fuck you, I liked it
Fuck you, I liked it
So did I. At least I feel that way until the predictable "twist" happens. Can't play as the bad guys to see their side all the way through, nope nope nope! I mean it was fine, but I wanted something different.
I was tempted to buy it on many occasions, but 4 months later and there still isn't any new clone wars content.
Glad I didn't blow 4 takeaways worth of money on this trash.
I liked it
It’s progression system is great, if you remove the micro transactions
Too bad galactic assault is absolute garbage
>they didn't fix offline mode
Literal trash.
I hate Star Wars so goddamn much.
It was fun for like 50 hours then I realized that there was hardly any new content on the horizon and how awful space combat balancing is despite controlling well.
>purposefully finds shittiest possible game to have the most "controversial" opinion to farm you's
>killstreak vanguard is the best
Prove me wrong
its getting better with new patches and content
couldn't get any worse
is this shit worth $24 in its current state on the xbone
fuck you i didn't
>Everyone hated BF
>Let me jump in and shoot rebels is NEXT GEN TRUE GRAPHICS AND SOUND with no hassle
Shallow yes, but fuck me if it isn't a treat for the eyes and ears.
Next stage contrarianism is where it's at.
Game wasnt so bad. A bit too chokepointy and not enough content. Dont know whether theyll fix it seeing the awful reception it got.
Definitely a great audio and visual experience tho
>TFW, we'll be getting Battlefront 3 next year along with episode 9 and they'll both almost certainly be terrible.
And on top of it they already did the "bad guy goes good" thing in Elite Squadron. They also did it much better too, honestly.
>50 hours
>still complaining
this was released?
I don't have enough money to be good at this game.
Well of course the story was cancer. They marketed it as from the empire POV and she switches to the rebels in like the second mission.
Couldve had a cool sympathetic anti hero but instead we get more bullshit gotta do the right thing all the time types.
Got it on sale, thank god, but thought it was a boring piece of shit 2 hours in...still regret the purchase. The game mechanics are just so basic and no matter how much you "master" them, its just an endless meat grind dumb fuck gameplay for dumb normies. Also FUCK the new star wars, who gives of a shit playing as rey or ida
Didnt Disney pull the license from EA?
does EA still rape you up the ass? Did they respond to any of the backlash in a permanent fashion?
>post yfw the obi-wan and grievous content will be postponed to make way for the solo movie content