Did you have a good day today, Sup Forums?

Did you have a good day today, Sup Forums?

banned from Sup Forums
Violet episode was 10/10
Got stuff done.
Found out Cells at Work got an adaptation.
God is good.

Doin a lot better now. Thanks OP.

Could've been better.
Didn't study as much as I wanted to and today wasm't an exercise day.

But there's still hope. Today is, in fact, a fap day and I might have some DUDE to go with it.

other than my back hurting yep, today was better than an average day

I can't believe I used to love Lucky Star.

was beautiful outside today. still have a few things to take care of through the night, but otherwise, it was a good day.
hope your day was awesome, op

inb4 lots of self-pitying sad sacks

Why? It's okay.

>shit ton of work, 12 hours straight
>turns out uncle's trying to bullshit the whole family in inheritance related matters, whole family is upset
>taking a shit hurt today, on closer inspection of my ass I found out I probably have hemorrhoids

and worst of all
>GTX 1070s are still too expensive
