How did we, as an industry, let this happen?

How did we, as an industry, let this happen?

Other urls found in this thread:

>more sales than MHW

>console with very few great games
>above-average game comes out
>people buy it because there's nothing else to play and/or they're sick of multiplats

not even shitposting

MHW has Aloy now so it is sure to sell many more copies.

>Horizon Zero Awards

>Ubisoft games sell
Color me surprised OP

>how did we let a well-constructed game become successful

Gee I dunno





>more sales than MHW

not hard when everyone is waiting for PC release

>Aloy's game will help MHW and ensure it will never fall to Nintendo again.

Say thank you.

But i thought Sup Forums said people didnt buy PS4 for the exclusives, what's with the sudden backpedaling?

>tfw you will never hunt together with a pregnant anri

But kingdom come deliverance sold a million copies

This woulve always sold well. If it came out in 2005 you fags would regard it as a classic.


>not even shitposting

Who is this?

Pic related is how it reached that numbers.

Japan's total PS4 sales are only 6 million and it already reached 4 million last spring

shitpost !== post I disagree with

name 3 great PS4 games

So like most top-selling games?

Gravity Rush 2
Yakuza 0
>inb4 t-they dont count

theres not even korok seeds in those games, why bother?

game I dont like !== bad game
give me 3 great arguments

Most top selling games bundle comes with a special skin and a hefty price tage.
This greatest hit bundle only require an extra $20 ~ $30 on top of base PS4.


It has good graphics and it also has the benefit of pandering to modern political fads.

Just proves how important marketing is. If you spend millions of dollars in that you can sell anything.

You don't even know where this bundle was sold, do you.

>Just proves how important marketing is
Then explain KCD.
Pretty much no budget for marketing yet sold extremely well.

if you say the right things Sup Forums will market it for you

>Pretty much no budget for marketing yet sold extremely well.

Uncharted 4

Horizon Zero Dawn


Persona 5

In Asia, centering around HK region.
Also avaiable (imported mostly) on South America region.

>more sales than MHW
In a year compared to MHW's little over a month.
It's not an accomplishment.

You did not just imply KCD sold because of politics

Just lol

I liked it

But we did. Nioh was widely accepted.
But how did we let this mediocre trash fire live?

A new original IP regardless of its platform sold 7 million copies, I'd say this is something we should all be happy to see as it shows new IPs can make money.

You're new here arent you?

This game succeeding is the greatest
It blows out both of the most obnoxious factions on Sup Forums, nintendies and Sup Forumsniggers

Now that Guerilla has finally made a massively successful game I guess they are finished with Killzone.

What a fucking shame. This franchise had so much unrealized potential and should have been greater than what it was. KZ2 was great fun but they mostly dropped the ball with the entire franchise.

Having a lot of fun with it. The thing I wish they improve in the sequel is the skills. A lot of them are pretty stupid. Like being to shoot while on a rope and pulling humans from ledges. Those are basic mechanics tons of other games have and making them skills is dumb.

>Horizon is a huge success
>Celebrates it's one year anniversary with 7 million sales
>While Gravity Rush 2 is a massive failure
>The servers were planned to close on it's one year anniversary until they pushed that back 6 months
It's not fair. Kat's game deserved better than this...

Isn't delaying the server closure a success

Kats game is boring garbage. All style and no substance.

Nioh was so fucking boring after a few hours.

Love the combat but the levels look sooooo shit. I hope they sequel throws away historical accuracy and get more creative.

Decent game tbf. Not sure what the industry has to do with it.

Great example of this is the switch

Have you payed Ninja Gaiden?

Recycling assets is like the speciality of Team Ninja. Don't expect to see dozens of varied environment and hundreds of new enemies in the sequel.


Shut the fuck up

What the fuck are you on about, it IS a great example of just that.

It's hilarious too, Nintendo paid for that Super Bowl ad and still hasn't made back the money.

It was a fantastic game. Well deserved.

Please make vegetation less static for the next game. The only thing that moves is tall grass where you hide.

7.6 million sales

89 on metacritic

50 GOTY Awards beating out games like Mario Odyssey, Persona 5, Nier Automata and PUBG. Only Zelda has more

Liked by some of the biggest names in the industry such as CD Projekt Red and Hideo Kojima

Face it Sup Forums, no matter how hard you tried to put it down, how hard you wanted it to fail, how hard you wanted it to crash and burn, you lost. Aloy won. Guerrilla won, Sony won.

This makes you furious, I can see you red faced, fist clenched up and I know you're already typing up your seething response, don't even bother because you'll put yourself in a bigger hole than you already have

The writing and acting in this game is so fucking awful, how did it get praised? It's so awkward and terrible, it feels like a david cage game without any of the weird charm they sometimes have. Aloy is a garbage character too.

If only more cancerous weebshit crashed and burned.

It's boring and makes me sick when I play it. I had more fun with the first game on vita.

What did you do, watch a YouTube play through?

Normies and fanboys, only acceptable and decent reply is there:

No, I finished it and have zero fondness for it. The combat was fun for a while but everything else ahout it sucks ass.

CDPR implied BOTW is better than anything they've done and raised the bar for open world gaming in the same interview

doesn't mean it's true

>CDPR implied BOTW is better than anything they've done
Given how TW3 was, that's not a hard task

>basically fine game with are the currently popular stuff in it, a massive advertising budget, and a female protagonist in a Western game so free good press
I cannot imagine.

IDK the fact that /vpol/ hates it makes me like it even more

Well, BOTW is assuredly a better open world game than TW3.

>not hard when everyone is waiting for PC release
Imagine going through life being this deluded.

THIS. I liked Gravity Rush but the fucking Sup Forums shills made me hate it

Well personally I made this happen by purchasing a copy of Horizon: Zero Dawn.

From what I've played thus far though it's shit

How do Japs feel about HZD? Aloy being so hideous seems like it would ruin things for them.

lol these MHW apologists trying to defend a shit game.

>PC ver finally comes out
>almost no impact in sales
>well uhh everyone is waiting for the Switch version y..yea!

>people getting mad and criticizing a game they never played or had any intention to

I enjoyed gravity rush but it's an unremarkable game, borderline shit

>new IP
It's as valuable as a new IP as Last of Us was.
It hits every other popular AAA beat.

It's not MH or Zelda level success in Japan, but it charted pretty well for a month or so. Saw it as #2 for a couple of (a few?) weeks before dropping.


Japs actually liked it, I guess they like playing female chars.

Japs have shit taste in western women so she's probably a 10/10 to them

For every Bloodborn owner there are now 2.5 Horizon owners. That's pretty sad considering Bloodborn was the one game to own for 2 years.

Monster Hunter World literally only sold well because it says “exclusive Horizon Zero Dawn content” on the box.

What, you actually think people actually care about Monster Hunter? Nah senpai. People only bought ot because it's the closest thing we'll get to Horizon 2 for a few years


There's a good reason why Souls games are still somewhat considered “niche” user

now BB will be owned by 30 million PS+ users

3 million is not "niche" in any stretch.
It's just not eternally iconic.

Is it "fair" that smart games like Nier Automata sells 1M while simple games like Horizon and Zelda can sell 8M?

Its the ol "buy our game because it uses 120% of the power" trick.

Final Killzone in planning stage.
>Vekta-wide warfare as Helghan population increased to Vektan population level
>Solar system fleet arrives to pacify Vekta
>Space battles with fighters instead of on-rails gameplay

>HZD sale numbers om in
>KillZone cancelled

>Nier: Automata
Way to show that you're exactly the demographic that they were targetting with the game.

You are:
>17-21 years old
>first or second year college student
>someone who believes they are above-average intelligence
>someone who has very few/no real life friends due to an unlikable personality and lack of social skills, but has convinced himself that he's friendless by choice because "people my age are stupid"
>someone who considers himself an underachiever and believes he is failing to live up to his potential, when in reality you are exactly where somebody like you should be in life
>multiple diagnosed/undiagnosed mental illnesses

Get over yourself.

Truly theZelda killer

Who would be the ideal western woman from a Japanese perspective? What would she look like?


>what if robots....... had EMOTIONS?!

>listening to Sup Forums about anything game related

are you new here?

>Pretty much no budget for marketing yet sold extremely well
It sold we for star it is, it didn't sell nearly as well as Horizon. It would have come way closer with more marketing.

The game had quite a bit of marketing in Europe anyway. They even held press events in a dual castles and what not.

so by your logic, your own reply is unacceptable

This one? But she's not western