What I'm in for?
What I'm in for?
Half a game.
human revolution but better. take it all in though because it ends kind of abruptly.
elavated stress levels
A good time if you enjoy breaking into places and go through other people's stuff.
11/10 burglar simulator.
It's okay if you play it slow-paced. Just keep in mind that they put 3/4 resources towards the main hub, and spliced the rest in stand-alone DLCs.
If you can, might be good to play the DLC first.
Good, improves upon HR on every aspect.
But too short.
Think of yourself in bed.
The combat is worse though simply because there are less hostile locations. The mechanics are good th
Isn't it more like a squatter than burgular, since no one ever comes home?
Delara is cute!
Jensen is the only character that look remotely stylised at all.
West devs for substance.
East devs for style.
That appartment in the pic will actually notify the cops if you aren't quick enough to hack the security system.
Some other ones have people in them you can spy on or rob while in stealth.
I'm aware of the handful of exceptions, what I said applies to the rest of the game.
An average FPS with implied stealth mechanics.
the death of the series
Turn off ALL the HUD shit, it makes the game piss-easy (maybe leave energy and weapon bars).
Also don't try to clean all locations right from the get go, the game will lead you through them all later anyway. Otherwise you're gonna be swimming in praxis kits, which again simplifies the gameplay to the point of being dull shelves cleaner simulator.
Now subjective advice: Try to choose a 'class' in the beginning and follow it (the game has no categories, so use your imagination), like roleplaying. You'll have to restrict yourself on skills paths. It's much more interesting and challenging that way in my opinion.
It's squeenix fault not the game's fault.
The ending isn't abrupt as people meme. It builds towards a big terrorist set piece and then you catch the bomber you've been trailing since early game. Disappointing that it doesn't go on to something bigger but it's not an out of nowhere conclusion or half a game.
A great game with some really bad pacing issues, don't listen to any of the mongs saying "dude its like way shorter and smaller that HR" cause that shit is fucking beyond wrong
If this game was any good it would've spawned any memes
>don't listen to any of the mongs saying "dude its like way shorter and smaller that HR" cause that shit is fucking beyond wrong
But it is.
It takes around 40 hours to beat HR while it takes ~25 for MD, sidequests included.
nah you're full of shit
I bought the game on release.
Only if you rush through it. I'm 45 hours in and just getting closer to an ending. Admittedly, I'm a slow and a comletionist, so 35 to 45 hours sounds about right for someone who's thorough but with a faster pace.
Maybe in terms of narrative but it doesn't feel like a Deus Ex game with so few combat locations.
If they added the first 2 JennsenĀ“s stories to the game it would have been ok
>Only if you rush through it
Yeah no, that's why I said sidequest included.
I even had time for easter eggs.
I love the universe so I took my time.
The universe is really stylish but with this game it was even more sterile than usual.
cockblocked the game, just when you think shit is getting real it slaps you in the face with a anti climax...Enjoy the combat system though non lethal run is pretty nice.
There's also A TON of optional reading and background dialogues, so maybe I'm wasting too much time of those.
Also had you stealthed it? Savescammed much? I usually try to replay whole chunks of the missions if caught/dead, not saving every 2 min.
Deus Ex: Product Divided
>also had you stealthed it?
>game lets you play in various ways
>stick to THIS way of playing or else it doesn't count
Defeats the whole purpose, might as well directly start with the crossbow instead of letting you pick the GEP gun.
A decent game with an incredibly disappointing ending
You don't even need to savescum when you can turn invisible and run past every enemy in the game.
I'm just curious, not trying to accuse of anything. Shootaning it is a legit way of course.
I know it's viable, you'll just miss on some content and it's really dull anyway.
I agree that the game is unbalanced and is unable to give equal challenge for all playstyles.
Kino but no malik
Good game, but weaker in story and pacing. When things get really intresting, the game ends.
DLC episodes aren't too bad. Pick them up on sale.
SE did clarify the DE series isn't dead, so I still have hope that the next DE game will be good and focus more on government conspiracies rather than muh aug rights.