Which of Mario's rivals is better?
Also, when will Bowser get his own platformer?
Which of Mario's rivals is better?
Also, when will Bowser get his own platformer?
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Probably Bowser because he sometimes goes all "Only Mario is allowed to beat me!" and whatnot.
>when will Bowser get his own platformer?
>Which of Mario's rivals is better?
The rest are given shitty, boring roles most of the time.
>Also, when will Bowser get his own platformer?
Probably never, Paper Mario excluded.
Bowser isn't really a rival, he's an arch enemy.
>when will Bowser get his own platformer?
Not soon enough.
I like Wario best, his games are great. Also he probably smells and stinky characters are best, because I can relate to them.
Are Archenemies not rivals?
Rivals are people who compete alongside you to show they're better. Archenemies usually want you destroyed or want something you have and are willing to destroy you for it.
Depending on the game, Bowser leans more towards Archenemy. He doesn't want to compete with Mario on equal terms.
smash proved bowser doesn't just clomp around all stomp-stomp like. hopefully shiggy and nintendo will finally give him a proper game/platformer
Rivals usually fight over the same thing or try to one-up each other in something. Like Sonic and Shadow. Mario just stops Bowser's evil schemes all the time. Although they're kinda rivals for Peach. Sometimes. Maybe.
>Which of Mario's rivals is better?
The one closest to him of course
Hackamoto doesn't like villains to be anything other than 1 dimensional pawns to be steamrolled by the good guy. It's why he hates Wario so much.
Source on him hating Wario?
And Miyamoto's basic idea of a villain is "good guy beats villain, then learns that villain is not that bad"
Hence how screwed up the morality is in the first two Donkey Kong arcade games.
If that were true Bowser wouldn't be a loving and caring father who is a bit of a dork at times.
Dedede and Bowser both need games of their own.
No, I'm not baiting for thr shipping art. I'm being serious.
>GOAT platformers
>dankest lore
>spinoff quality all over the place
>platformer quality generally high
>spinoffs are great if unintentionally defining him for the modern era
>creepy ass fanbase
It's a toss-up.
>not the best villain
At least Dedede has the Arenas and Dededetour
>Not mentioning Bowser's GOAT dialogue and character development in the spinoffs
I want to play games with Bowser!
>creepy ass fanbase
how they look normal to me
You haven't been in many Bowser threads, Twitter or Tumblr have you?
user pls
what the fuck was this
why is mario such a fucking bitch
Luigi's Trophy ceremony in Mario Power Tennis.
What's wrong with telling people on social media you like Bowser?
Bowser has the best fanbase. The other two are literally meme tier.
There's a difference between "I like Bowser" and "I wanna fuck Bowser"
I swear everytime I check the Bowser tag for pictures on twitter, I see porn.
i wish there was more porn of wario and donkey kong
Cranky Kong
I still fail to see a problem here
>Bowser has the best fanbase.
>any good
bowser is for ___
Bullying his parenting skill
Being gay
The line:----------------------------------
Wanting to fuck fat turtle men
Bowser shouldn't wear shoes
>"Only Mario is allowed to beat me!"
Don't you mean, "Only I'm allowed to beat Mario!"
You can say a lot of things about Bowser, but fuck you if you think he isn't a good dad.
Literally nothing wrong with barafags.
But he's all gussied up. SPM was the only time he didn't wear shoes with a wedding outfit.
>Doesn't invite his son to his Moon wedding.
I'm joking, but I'm surprised by how surprisingly easy it could be to portray Bowser as a not-so-great father. Obviously there's canon material against it, but still, it's surprising there aren't fanfics and whatnot that sorta deconstruct the relationship like they do with Mario & Luigi or whomever.
>Bowser needs glasses when watching TV
>bowser has a family
deepest lore
E3 Reveals a new Paper Mario Game done in the proper fashion of 64 & TTYD. But the twist is that it isn't actually a paper Mario game. It's Paper Bowser.
Your reaction?
Could have potential.
But it'll depend on a few things like Bowser's portrayal and whether or not Junior's involved.
Bowser is love.
Yeah, it's stuff like that and Super Paper Mario that does not give me faith in IS compared to AlphaDream or even Ubisoft.
1996-2004 RPG Bowser > Wario > Bowser otherwise > DK
I've noticed that mario's rivals end up getting god tier platformers, better than mario even and he's considered the king of platformers.
>Wario Land
>Donkey Kong Country
Tippest of top tier
>Jobber Bowser in first
>Bowser otherwise in third
>DK dead last
Um, no?
You heard me. He's more fun as an incompetent ego case than just HRARGH I GOT PEACH AGAIN.
Old DK/Cranky Kong>Wario>Spinoff Bowser>Regular Bowser>Modern DK
>tfw Bowser fan.
>tfw not a barafag or a fat fag I just like turtles and over the top villains.
The best Bowsers are the ones that are threatening (in relation to the game) along with having snappy dialog, theatrics or character depth.
Of course, that limits you to 75% of Mario Party, but the platformers have been leaning in that direction.
I'm not a barafag nor fatfag. I just want regular Bowser porn, but everyone goes over the top
I like you.
I like the Wario approach to the 'evil twin'/doppelganger character type
>instead of being black/red palette Mario he's exaggerated/inverted Mario
>he's not just Mario But Bad, he's Bad Mario, like a Chinese bootleg version of Mario
>end of Odyssey
>cap capture Bowser
>bulldoze your way through lunar bedrock by ripping and tearing
>Mario and Bowser lament not getting Peach together
I like to think that if Bowser really wanted to beat Mario he could, but he loves the theatrics of their back and fourth too much. The grand stage of battle and conquest isnt as satisfying if you dont have an adversary with a fighting chance to stop you.
That said while M&L: Bowsers Inside Story was pretty good, its like his only game as a protagonist, and he has to share the spotlight with the bros. Wario and DK got multiple better games all too themselves.
>Wario and DK got multiple better games all too themselves.
Luigi Peach and even Toad all have games for themselves.
Only one for the latter two (unless you count Wario's Woods for Toad) but it's still one more than Bowser.
I like him because hes got a cool enduring design, is actually played up to be a real threat the odd time, and hes my main in Smash. People always think hes slow until I pop a light speed whiling fortress on them. Faggot fetishists ruin everything they touch
What game is this from?
Paper Jam
Three-fourths through the game, the Bros beat Bowser Jr. and Paper Jr. and rescue the Princesses.
Then the Bowsers show up and later go on to wreck Peach's Castle with their flying fortress.
In Super Mario 64 DS, he rejects anyone who isn't Mario from fighting him.
That's some damn fine art. I didn't know Paper Jam looked that good
Paper Jam and the Superstar Saga remake both use Dream Team's artstyle for sprites (though in Paper Jam's case, they're based more on the battle sprites than the overworld ones).
Paper Jam's sprites are also a bit touched up compared to Dream Team in some places (Bowser in battle, for example, looks less chubby than he did in Dream Team).
if you can have Minions as a recruit and train them like Fire Emblem and promote them, I fucking would.
stop referring to Pokemon Red as your basis for what a rival is
Bowser and Wario since Donkey Kong hasn't been a villain to Mario since Mario Vs. Donkey Kong and even that one was intended to be a sequel to the Game Boy game. Bowser's also really came into his own as a character in recent games (helped by incorporating various Mario & Luigi/Paper Mario mannerisms even into "main" games ie Odyssey) and Wario's entire intention was he be an "evil Mario" though he almost immediately branched off from that to the point where Wario games don't even pretend to be part of the Mario world.
>Creepy ass fanbase
You're saying that as if literally every character doesn't have their very own creepy ass fanbase. Bowser's fanbase is just vocal about it. They've also been around the longest.
>Bowser's fanbase is just vocal about it.
Because there's so many Bowser threads a day.
I wish.
Miyamoto gets asked a lot why Wario isn't in this or that mainline game. The answer is usually the same: "Wario is too different and would need special design/mechanics"
The idea that he hates Wario comes from the fact that Wario wasn't just made as an evil twin, but as a fuck you to Nintendo from bitter developers
Bowserfags are a cross segment of barafags and NTRfags and all that general weird shit. You don't see this shit out of Wario or DKfags. Wariofags just make Jew and fart jokes all day and everything you get out of DK threads are just suggestive reaction images made by cropping and reassembling text from video game covers.
I am fairly certain Waluigi does not have a creepy fanbase. I mean, not creepy in that particular way, anyway, more like a Peter Lorre creepy.
I don't care, I'd rather be a Bowserfag than one of the MOMMYGIBMILKIES fags that actually are everywhere.
I just like yelling WAA at the person across from me when I pass them in Mario Kart.
New Mushroom Kingdom code
000 42Y 93J
pic not related
Don't really see how that equates to Miyamoto hating Wario though. Seems more like Miyamoto has some weird ideas about Wario (probably via seeing him as more of a strength based character, going off of Super Mario 64 DS)
Peachfags are NTRfags.