Which Makes More Sense?
Which Makes More Sense?
Nintendo's came first
>4 buttons
neither of them
it should be A B C and D
Right does, it's a left over of a,b,c x,y,z era controllers
Nintendo never only made sense for the 64 and GameCube, even the snes layout was worse
>X to Y
>A to B
Nintendo is retarded. More at 11.
The only "sense" either layout makes is based on what you're used to.
Japanese also read Japanese text; not English.
Fuck outta here
A and W should be at 9 or 12'o clock
Really? A&W is open 10:30 to 10 where I live.
>B before A
>Y before X
Nintendo doesn't know how the alphabet works?
They started counting from the thumb
Say what you will about M$ and the Xbone, but the Xbone controller is one of the best fucking controllers ever made. Anyone who disagrees is a massive faggot.
B is for bottom
Right. A, B and X, Y read from left to right alphabetically, plus X and Y sit on their correct axes.
Fucking this
If you use a dualshock for playing on PC, what the frick are you doing? Xbone is comfy and functional
Nintendo. Confirmation button on the right, cancel button on the bottom. I have no idea why Western game companies are so insistent are screwing with what nature intended by switching them. Even worse when they stick cancel on the top button.
They're only like that because Japanese speakers read from right to left, while English speakers read Left to Right
So for the Japanese it's still technically ABXY if you start at A and go alphabetically from there
When you win the war, you make the decisions.
Which makes more sense?
Left, below the right analog stick.
I laughed more than I should have
>B to jump
Xbox/Dreamcast got it right. Even stranger is Nintendo struck gold with the Gamecube order but they dropped it in favor for the outdated SNES layout afterwards.
A is for accept/action and B is for back
Stop, even Nintendo realized that was retarded.
Wow, what a shit post. PS actually uses the proper layout in Japan (O for confirm, X for cancel), and changed it in the west for no good fucking reason. Not to mention it's annoying as fuck having to type out "Triangle" and "Square" when describing those buttons without using a "1, 2, 3, 4" description of them.
>tfw no controller with 6 face buttons, start, select, menu, 4 shoulder buttons, and the buttons under the sticks.
I just want 2 more buttons.
No, they didn't. It's that way on the Switch because the right Joy Con wouldn't work as a standalone controller if the stick was above the buttons.
Nintendo's own games avoided using the right stick whenever possible on Wii U the layout was that bad. This thing probably delayed Odyssey by a few years because the devs were that disgusted by it. Splatoon built itself around treating the right stick like a dead animal and only have you touch it when you absolutely had to. What a piece of shit.
What? No seriously what's even your point here? It's literally the same on both only reversed vertically.
>When first post is the best post
>durr snes controller had a c button
Japanese text is read from left to right when it's written horizontally.
Splatoon controls wonderfully.
Mouse > gyro >>>>>>>>>>> analog stick. git gud.
Not him but:
>A is primary, so it goes where the primary/most used action goes
>X and Y are on their respective axes
I understand Japs think Circle on Playstation is accept, but they're wrong, and so is Nintendo for forcing backwards logic on impressionable children.
It would be better because the stick wouldn't be in the middle of the controller!. Asymetrical sticks were a mistake
Depends on the function.
I can't speak for anyone else but the way my thumb naturally rests is with the tip on the left button and the joint on the bottom button. So I prefer that the button on the right be a button that is used less often than the other two, though it may be equally important.
Right button was always the "confirm" button until some fucked up nigger at sony decided to mess with the west and switch the button thats literally a giant O to the cancel button and the giant X the confirm button. I guess Sega and Microsoft also found it funny and followed suite.
In the US, XBOX, read left to right
In Japan, Nintendo, read right to left
Have you ever considered that the primary action is on A on Nintendo consoles too? The grips are different so the default resting place for your thumb changes too.
I agree but the game was built out of circumstance, and not every game on Wii U has the resources to offload the camera controls to gyro like that. Some used too many buttons as is like Zelda.
Xbox's way is a lot more intuitive for westerners, but I'm already used to the nintendo layout so prefer that
Not being in the middle would be nice, but it would be on the wrong side. Can't flip it over, then you wouldn't have shoulder buttons.
the way you hold a SNES controller was never the same as the way you hold modern controllers, the left makes sense for pre-analog stick and the right makes sense for post-analog stick
Definitely not Nintendo. Having your primary button right at the edge of the controller is fucking retarded. A is in a natural resting position when you hold a controller normally. X is also more suitable on an across axis while Y sits on a vertical axis. Nintendo's layout makes zero sense and the only reason why anybody would say so is because they got used to it for this many decades. Nintendo made it a particular way just because they felt like it, not because it's derived from any sort of reason or logic, and most importantly ergonomics. B-But muh grandfather of videogames!
Xbox, but change it to ABCD
The left. I can't tell you how many times I fucked up basic shit on Dreamcast and Xbox because they did things the wrong way.
Nintendo's because confirm should ALWAYS be on the right. If Xbox recolored the B and swapped the functions with A I wouldn't have a problem with it.
For menus, sure, but in the actual games most do not use A nearly as often as B. I'd be immersed in Odyssey or whatever and get caught backing out of menus in the rare instance one pops up. Personal problem sure, but I thought Nintendo was all about being intuitive so its strange we're still on SNES layout after all these years.
Sega/Microsoft layout is more congruent with arcade layouts and thus is more respectful of the industry's history. Anything else is just idiotic proprietary snowflake bullshit.
6 button controller is fucking retarded and you can't reasonably cover all the bases like you can with a 4 button controller
>yfw in this brazilian NES clone, the A and B were actually inverted (left button jumps, right button shoots)
Took me quite a while to get used to the nintendo layout when later i got an snes.
You can't cover the bases in any modern controller no matter how much you try and pretend otherwise. If you can move your thumbs to get from the face buttons to the right stick then you can move your thumb just a tiny bit more to press the other buttons.
>Being Brazilian
God I'm so sorry for you user, that's horrible.
It's bad, but not venezuelan bad.
>he still uses his thumb to press buttons
>using letters
At least they didn't go for kanji characters.
>More sense
>whoever came first
Nindrones showing how smart they are yet again
you realize this is the same as left... X is for cancel and O for accept
Cross, Box, Pyramid, Oh
X on x axis
Y on y axis
There's your answer
Xbox 360 Delta?
You're missing left analog scrub. Hold it properly
I need the stick to move the camera, what the fuck do I need 2 more buttons for when I've already got 14 other buttons presses on the controller
As a Nintendo fan, the Xbox layout makes way more sense on multiple levels.
X horizontal
Y Vertical
You learn this in 4th grade.
Nintendo kids havn't reached 4th grade yet
Japanese people read from right to left, duh.