Have a 390x and it runs very...sputtery...

Have a 390x and it runs very...sputtery? Like a lot of things suddenly have a seizure for no reason and even though the game says its giving me 60fps it feels like it's not. Anyone else having these issues?

Why is this shit 50 buckerdoos on PC with everythign coming with it but 75 buckaroos on PS4 with everything

same issue here, game is stuttering like mad even with a constant 60fps, turning off/on vsync doesn't do shit either

do you have pre-covfefe lake intel cpu?

nope, 8600k OC'd here

Because console faggots will eat anything and everyone knows it which is why shit like PSPlus is a thing (which microdick tried to pass off on PC earlier with Windows Live and failed spectacularly). PC players would be highly unlikely to buy this game in numbers knowing they got fucked for over a year and they would have to pay the new game price without the DLC.

lol mustardrace

Odd, Though square isn't exactly known to make good PC ports.

Use Radeonmod and set the flip queue/renderahead to 1 or 2, because as of last November, my Fury didn't have the option to change these extremely important settings

hoping someone will come out with a thing similar to DSfix on release or something to fix this garbage

Works on my 580 8GB.

It's going to be released alongside a "Royal Edition" for the PS4 and XBOne that has everything from the first Season Pass, just like the PC version. So it's the same price for anyone who hasn't already bought the game.

>SE game being terribly optimized


True that, but most Japanese PC ports don't hype themselves on "Rebuilt from the ground up with the help of NVIDIA for high-end PCs!"

>dual GPU card
probably the issue

Reminder that you're a fucking moron if you pay for this shitty mess of a game.

I can't get PS4 or Wii U pro controllers to work, both of them just have the analog sticks as being all fucked up and none of the buttons work.

I've already watched the movie when does the anime happen?

I liked the demo. Can't wait for the game to come out next week. 1080p 60fps max settings.

Anime is further backstory to these shallow and uninteresting characters.

Same, nice chill game travelin with my bros

Seems to be done technically stable at least. Shame they didn't port it fully for PC.

To get hyped for the game I'm going to re-watch each episode of brotherhood each day starting today, and end with the kingsglaive movie on monday.

>avatarfag getting hype for this

my sides - I can't wait for the utter disappointment you're going to experience

Thank you for the idea, I will do this too!

It's just shills talking to themselves. Just let this thread die.

You got it on console i assume? its fucking 100gb+ on pc i wont be able to play the game until the next day after launch x.x

>I liked the demo

What did you like about it? The bland combat, or empty open-world?

Nope, windows edition. 100 gigs takes about half an hour for me.

It was comfy and the combat reminded me of games like crisis core/dissidia/FFXIII-3. I like ARPG games with a slice of final fantasy equipment/items in it and the teleporting mechanic was fun to use. I'm not really good at describing technical things like this so i guess I'll just say it was comfy and fun for me. I love the diners, walking with your buddies, riding in the car, camping out together....

>liked the combat
>comfy buzzword

I think I understand.

I still cannot fathom how anybody can like that shitty, shallow combat.

avatarfagging is against the rules


I watched the first episode of Brotherhood and I'm curious. Does the first episode take place right before the start of the game or during act 1?

He liked Crisis Core. Its just shit taste.

I feel bad for the idiots getting hype for this genuinely bad game. It's gonna be a repeat of asshurt when the game first came out.

I thought the game has been improved over the year by updates and the DLC, rendering it twice the game it was on launch?

Does the game have a lore page/beastiary like FFXIII where you can read about the story?


No, they just added more bloat.

What do you mean by bloat? Like, lore?

They just added shit that should've been in the base game. That combat and story are still trash.

So, improved. Thanks for the info.

nvidia equivalent of this?

Mexican outfits and chocobo shirts. Also boring character dlc that really should've been part of the main game. But hey, it's SE. They'll milk the everloving shit out of this game.

What the fuck is with these textures? Looks like Photoshop spray tool.

Only improvement is ability to control other characters, and even then you have to keep switching out of Noctis at the beginning of battle because Ignis is OP as fuck. Take it how you will. This game is still a boring mess. Don't fall for the hype unless you're looking for disappointment.

next gen experience

This screenshot just reminds me how every single quest in the game is a fetchquest, even the main storyline mission.

You poor fool..

Gonna upgrade my PC just to play this turd. Wish me luck

You're wasting money.

For what purpose?

doesn't matter how updated your pc is, still runs like assholes

When you make a magic grenade, is it unlimited on the timer or is it a one-time use? Is it in my best interest if i'm going against a foe I know is weak to fire to pump all my points into a fire flask?

I assume the limit on flasks is to limit the number of grenade types you can make so you can't make one super grenade of each, yeah?

god the magic in this game is pure ass

For me, it only happens in hubs. Vehicle tires are especially sputtery. Some NPCs. I've tried altering all settings. Hopefully the demo enlightens SE early enough to patch whatever the bug is for launch.


my sides
just how fucking stupid are you people

I like the magic, I just hate how it can damage my friends and I have to worry about them when I'm trying to destroy an enemy.

It's scary when people like can't even get the basics right. It's not that difficult to understand.

This game has been beefed up considerably for the PC port, and it has official mod support. I think they're really trying with this one, foolish optimist that I am.

>tfw I bought a ps4 pro so I could play this game in 60fps
>only now can I finally experience this
>doesn't matter because the game is shit anyway

SE has caught onto the putting out half-finished games, having players pay full price to play test, then they can just patch whatever they want in later.

But I understood the basics just from the tutorial. I'm asking if there's any point in making weak spells on purpose instead of just dumping your energy into your flask to make superbombs since the flask itself doesn't get "used up", just has a cooldown.

Also does this game run at 120fps? Why is there an option for it if it doesn't?

Money is only wasted when not spent. It's not like I'll pay for the game user. I'll just buy a 960 or something equally not inflated.

I don't believe this.

Because I want to

Watch how this loser tries to convince you that it'll finally be a good experience in 2 years when it gets modded out the ass

This. Not even being contrarian, but I personally got burned by this game too.

I'm enjoying the demo fine enough. Excuse me if I'm not so desperate to be anti-shill that I end up bashing people who legitimately enjoy it.

Honestly, I won't buy the PC port immediately. I'll hold out like a smart fellow and wait to see what's in store, because after having dedicated over 70 hours to it on PS4, i'm not gonna buy it all over again unless people mod it the fuck out to be way better. Granted, I was gifted the game and only paid $25 for the season pass, but still.

If the modding's extensive enough that people can actually alter the progression system and combat to any significant degree, it might be worth a revisit.



so are prompto's pictures stored somewhere on your pc when you save them?

I don't need to bash you, you already have to live with your shit taste. It's a fate worse than death.

kek true

>I love the diners, walking with your buddies, riding in the car, camping out together

That shit gets old REALLY fast, by the way.

frame pacing issues

No, that's something for the Cloud

>boot up the demo
>plays super smooth, combat is fun
>all quests are: kill 3 monsters, deliver this item, collect 2 items
>the world (at least the one available in the demo) is completely barren

not sure if its just early game or stuff stripped for the demo, but I cant decide on buying it full price. Ive heard so many different things from this game

That's basically the entire game. I wish I was lying.

>combat is fun
Fucking how can anyone think this?
Also, the entire game is fucking fetch quests and go here kill this.

so basically it's the engine's problem?


when you grow up, you will understand these things. Until then, you're going to have a very difficult time discussing anything with anyone.

>all quests are: kill 3 monsters, deliver this item, collect 2 items
>the world (at least the one available in the demo) is completely barren

That's the game.

Get off your high horse you braindead fuck. You literally enjoy holding a button down.

You're not talking about the combat.

It's well optimized.

>doesn't even explain what he liked about the combat
>instant retaliation and insults

You'll fit into the XV fanbase perfectly.


Same person


Because they aren't retarded like you.

No it fucking isn't. It's got pacing and stuttering issues out the ass.

>if you have an opinion I dont, you're on a high horse

hit a nerve, huh?

>you have to go into a complete detail of everything when you make a short post of what you enjoyed in a game DEMO

No it isn't.

Kek c'mon user I have a 1080 and even I know that's a joke

By the way, is anyone getting weird character model glitches where they spaz out for a split second then go back to normal

It seems to run way better (1070ti) after I set the framerate to 60 over 120, constant 60 fps vs jumping between 45 and 100

>you have to write a thesis about why you like it but I'm allowed to make blanket statement shitposts against the game!

>still can't elaborate

Of course you're a brainlet.

It’s $50 on consoles too falseflagging dipshits

It's confirmed it is well optimized by everyone who actually has a good PC.

Way too obvious.

wow so this is how you win
