The combat is really fun in this.
The combat is really fun in this
Best thing about the game. Enemy ai is generally above average, shame friendly ai literally gets in the way (running around in tbe open).
love chucking bricks at people's faces and running up and smashing them in the face with a 2x4. good stuff
Wut ? AI was beyond retarded.
shit thread
I love just going berserk and using up all my resources to kill everyone as quickly, violently and brutally as possible. Then I just restart the encounter and try to do it a little differently
I used to do the same shit with reloading my quicksaves in Max Payne 2 and FEAR. To me it is a surefire signal that a game has good gameplay
Playing it is the worst part of it
i love reading tlou contrarian faggots nitpick endlessly whle it will forever be a consensus best game of all time
goddamn user
that was some SATISFYING AS FUCK combat
In general, the guns have some of the hardest impact you'll ever see, and the fact that the game has a flow to go with it just makes it so goddamn fun when you decide to play john wick mode
>that execution at the end
god damn it i need to play this again
One cool thing I didnt find out til much later on is that the shotgun can kill an enemy (even one wearing a kevlar helmet) in a single shot from really fucking far away if you just perfectly put the center pixel of its huge open crosshair over their tiny head. Shit feels like a sniper rifle with no scope sometimes
bump, we need more webms here
can we just acknowledge how fucking overpowered the molotovs are in online
There should have been a mirror mode bonus feature
I only play on grounded
My 2nd favorite game of all time
EXACTLY this that I enjoyed with TLOU. Wish there was more survivor v survivor combat. Hated the infected areas.
Too bad it plays itself
It was more enjoyable getting through with as little combat as possible. Especially on grounded difficulty. Only annoying part is that snow level where you are forced into combat in that narrow corridor.
>the bloodspatter
>the shotgun power
Multilayer is great. I think it's still alive.
I think it's still going on PS3. Need an online pass though.
That was wicked
Even ninja movies have all out moments
>ITT faggots circle jerking over basic cover shooting combat slapped onto a movie just to justify people referring to it as a "game"
The Last of Us is not a shooter, you never played the game or you'd know if you play it like a shooter you'll immediately run out of ammo and you will be sucked
Will I like this game if I hate zombies and thought uncharted was the equivalent of a shitty summer blockbuster
the online component is the multiplayer MGO3 should've been. It's the natural progression of stealth MP and the maps (with the exception of the subway one) are all brilliant. Probably haven't played a MP in the past 5 years more than the one for this game
You're right. I guess cover based bottle/brick thrower is more apt, cuz that's all I did.
>" I just came into this thread to tell you to stop liking things I don't like"