What went wrong
What went wrong
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They wrote a really bad Deep Purple pastiche for the boss theme and had an ancient Ian Gillan sing out of his range on it.
my only problem with the game was I didn't understand the system where you can like learn new spells and such so when I got to the end boss I was fucked otherwise it was a very comfy old school JRPG
No PC port.
I never played it, but I wanted to. I did love Lost Odyssey though
>omg is that deep purple XD
Every fucking thread.
Fucking this.
The song was horrible and killed all interest in the game.
>mfw i actually enjoyed it
Thought it was an alright game. Definitely better ones out there, but I liked my time with it as a kid
The rest of the soundtrack is pretty kino, though.
Fuck you. That song is hype. I don't understand the hate at all.
Its as bland as you can get outside of the boss theme. Which you can hear in a better game anyways.
They tried to emulate Toriyama's style in 3d but it came off as very plastic and lifeless.
>kids who played this when it came out can post on Sup Forums now
fuck, I am too old
It sounds like a shit mid-'80s Purple outtake and Gillan sounds really bad on it. What's to like?
Just listen to In Rock or Machine Head for the millionth time.
I haven't played it since release so I wouldn't really know. I do remember enjoying it though.
>Tons of fps drops in battles
>Little to no voiceover in battles
>Shitty backgrounds
>Shitty combat
>Battles were just shit in general
This song was fire though
On a similar note, how's Lost Odyssey?
Seems to be Mistwalker's crowning achievement but I just havent gotten around to playing it. Really wish it'd get ported SOMEWHERE.
is that dragon his stand
People will argue that it's really the last big-budget traditional FF game.
I'm still wondering if it is region locked? The list out there aren't very reliable.
As far as I remember it wasn't.
I dunno, I never played it.
I liked the anime though.
I traded this in to gamestop like a year after release and they offered 1.75. I laughed and the guy said its because MS flooded the market with the game. I sais then why do you sell it for 19.99?
Gamestop btfo
you're both faggots, Eternity is great
The real question is who used it better: this game or Charles Barkley?
Japanese devs thinking the Xbox was a good idea
I need this
Xbone BC version completely fixes the framerate and actually makes the battles play better. Not perfect but a massive improvement
Imagine FF but instead of quirky teenage/young adult heroes saving the world, you got a contemplative and complex tale about immortality. Also all the fucking feels.
Sometimes I think this game was just a figment of my imagination.
I remember watching my mum play it but I have severely blurred memories of what it actually was.