How did your legendary summons go? Post your damage report:
>280 orbs
>BIke x2, Summer Corrin, Dorcas x2
How did your legendary summons go? Post your damage report:
>280 orbs
>BIke x2, Summer Corrin, Dorcas x2
Other urls found in this thread:
Which girl has the best pits?
>Bike breaks pity
>Shiro break pity
Did I do the right thing?
how about you guys move on and play a superior gacha game
A few blue orbs and a single red orb.
Nothing interesting, I want Grima and maybe Celica, and I know there's fairly little chance of me getting femui so eh, stopped there.
I have 4 orbs.
I play this for the FE characters mate, I don't deliberately seek out gacha crap otherwise.
What gacha have good daddies like this
Then I guess you're not getting Grima then unless you get extremely lucky.
There is no superior gacha game
>a superior gacha game
Such as?
Tell me about it.
3 off banner pity breakers and I'm sitting at 3.5% on the villain banner.
And they aren't even useful ones as units for the most part, just fodder, I got a second Luke, a Titania, and a -Atk Katarina.
>15 orbs
>no 5* or good fodder
The Langrisser gacha is not out yet.
Damn that's some shit luck. I got my Hardin as my first 5* on that banner then Titania followed by Minerva. I just kept pulling once daily after that. Then I wake up one day and do my pull and get Grima. It just tiring.
Having gacha is a detractor of quality.
>250 orbs on Fallen Heroes
>Trash and a +Spd -Atk Hardin
>Scrap whatever I can and try if I have better luck on b8
>36 orbs for a Fae merge
I guess I'll skip the next banner and go full monk until CYL2. Dunno whether to keep rolling on Fallen Heroes or not, I'm at 3'5
Yeah, just completed the Book 2 Chain Challenges for those 4 orbs, still can't be fucked to do the PoR and SoV ones in Book 1.
Have fun with the Grima though.
When will I be able to summon Lethe in this game?
Mia and Micaiah are high tier armpit territory.
I'll try but since he has -res +spd and not having a great armor team he gets taken out pretty easily by red mages in high level challenges. Hardin can really hold his own though.
Got a dorcas, a gunthra, and FIVE FUCKING SUMMER CORRINS, off of lile 90 orbs.
That's some pretty good luck desu.
This is a good start? Because there's a banner saying I can choose between 4 characters and I don't know who's the best option there.
Stop playing this exploitive game.
Eh, that's not too awful, I'd be happy with those. Ward Armor would be sufficient (I take it you have BK and some Draugs to pass it to him and his buddies?), or you could just run him with dragons that could counter his weaknesses.
Zelgius and Hector are great. Olivia and Hardin are shit.
Calm down user, take solace in the fact that when she comes out, even if she turns out to be just ok and not very good, she will be better than 80% of the cast due to powercreep.
Or what? do you prefer she suffers the fate of Tacomeme just for an earlier entry date?
Well sure, but the thing is i already had one summer corrin.
The fuck do i do with these? Merge? I just wanted my nigga ephraim.
God damn my dude thats amazing. Just pick Brave Lyn for the 4 characters. Shes the best one in there. You can also go with Brave Ike but since you already have Hector it shouldn't be that big a problem.
I wish I had good dragons
> 80 orbs
> Shiro and Jafar
I somehow doubt I should be happy. Should I?
Give a mage or two Swift Strike.
Surely you've rolled Nowi, some usable IV ATiki, and Fae, right? They aren't rare like Myrrh or YTiki but they're still very good overall for the most part.
It's basically amazing. Pick lyn. Faceroll everything.
Why use exploitive over exploitative?
>the king
>the general
>the whore
>the berserker
Holy fuck user, that's a 10/10 composition.
He can choose BIke for Steady Breath fodder.
Pretty good start. You've got 3 Distant Counter armors and PA Olivia are going to carry you through a lot of the content for a while. As for the banner with 4 characters, you'll probably want to stick with Brave Hero Lyn (BLyn) if want to have some strong units. They'll all strong in their own right but Blyn has managed to stay relevant through the months. BLucina is a good buffer and Lance units. BIke is a good tank. BRoy is a good offensive unit to make use of cav buffs similar to BLyn.
I would say if you're not picking for your favorite characters it would be as follows:
Lyn > Lucina = Roy > Ike
Few 3* tiki, shit IVs 4* fae and 3 4* nowi with shit to average ivs but I guess I'll focus on armor cause of hardin
Yeah forgot about Steady Breath. Then again with his luck he might just pull a couple of them in the Legendary Hero Banner.
Literally 0 bucks spent after over a year.
It's say yes. I personally have the resources to do the same build, since I have a spare Bike and a Shiro, but I've hesitated pulling trigger on spending those resources because I want to see how Brazen Def/Res does for him. I value mixed tanks very highly, and they are rare, so if Brazen allows him to take zero damage more often, for me that is desirable. If I find it isn't enough, even at +4 Brazen and +Res, then sure, I'll turn him into a blue BK and do Steady Breath/Aether.
Yeah I wanted to do ward breath to have a bulk res unit but no extra Vike. Brazen ability is amazing dealing with the infernal GHB so I can always switch them around when needed.
Ike is too young to be a daddy, you pervert.
Well yeah Grima, Hardin, and BK make a solid armor team. Just fill out that last slot with something nice.
>17 in PoR, 20 in RD
Only got a +HP -Res Mia so far in one roll. I'm waiting for my stamina to refill so I can do the Robin and Water Blessing quests to gather more orbs.
Even with minus attack, Hardin had one point higher attack than Sheena, the best mixed wall in the game. He is not trash, don't despair. Run a 3 turn special like Bonfire and body your defenses as high as you can, and you will have a valuable armor unit.
Mate you can be a father at like 11 or 12. Or are you implying you never ejaculated until you were 30?
>~200 orbs
>LEphraim, Dorcas, 2x Shiro, BIke, Mia
Aside from shit IV's, wasn't that bad.
Luckshitted a +Atk/-Def Ephraim on the free draw.
No one is talking about Ike being a literal father in this case. A "daddy" is something else.
We can't have any fun now can we. All we have is Hector, Dorcas, or Hardin. My choices are limited. I don't want my daddy to be jagen or Oliver. Every one else gets anamazing mommy, waifu, or daughter.
I'm already boared with LEph. When is LLucina coming?
>Another gambling thread
Stop making threads you shitter there's a general for a reason
>SCP shitters mad that their threads got banned
Not bad, considering the average is 80 orbs for just one 5*
What's a good build for a +Atk/-HP SCorrin? I've looked around and most builds seem to rely on +Spd.
>60 orbs
pretty good imo
>What's a good build for generic X emblem mage? I'm too stupid to figure it out.
I think that shit ended earlier today it's just autists being autistic
it's okay I guess
wanted gunnthra, finally got gunnthra
If anybody is thinking about buying orbs to whale on a b8% banner, just watch this video. You won't want to buy anything for a while.
go get your free fjorm bitch
There's no thread up right now so i'd assume the ban is still in effect.
5* in FGO have a 1% rate though.
I've whaled $500 for FEH. Yet I will never spend a cent on FGO aside from their guaranteed summons.
>skipped the New Years TT and missed out on the QR seal
I have a +ATK -SPD Hardin and I'll never be able to do him justice.
>Three top-tier armors and a ranged dancer who's also one of the few good daggers
Jesus Christ user give me some of that luck, that team alone can trivialize most of the game
>500 orbs
>4 shiros (one +att/-hp, rest are meh)
>1 gunnthra (-att)
>1 jaffar (+hp/-def or res idk)
>2 Summer Corrin (+Res/-Def, +HP/-Def)
>1 Ephraim (+Att/-Res)
Wish I got a +Spd Corrin, but I'm okay with it. Fucking got 3 Shiros in a row before a Corrin showed up, it hurt.
There's not many of them and some of them were talking about how one of the mods let them post SCP threads as long as no IPs were shared but who knows shit are always changing with some of these mods.
>le 1% face
>being a lucklet
>IPs were shared
What? Sounds like I missed some board drama, someone give me a quick rundown
How much money was that? And not even NP2. What's even the point of this game besides lining Nasu's pockets?
>Have to be a luckshitter to play a game
>150 orbs
>1 Olivia merge
>-spd Jaffar
Olivia merge is all I wanted from it, so I'm not gonna complain too much. Would have liked a Jaffar that is actually usable, though.
what's a good A skill for a +spd :D?
I was thinking fury
I've gotten all the 5* servants I wanted in FGO within 90-180 quartz. So far Nero Bride was the hardest, but I had 500 saved for her just in case. Now to wait 2-3 months for Shuten, then another 3 months or so for my daughter Illya
Awesome desu.
I got 627 orbs saved since the start of the year, I was planning on using them on veronica, but she'll take a while to show up and I can barely control myselk from not summoning, should I just do it?
Maybe it wasn't ips since I just skimmed it but I think they use it to connect to servers to play the SCP game they post about. There was nothing malicious about it. But yeah mods were deleting SCP threads cause one of the mods became very anal for some reason.
Zelgius, Arden, Camus, Saber, Hawkeye, Karel, Clive, Rienhardt, Bartre, and probably Frederick and Saizo are all at least upwards of 25.
Hector is 17.
>lying on an anonymous image board website
>FOTM game with constant Sup Forums threads because it's a FOTM game
>a small group of faggots make it their mission to report every single thread possible and tell them to go to /vg/
>mods actually listen, even though generally FOTM threads get around a month until getting sent to /vg/ hell
save them for one more month
then roll for halloween nowi
He blew at least $700.
This same guy also whaled in FEH when it launched. He bought over 3000 orbs to get Hector, who was an off-focus unit. He didn't even snipe greens, he did full rolls.
He later dropped the game when Hector was a focus on a banner.
There's a chance after the update that they'll allow older seals to be craftable.
They've done it before with seals like Iote's Shield
Just quoting what you said friendo.
Roll for mordred
So he just plays FGO for (You)s? Is he a saudi oil prince or something?
You will be able to craft the seal in the forge in the future. Every time we get a version update, past steals get added to the forge.
Most longtime players don't notice because they just earn all the seals on the first go around.
Looks like fire emblem fags are starting to get uppidy time to remind them where they stand on the pecking order
He's an investment banker, so he's actually pretty well off. That doesn't matter though, because in the video he later explains while pouring money into the game and rolling that FGO is starting to cut into his life upkeep and no-no savings. At one point his roommate comes out and asks him to pay his part of the rent.
>FGO is starting to cut into his life upkeep and no-no savings.
Damn that bad huh? Does he still roll on every banner?
The art on some of those aren't that great and LA Hector could be older since he talks about his daughter. Again we can't have fun.
>has to use data from eight months ago
>going for S!Corrin
>get a strictly worse Gunn when I have no blue
Is there a worse feeling?