>MC doesn't even have personality
>loved by fanbase
what's his name?
MC doesn't even have personality
The guys from Persona 3, 4 and 5.
Doom Guy and Duken Nuke
Every single Nintendo MC
Pretty much every silent protagonist.
Gordon freeman
SMT and Persona are by far the worst offenders
>no personality
>Link constantly tops character polls
>has no character beyond "guy who waves sword going YAH"
Samus. All the head cannon is autistic as fuck.
Gordon Freeman
being a bitch isn't considered a personality now?
Every Silent Hill protagonist
Funny thing is that all these characters mentioned so far aren't even that popular with their respective fanbase.
Japan loves their Persona protagonists
Any and all Bloodborne characters
Any of the player characters in Pokemon
This. Even I can't explain why I love the heroes from Dragon Quest.
And the game when she has some personality is widely hated kek
>Implying Ren doesn't have a personality
Rean Schwarzer
>innocent blonde loli
>edgy blonde shota
>most popular characters among males and females, respectively
Japs are really predictable.
doom guy has more of a personality thanks to nu-doom
Raidou. The only personality he exhibits is when he smugly glasses time cop Rasputin.
Commander Sheppard
One of Duke Nukem's selling points is his cocky, wise cracking, patriotic attitudes.
I like this Japanese poll and I don't say that often.
I can understand with SMT as the protags usually go through hell and get fucked in the end. So people empathise with them. Persona though, only P2 have protags with any character. Though it goes full retard making them mute when you play them.
I'd take no personality over a pathetic one
Hot take: Protagonists with personalities are the cancer that killed gaming,
Duke nuke is his inverse
>characters need personality
>characters need story
Read a fucking book, NEETs
try reading that again
Turns out is was I that was fucking retarded.
>based Kahili in 14th
She was robbed. She has such a great design and she shows up for about 2% of the game. Nanu and Kukui need to be higher too.
>that top 5
>gaylord in 13
Shepard. I still love him though
>characters need personality
>characters need story
Well yeah they do, otherwise they aren't characters.
Not even the MC but just as inexplicable
I think people just get attached to them because they're generally well designed and have fun dialogue options. Some of them also are given likable personalities in spinoffs, like with Yu.
The why do I want to armpit fuck her then?
these are the best, rest is trash
He had something going for him in SA's 1 and 2. He's just shitty in every other game or has no personality.
The entire Golden Sun cast has about a thimble full of personality shared between them.
This, but the idea of a theoretical physicist going full action hero is just so exciting so I allow it.
>a character has to have a brooding backstory and be emotional and attend Sonic fighting academy and they also need to go on a three-act hero journey wherein they discover their self worth through the power of friendship or they're not a good character.
I hate storyfags. More silent protags please.
No one ever said that. But they've gotta have at least the bare minimum to be considered a character.
>Doom Guy
>implying that he needs personality
Go fuck yourself Dobson
>4 lolis at the top
Based nippons
>This fella right here
You seem to not read many touhou dialogues, do you?
Because you keep spouting that you have a shitty meme fetish so you can lie to yourself that you are doing something other than forcing yourself to get off to something because memeing is all you have in life.
Gen 2 is sorely lacking in their original characters.
Half of the love for him is wanting to fuck him
OK even though the Hero from V is silent you have to fucking empathize with him
Just the shit he goes through gives him personality
no one likes doom gay
Why is Goku dressed as a mage?
>Died, went to Hell
He didn't die, he just strolled into Hell from Deimos.
Because Toriyama is a hack.