explain to me who any of these characters are
Explain to me who any of these characters are
Xemnas and Ansem are the only two that are actually good villains
They are literally just one guy.
how the fuck is there 5 of them then
The bald guy is Xehanort, the main antagonist of Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep, the prequel to Kingdom Hearts. Xehanort's desire was to obtain "Kingdom Hearts" (a physical entity). However, he needed more time, so he stabbed himself with his Keyblade, which created Ansem (far left), his Heartless, and Xemnas (far right), his Nobody. The younger-looking Xemnas in the middle-left is actually Young Xehanort, and the guy middle-right is Terra-Xehanort (Terra after being possessed by Xehanort).
The old guy is Xehanort, some bad guy that wants to do a bad thing
The guy on the left is the guy on the second to the right that forgot who he was or something?
The shota looking guy is the younger version of old guy that travelled through time for some reason somehow
The second to the right guy is the old guy but with his consciousness transfered into the younger body of a teenager with down's syndrome
And the guy to the right is the nobody of the old guy that was aasdasfdfa
Why do people look be this convoluted garbage? I mean, anything Kingdom Hearts prints money so whoever cane up with the idea was a fucking genius. I just don't see how people can be so excited for something with such a crap story.
Then again FFXV sold a lot so nevermind.
Well, none of them are sora, so they must be Xenahort.
ok i believe you
Time travel and split personality disorder.
Ahem, *puts on glasses*, that's not quite right sir *unzips autism*, you see when Xehanort stabbed himself with the keyblade, he did so to release his heart so he could possess Terra, as seen second-from-the-right. "Ansem" and Xemnas were only created when Terra-Xehanort, having lost his memories, became the apprentice of Ansem the Wise, who was researching hearts. He worked out how to split his heart from his body once again, and that's when "Ansem" and Xemnas were born.
I haven't played Kingdom Hearts in 10 years but man is my memory good.
>Guy in the middle
>Guy on the left
Xehanort's heartless
>Guy on the right
Xehanort's nobody
>Guy with kaki pants?
Xehanort possessing some guy
>Young guy
Xehanort from the past
That's way easier than i thought it would be
Second from the left is young Xehanort. He lives in the past, and time travels to the future temporarily to fuck with the heroes. They kick his ass, and he returns back to the past and forgets he ever time traveled.
The old man in the back is Master Xehanort, he's just Xehanort fully grown up as an adult. Eventually he decided he was too old though, so he mindjacked his apprentace's younger body so he can be young again to continue his evil plans. That mindjack fusion is the guy second from the right. His apprentice wasn't gonna take this mindjack lying down though, so he remotely controlled his armor and beat the everloving shit out of Xehanort, causing him to lose his memory from too many concussions.
After a while the amnesiac Xehanort started fiddling with darkness without proper protection, and he got soul aids. As a result, his soul/heart split from his body and became the guy on the far left, Ansem. He took that name because that was his penname when researching darkness, before he got soul aids.
The guy on the far right is Xemnas, an anagram of Ansem with an X thrown in. He's what remained of the anmesiac Xehanort's body after he got darkness soul aids and his heart became Ansem.
However, there's several cures for soul aids, and the most common and effective one is "premediated assisted suicide". So because the heroes killed Ansem, and then Xemnas, in that order, his heart was purged of soul aids and the god realm Kingdom Hearts put body and heart back together and threw them back into the world again as Xehanort. All these guys can exist at the same time because they're teaching each other how to time travel, so they're visiting the future, before the heroes kill them in the past, to fuck with the heroes in the future. Eventually they will have to return back to their original times and lose their memory, so the heroes in the past can kill them. He plays 4D chess.
Guys... I'm Xehanort
>name is anagram for "no heart"
>has a heartless
is he a double heartless?