How the fuck did this become the 7th best selling game of all time in only 2 months?

How the fuck did this become the 7th best selling game of all time in only 2 months?


>lets make dayz but slightly better
its still trash

It took way long for game companies to realise how well Battle Royale translates into a video game. The result is a fairly mediocre game not just saying that because I can't aim for shit becoming largely successful.


I bet half the people that bought it either can't run it all or play it with playable framerates. There's probably an untold number of faggots that were told by a friend to get it and then they can't run it on their toaster laptop.

nobody buys a £27 game to buy lootboxes.

about 60k keys are sold every day at 2€ a pop.

Yes but OP is asking how it sold so many copies not how did it make so much money overall

Cause its fun

I thought everyone moved over to Fortnite.

good timing, along with the rise in success of twitch ensured it's success

Good timing, good execution.

It really isn't

It's pretty fun.

It's as fun as the person playing it.

except lootboxes that were behind a paywall didn't come out until just a few months ago.
Before that, the game was breaking records so it was most certainly not lootboxes.

For you its not.
Its almost as if different people have different tastes.

He's talking about selling them on the steam marketplace brainlet, third worlders buy the game and grind out loot boxes to sell and make money

Because streamers shilled it to no end. Thanks to that the millions of retarded as fuck children who watch them went and begged mommy to buy it. Watching people play video games for any reason other than to help you progress when you're stuck is pure autism at its finest.
My 9 year old nephew watches streamers more than he actually plays and it makes me fucking sick

>its le fun
the game is trash

>2 months

It's been out for almost a year.

I have this same problem but with my girlfriend
She has the actual game yet watches steamers play the exact same fucking game she already owns.
What kind of pure Retard shit is this?

t. low test shitter

Chinks and streamers looking for an easy audience.

Chinese love to gamble.

I liked it, but everyone became better than me so I just didn't feel like playing anymore