Favorite game
Deepest darkest secret
Ninja Gaiden Black
I hate video games
Favorite game
Deepest darkest secret
Ninja Gaiden Black
I hate video games
The Order: 1886.
I'm responsible for five mysterious disappearances across three states. Only one body has been found. She has yet to be identified.
Silent hill 3
5 years ago I hit a motorcycle with my car, a woman, a man and their daughter were riding it. The next day I saw on the news that the kid died instantly and the woman wouldn't be able to walk ever again. The woman ignored the red light but I still feel guilty as fuck. They haven't found me yet and I am taking this to the grave.
Riven: The Sequel to Myst
If I tell you then it wouldn't be a secret, numbnuts.
I feel for you, Op. Too many years have gone by with no Ninja Gaiden games.
no way
no one would could ever do this, right?
Legend of Mana (Yes, the PSX game, fite me)
I honestly think I'm asexual. I don't really gain any pleasure from romantic relationships and it just feels like going through the motions. I'm at my happiest when I've got breathing room and can focus on my job and other various hobbies.
post coordinates fag
>this thread
well. my darkest secret is that I once ate cock, but damn this in nothing in comparison I feel better now