>obscure Vidya Facts / Secrets / Lore
Obscure Vidya Facts / Secrets / Lore
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haha I'm posting this on reddit
There was going to be an old man game over sequence in Ocarina of Time.
You can tell that's just his N64 model. Lazy fucks.
i always thought this dying animation looked really stupid
Why the sudden really big RED (almost goggle-looking) eyes?
It just looks like he has a big mean insect replacing them rather than the 'surprised' look they were going for.
Furthermore, why the tears if hes surprised? They end up looking like snot more than anything
hi lanky kong
Old Man Link shows up in Warioware Smooth Moves at least
I thought it was just a gag in Warioware
Theyre not tears, just the skin. As for the red it's flustered.
I always wanted to see an old veteran link.
The only thing we got was stalfos link.
I imagine old veteran Link being very similar to Geralt.
Post more Mario LORE
I don't know what I'm supposed to be seeing here...
how did his sub fit thru the hole?
can it shrink and expand?
The castle exterior is smaller than its interior
Wow what great attention to detail, they really thought of everything, deepest lore
what if bowser used his magic to expand peach's interior?
If you take just the left side and mirror it horizontally in an image editor, it makes a picture of Mario dying
Mario is flipping you off
they are tears
Couldn't he just expand the door as well? Or you mom for that matter?
wow, he
it just took some damage and shrunk
what if he wasnt the first mario
Is this real?
This user knows.
FFIII remake
Tons of japanese dialog based on earlier draft of the script.
Lots of lore about both the characters and the world in general.
Yes, it's not obscure at all though.
it's a big surprised anime expression
the old 80's Mario mangas used to show Mario doing that face a lot.
>but first, we have to talk about parallel universes
There is apparently a recolored Mario sprite in my favorite SEGA game.
The game was made during Console Wars.
Here is a video just to show how the game plays though: youtube.com
Reminds me of how Sonic's shoes and Earthworm Jim's gun appear in the ending of DKC2
Some redditor thought Mario's left side looked like an N64 controller. Honestly, I don't see it
Tower of the Gods is the only advanced technology in Wind Waker and the boss is a giant robot
That was pretty much confirmed the second they made Skyward Sword, user
His eyes aren't big and red, they're a single black pixel. His face is red because he's flustered. Yes, it's pretty stupid looking.
How much data mining did you have to do to find this
The character in that video deforms a little too much in some animations, but it looks pretty cool otherwise. I really like the music.
the great bay temple in majoras mask is also the only place with technology
That makes some sense, but I'm pretty sure Bowser's thoroughly used Peach's front and back door.
thwomps can die
never finished that stage as a kid, i remember there being huge stacks of those flowers i couldn't get over.
How the hell do you see big red goggle eyes?
FFVII and FFX take place in the same universe
Ace Combat and Ridge Racer take place in the same universe
The Red Faction games are a movie series within the Saints Row universe
Iroquois Plissken is Solid Snake
>Iroquois Plissken is Solid Snake
It's stated multiple times in MGS2 that that's not true. Did you even play the game?
Thought red faction was set in the far future of saints row (before 3 ruined the series completely).
>JUST eyes
In SR3 DLC, you go to a Red Faction movie set. Also, Shaundi has a voice cameo in RFG.
are those beady eyes or are they just the highlights of her closed eyelids
Greenwoods Village from Diddy Kong Racing appears in two other Rare games.
Jet Force Gemini and Mickey's Speedway (through hacking).
Oh so its non canon whew. For a second there i thought it was legitimate
Super Mario Bros 2 is called Doki Doki panic in Japan.
They just reskinned that game for us because the real mario bros 2 was considered too hard.
Yes, it is.
I don't fucking know how I could notice this since I didn't had internet back in the day, and didn't knew anyone with the game, but I enjoyed breaking them and repairing them with the song over and over again.
Tifa's Theme is in Ghost Trick.
>real mario bros 2 was considered too hard.
then why is the US version of dynamite headdy harder than JPN verison?
That only makes sense if you believe Kojima actually had a plan and wasn't just making it up as he went along.
same with streets of rage 3
I recall some story about blockbuster meddling with the localization or some shit like that, so it was made harder and people will rent it more, but I'm not sure of the validity of it all and never cared enough to google it
>dynamite headdy
>super mario 2
Are you really comparing those two games unironically?
I've still never beat the game...
I go back to it every now and then and try.
I've gotten to what I think is the final boss but its like freaking impossible.
Sega Saturn had some cool games.
Why is bowser wearing a cock ring?
If he takes it off, he would die.
It still pains me that Streets of rage 3 is so annoying to play. Cant get the ending without hard mode. On hard all the enemies cut ur life in half with two punches. The 3 minute time limit final boss with 8 energy bars.
What did he do to get locked up like this?
Really it's just up to how the developers felt. Usually games were made easier when moving between regions because they were playtested more thoroughly at that point. This works both ways, from Japanese games going to the USA, and USA games going to Japan.
However during the 90s, it was common for the default settings of Japanese arcade games to be made much more difficult when being ported to America. This was because American customers were much more likely to credit feed. Konami was notorious with this, and didn't even include dip switches to set the difficulty back to the Japanese versions.
>big boss gets misled into his body double using him as the body double
Why does everybody love him, again?
Same with Battletoads as well.
>Iroquois Plissken is Solid Snake
What when and how did they get away with it?
the prestige.webm
4 u
>Mozart being a alive
This is such a stupid fucking meme that needs to die already. If Mozart was alive today, he'd be over 250 years old and there's no way I could live that long.
You've revealed yourself, Mozart.
Those are the outline of his ears.
This is a false flag by Beethoven
Don't believe his lies
Textures from RE4 files.
Resident Evil and Megaman Legends share the same universe.
Whats up with nintendo hidding creepy shit in kirby games?
>too hard
While that may be a factor, the bigger reason is that graphics had gotten a lot better on the NES between when the first two were released in japan, and the first one being released in the US.
They didn't think the game would sell with outdated graphics, so they just reskinned Doki Doki.
Also, I'm not sure if this was a problem at the time or if the rights were lost later, but the Doki Doki cast belong to fuji television, So even in Japan the mario version is the only one to see re-releases on virtual console and similar services.
I post this every time this thread is created but
Hideo kojima was parodied on the kids show level up and was called hideo nojima
I never played it back on the day, never played 1 either, but I played the shit out of 2.
Just got through them both recently, 3 using a translated Japanese ROM using Everdrive, fuck playing the PAL version.
But I suspect 3 is bullshit no matter the version.
>first time playing
>everything easy as shit
>full health chickens every other corner
>3 stars powered up all the way through
>shitloads of lives, only killed like 2 times because being a dumb idiot
>remember reading in a magazine back in the day if you kill roo handler first he will join you
>do it no prob
>also rescued the general dude in time out of sheer luck
>nice, same magazine said this game has multiple endings so I bet this is the gud one
>last boss
On a side note, I'm fucking loving SoRR.
If only you could change it so it uses your screen resolution even if it scales gameplay area to 4:3, what the fuck man.
Did you know that Mario 2 was originally Doki Doki Literature club
Isn't that supposed to be the thunder cloud boss? Crack-o or something?
So here's an obscure fact for an obscure game. There were several demos of Re-Volt, containing an exclusive car from particular sites like PC Gamer, IGN, and Acclaim. Some don't have an exclusive car, and some demos like the Nvidia Riva TNT2 demo are either cancelled or forever lost. One of these cancelled demos was McDonalds.
>The demo cars are reskins of either the Humma or Aquasonic.
The McDonalds version is special, because it's a reskin of a cut RC called the Pemto. It was discovered by a fan & one of the game's staff after 18 YEARS since the game's release in July 1999.
Which paper Mario had the friendly npc you beat with a hammer to get a healing item? You literally beat them until they are retarded before killing them.
>his face is a Fire Flower
I just realized this now.