Who is god's fuck would want to represent themselves as something as lame and goofy as a goddamn gnome instead of a cool ass human or elf? What the fuck goes on in a person's mind when he looks at this and says "yep. I want this to represent me".
Who is god's fuck would want to represent themselves as something as lame and goofy as a goddamn gnome instead of a...
I bet you suck dick and take it in the ass.
Some people just want to be the onahole, man. I don't care. I love onaholes.
Did you forget what the RPG in MMORPG meant?
>represent themselves
well fuck you. you're the reason why a lot of new games are stupidly political.
I don't think you understand how roleplaying works.
If you don't play on an RPG server then you're hypocrites.
>"yep. I want this to represent me".
t. human paladin. Not everyone is a loser looking for a power trip experience.
It doesn't even matter what we ourselves play, our point still stands that there many reasons to play a variety of different sorts of characters, not in the least of which is to of course, play a role. For whatever extent that may be. At no point are we required to "represent" ourselves.
Who in god's fuck would want to represent themselves as something as lame and goofy as a goddamn WoW player instead of a cool ass Ultima Online player or Starwars Galaxies player? What the fuck goes on in a person's mind when he looks at WoW and says "yep. I want this to represent me".
Gnomes are for fags. Gobs are for sluts
> playing oh so comfy vanilla WoW
> circa 2005
> see a flagged lowbie night elf running around in the Barrens
> morph Tauren drood to cat form
> creep up snd start shredding elf
> stun locked and killed by level 60 gnome rogue with pink hair
> gnome goes stealth. Both corpse camp me
> mfw
Kill all gnomes. To the fucking ovens.
ur an idiot user.
I played a gnome female warlock with pigtails named Flower so I could roll affliction in PvP and make people hate me
You fucking deserved that.
>Least played race in the game
Tell me more.
>reading comprehension
This. I had several gnomes designed specifically to piss people off in pvp.
I picked Troll because I thought they were cool with being cannibals and having that bloodlust spell in WC3
When I play MMOs I never have the character just be my avatar. I kind of half-roleplay where I loosely give them personality traits over time but never really do anything with it. Just sort of think of them that way in my head. I did full on roleplay with it once and it was pretty okay.
So that's probably why. It only sort of represents me. Like 50%.
the only true answer is both