of Riven are free. And now, I am at rest, understanding that in Books, and Ages, and life... the ending can never truly be written.

Dragon's Dogma, Portal 2 and Persona 4 at the top of my head

Earthbound and Mother 3

sounds like someone who'd end up in the nightmare threads on /aco/

Brave Fencer Musashi


Me after portal 2 when I was 12

I did the smallest fist pump after beating SK: Plague of Shadows the other day.

This is the last one that I can remember giving me that post-completion feel.
All other games recently have just been "alright"