Which buys do you regret the most, Sup Forums?
Shameful vidya DLC purchases
I bought a bunch of Evolve gun skins a month ago
After I stopped playing it and my friends never got into it like me
On console
That horse armor is lit tho my nigger
I bought a season pass for SFV then realized I couldn't get into the game. Other than that I rarely buy dlc. I think I can count on one hand how much I've bought and one includes a map pack for Halo 2.
Bethesda games
Fight me faggots.
It's in poor taste to fight someone who is brain dead
fallout 3
I didn't pay $200 for it, I bought it when it was like half that.
I spent close to $2000 on hearthstone packs around the naxxxramas update so I could use all the best web decks. I still lost all the time though because am too much of a brainlet to play cards correctly
The walking dead escapists dlc when it came out... it sucks.... a lot........
I bought the season pass to Fallout 4. I had to force myself to finish just the base game, and I have never gone back and tried any of the DLC. I have no idea why I did this. I love New Vegas, but I hated FO3. I should have known that I wouldn't like FO4.
38$ On Valkyrie Crusade. 24$ ON Fire Emblem Heroes, 135$ on Pokemon GO.
These are my purchases I hate the most.
Man, don't remind me of gacha. I spent $300 each on FEH and Love Live. I'm now free from the gacha but those purchases keep haunting me.
I most regret all the HS packs I bought
I once got so mad after dying I hopped onto a second steam account and bought a second copy of Rust. Used my first account as bait, and then failed to kill the guy I was after on my second, ultimately wasting all my resources, my actual cash, and time. I was furious.
so you only paid $100 for a knife skin
That's why I quit buying DLC entirely. I buy the standard edition and nothing else. Ever.
Bought 10 keys in TF2.
Unironically the BotW season pass
When the hats came out I spent $2 on a TF2 hat. But later I sold my Sam & Max promotional items for like 200 bucks.
So I think I did ok. Never bought any cosmetic item since.
I don't play Dota anymore.
I got Dragon Age 2 at a midnight release. That was the last game I bought on release day.
I bought a Yata Garasu for a sandwich, then someone offered me a full Exodia with Necro Exodia for it and I declined it, then it got banned and now it is worth nothing.
It was foiled and secret first edition, or some shit like that only yugioh fanboys care about.
>buy horse armor
>horse armor nerfs your turn rate on the horse
Bought the DLC fight with Gilgamesh
Was never able to beat him.
Not really shameful, more regret, but this dlc.
>bought fo4 a long time ago
>played 2 hours and got bored to tears
>put it away for a year
>try playing again
>thought installing a shitload of mods would make it better
my god. it's just so dry. I miss NV.
I bought the Nioh GOTY edition and then I wasn't even able to finish the base game
I always spend money on microtransactions / cash shop and gambling shit in game.
Im literally part of the problem. Im sorry guys but im too mich of a pleb to let the possoble advantage slide
I buy the city versions when they are on sale, $0 or less.
Fucking auto correct