Why is it bad for FFXV to have DLC bonus content, but this can have four full price games to tell a story that mostly happens in the background?
Why is it bad for FFXV to have DLC bonus content...
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Alex, what is: An episode series?
Episodic, fuck.
Because it actually shows you the stuff that happens in the background instead of relegating almost all of it to DLC and supplementary material.
>comparing 3 hour dlcs to 60 hour games
Fuck NU Falcom.
Fuck Cold Steel.
Fuck Party System Ys.
Fuck anime.
Fuck you.
Exactly this. Kiseki is known for its world building. To try and compare FFXV making you pay for short world building DLCs to full blown games that do world building inherently is stupid.
>Kiseki is known for its world building
Kiseki WAS known for its world building. With Cold Steel it is only known as being a disappointment that killed all integrity and respect Falcom once had, and also for being a terribly written, weebshit, anime haremshit kusoge dating sim.
I disagree, but you're entitled to your opinion.
People aren't complaining about the fact that it's impossible to obtain every piece of DLC or something more reasonable? I don't know man. FF13 had it so it's not like it's new.
>Fuck Party System Ys.
Don't remind me. It legitimately could be good if they turned the games into actual MP games but they don't have the balls to do that.
>fuck anime
Now now. Old Ys is just as much anime as new Ys. Anime can be good.
>Old Ys is just as much anime as new Ys
Yeah, its really just the style of anime that shifted.
I disagree with most of this other than fuck anime, and you're entitled to your opinion but
>fuck Party System Ys
this is a retard opinion that only Oathfags who convinced themselves they're hot shit "le oldschool classic falcom fans FUCK millenials and anime amirite Sup Forumsros" and that their game is better when they played it after a Steam sale once. Ys VIII's core gameplay is the best Falcom has ever put out. To claim its shit because "muh casualization" is to out yourself as nothing but a self absorbed contrarian shitter.
It's also the quality of games/writing/gameplay that shifted along with it sadly.
>not a new IP
Calvard when?
>Play SC
>lost my weapons in the beginning
>had to search the whole forest but found everything except my weapons
>fuck it the game surely will let me buy new ones
>it doesn't
>have to raid enemy territory now
>get to boss
>fucker keeps healing himself and my physical damage is trash
I mean, probably after this right? Unless they decide to fuck off back to a location they've already covered. But I doubt that.
Just find your weapons dude.
SC on PC has autosaves out the ass, you probably have one you can reload one and go back for them pretty easily.
Nah that would take too long and I don't wanna go through the dungeon again, I'll just brute force my way in. Fuck man if the game let me keep all my shit from the first game could have washed this fag real quick.
If you had played Sen 3, you'd know this to be a bait.
Okay let me explain
>be falcom
>come up with a top tier jew scam
>have an idea for 1 game and split it in to parts
>fill each part with pointless padding so it looks like each of them are long games
>people will now assume the games are too big to be 1 game
They did this like 2 times and got away with it lmfao
So they really are going full Punished here huh?
>Have an idea for 1 game and split it into parts
You're retarded. If these games actually did get merged into one game, not only would people get burned the fuck out, but it would also result a 300 hour game per arc at the least. Episodic series' are such for a reason. Your lack of understanding doesn't make doesn't make their approach unreasonable.
>t.le old school Falcom """""fan""""""
Because SnK is actually good and that's really all there is to it.
>but it would also result a 300 hour game per arc at the least
See my last 2 points again
>Episodic series' are such for a reason.
Yeah that's why Xenosaga took off... oh wait
XV is not even a complete game, its obviously pushed out the door 50% complete and SE finishing the game with the DLC. I mean, fuck, they have no real vision for what XV should be even when they have to put a fucking questioner in the game for "what kind of content do you want?".
And? Your one example of a lackluster episodic series doesn't serve to help your point. People seemed to like Half-Life well enough.
Don't get me completely wrong, I agree that Sen1 and 2 have way more filler into them than they should, but contentwise Sen3 holds it's ground and I'm certain that Sen4 will as well.
They sure are
>not only would people get burned the fuck out, but it would also result a 300 hour game per arc at the least.
I assure you, if they cut out all the generic sunday anime crap and bait and switch plotpoints they fill all the Kiseki games with you'd get one game with around 60 hours of actual, genuine content where shit actually happens.
He's right when he says that Kiseki is plagued by needless padding, like your generic hot spring episodes or countless cutscenes where named characters hint at some completely obvious "secret", but don't pretend that it's good writing when it's done over and over again in multiple games just to lengthen the thing to oblivion.
>quality of games/writing/gameplay
With the exception of Celceta, the writing has been pretty good for SEVEN and VIII. SEVEN especially, even with the cliche twist. It also has the best Adol design in the series.
>the writing has been pretty good for SEVEN
Stopped reading there.
Oh, but so very much of the padding you people bitch about is optional. So much of it isn't even mandatory. If you just wanna run through the story, you can.
Falcom has always mixed in obvious secrets and twists among the subtle ones.
>I have no counterarguments
Enjoy being a contrarian retard
>Sen3 holds it's ground
You see i'm not gonna take this as fact until this shit actually drops in english.
Lets face it; apart from the original Ys I and II, and arguably Origin, Ys doesnt have much writing going for it. Seven was an actual attempt at a story that wasnt an excuse for the gameplay
How are bait and switch plot twists that happen again and again optional?
See you 2020
>So much of it isn't even mandatory.
Nigger, are you fucking shitting me?
Especially if we consider things like Trails?
You don't know how much I'd loved to be able to skip inane shit like Joshua crossdressing or the mandatory hot spring scene.
Truth is that 90% of it is the "meat" of the main story, let alone that the whole fucking series is a giant bait and switch loophole.
>Why is it bad for FF15 to have spent 10 years in development hell only to pass on one man's characters and vision for a story onto another team just for SE to finally shovel it out and tell an incoherent mess of a story and not even patch up the real plot holes with $15 snippits of "WHAT WAS THIS CHARACTER DOING WHEN HE MYSTERIOUSLY DISAPPEARED FOR NO REASON IN PARTICULAR - ESPECIALLY NOT LATER SELL DLC OR ANYTHING"
Gee I dunno man you really called out Falcom on that way to go
Won't be surprised if they waste time releasing that PS4 bundle of 1+2 and then put 3 on PC/PS4 which is looking like 2020 and then there's 4 or whatever shit falcom pumped out.
Trails guys have it worse than Yakuza
It's okay, cs2's ending was beyond lackluster and cheesy.
FFXV spend a decade getting made to be just a skeleton of a game without the DLC, and even with DLC it isn´t even as good as any kiseki game.
I love seeing people that haven´t played CS3. It´s better than most of the games in the series, maybe except for Ao.
Also why do people act like TitS didn´t have any kind of dragging on for too long with mundane SoL stuff, especially FC.
because FALCOM, the series had a lot of potential but in the end is just another shallow animu shonen game with a retarded fanbase.
Or maybe it has a bunch of elitist faggots like yourself who put the games on a pedestal when they didnt have localizations then do a 180 when more people got into it.
I'm not sure what you think. Read more books.
And Ys Origin also has good gameplay.
I think this kind of people represent about most of CS haters. Just got around to play CS2 after playing the older games and it wasn´t as bad as other people were telling me here it was. In fact I like it more than some of the older entries, even with it´s faults.
>elitist faggots like yourself
what the fuck are you talking about retard? i only play those with translation because Falcomfags kept shilling how amazing this series was, only for me to find out it was complete bullshit and the entire series is mediocre, cheaply done garbage.
Well then don´t play them. It´s that simple.
Falcom has always made kusoge. Ys VIII was a fluke, but the rest of the titles are garbage
>Read more books argument
Absolutely fucking dumb retort that keeps being thrown around. Games are made as an amalgamation of multiple things; gameplay, story, characters and presentation. I wouldnt have 3 of those if I read a book. Just because books are historically backed up to have better writing due to the medium having existed since antiquities doesnt invalidate a videogame's story for being decent or god forbid, actually good. Literally give me any Ys story and it all boils down to Adol going an adventure to prevent a cataclysym in some portion of the world; the only difference in later games is that they gave more focus to character interactions and world building.
Origin gameplay is also subjective if you look at it from Oath's perspective. Being forced to stop at boss HP chokepoints is bad design; if you can decimate a boss' HP then dont fucking limit the player from doing so
i won't honey, but i will make sure people know what a lying piece of shit Falcom fanbase really is and just how mediocre those game are, through i guess i don't even need to since they sell like shit..
That's not an argument. It's just advice. My argument I deem not worth repeating.
CS3 is amazing and here is why.
Reminds me of Talesfags. Always touting a certain unlocalized entry as godlike, until it gets announced for localization then suddenly its hot garbage
Oh well, keep going at it user. Even if it is pointless. But you could be using your time better you know, like playing a videogame.
Trails gameplay is worse than Persona and Persona already has some really shit gameplay carried with weeaboo aesthetics and the god-tier OST by Shoji Meguro
>using your time better
>playing a video game
Doesn't really strike me as using ones time better.
And you same faggots yelled when xeno did it.
Falcomfags are the worst.
The only Xeno game worth playing is Xenoblade. The rest are all god awful.
You forgot the most important one
I know it's easy to shift everyone into one group and then just blame that group, but try and consider instead that not everyone shares the same opinions.
Skyfags. Same faggots who think kiseki was never anime as fuck or it was only sen that bought in the harem shit or locking important things behind bound events(good luck knowing Wazy's past if you don't do his final bound scene)
Why did Cold Steel sell so much more than Trails in the Sky?
Yeah! Those terrible Falcomfags hate other games! It´s not like other people can hate them too!
>comparing 4 100+ hour JRPGs with tiny DLC
>everybody who hates Xenosaga is one person
Nobody hates Xenosaga because it's episodic you complete retard, that's not people's complaints with the series. People complained about Xenosaga having some of least engaging gameplay of any JRPG. Everybody's fine with the storytelling being spread out. Also the fact that the pacing is extremely fucked up because Xenosaga was meant to be a 6 part series but had to be condensed into 3 parts.
Her and her class were the best part of 3.
Most people have a really hard time getting into TitS mostly because of how it looks and Turbo mode was not always available in PC, and combat in FC was really slow. Then you have CS which has a more appealing look with modern jrpg audiences and was covered with high school harem setting until CS2.
>dlc to milk a bad game versus 4 full games for people to enjoy
Hmmmm really makes me think
3D, voiced, looks more modern, combat is faster, advertised as an entry point in the series.
She wouldn't post things like this unless the project was trails right? Surely she knows if that project is anything other than trails her followers will be disappointed?
no, she would and she has been
Don´t get my hopes up user. I know I will get dissapointed.
>faggots pretending an unlocalised game is good
You faggots always bs because you know most people haven't played it.
Never underestimate Xseed.
I mean that in a bad way. They have hyped up LITERALLY and I mean LITERALLY nothing before. Like an announcement of an announcement or Akiba's Beat.
Also keep in mind they are localizing that rice farming simulator or whatever the hell it is.
People are contrarian as fuck when it comes to XV.
>Yeah, its really just the style of anime that shifted.
Not really.
I think Hatsuu has said that the current project she is working on isn't Trials and something that Xseed doesn't want to talk about yet. I think one of the images in their 2018 line-up was for some otome game so it's probably that.
>this niche JRPG that nobody gave a fuck to translate is super good guys, I swear
not falling for that meme again
>Ys games
>having good writing to begin with
>playing Ys for the writing when Ys has always been a campy power fantasy series ripe with anime cliches and tropes
She wouldn't change her twitter name to trails of brittany-sama if she wasn't working on trails either.
>fuck anime
You wouldn't like old Falcom either, Falcom's one of the main reasons why waifu-pandering in JRPGs took off.
>cliches and tropes
There's a difference? Also having tropes doesn't mean it's bad user. Get a grip. Way to completely miss the point though.
Ys writing has always been campy and never the focus of the series, though. Falcom's embraced the generic anime righting intentionally since 1987. It's not the strong point of the series and the games actually poke fun at this ingame.
user, ignore that. That is just going around for (You)´s.
anime writing*
Cold Steel isn't super niche. It's just that CS3 isn't localized yet.
So now what? Do the good Ys games with good writing suddenly stop existing? I think not.
Ys doesn't have good writing. They don't have bad writing either.
I'm actually an OG Falcom fan, born in 95, been playing their games since Dragon Slayer. Don't speak a word of japanese but I played all of their games in Japanese when they came out.
I can tell you, I haven't played a Falcom game in over 10 years, because NU Falcom is a fucking joke.
Anime was different back then, and so is Falcom. I stand by my point. Fuck anime.
>anime was different back then
oh no my moeshit has round chins now instead of pointy chins
My 360 controller has not been working properly. Should I get an Xbox One Wired controller? Would it work with FFXV? It's currently the best PC controller on the market yes?
Almost fell for it until I reread it desu, pic related is me
Read again closely you illiterate
nobody was hyping up CS2 before it got localized
>stop critizing the bad Ys games for their bad writing mommy they're making fun of my games!
Cry me a river
Yeah, here you earned a (You).