How the fuck were you supposed to know you had to avoid the ghosts and eat all the dots?

How the fuck were you supposed to know you had to avoid the ghosts and eat all the dots?

Trial and error

Read the Cabinet, or let the Eye-Catch play.

Because ghost are scared, and he makes funny noise when eating the balls

fun fact: this game has made millions from people initially trying to eat a ghost

fucking kids... you had a demo playing before you inserted the coin, so you could learn about the game before spending money.

fun fact: this user slurps semen for breakfast

Someone illiterate and unable to read the instructions emblazoned on the front of the cabinet could try to eat the ghosts and avoid the dots, but I imagine after the first couple of deaths they could work it out.

what's up with the red circles
these instructions are just making me more confused

Good question

Arcade games have instructions on the cabinet though

Read the cabinet
>But I can't read
Watch the attract mode demo, which shows everything you need to know
>But how do I know I'm suppose to eat all the dots
The fuck else you gonna do? Run around an empty maze forever?

How were you supposed to know to put a cartidge in this thing?

this, i don't know if there are even arcade cabinets without demos

I think they're meant to point out the visual cues that user was getting at.

How was I supposed to know to pull the door open to get inside the arcade?

>walk into first mushroom
>it kills you
>walk into second mushroom
>gives you a power-up
Explain this shit.

You could easily tell it was a power up since you had to "activate" it and it doesn't have eyes.

>doesn't have eyes sounds stupid but it works

>inb4 loss

>boot up Bezerk for the first time
>enemies are closing in on me so I try ti get behind cover
>die from touching the wall

What the fuck Atari!?

How the fuck were you supposed to know?


>build tall tower
>lose game

not him but you say that like it's a bad thing around here?

>boot up game
>die instantly
what the fuck capcom?

Who the fuck is Blue Pac-Man?