Meet a girl online from FFXIV

>meet a girl online from FFXIV
>sounds cute
>types cute
>she sends me a picture
>she's a lesser hambeast
>uhhh, I got drafted by the military gtg
>block her
Has Sup Forums ever made friends online before?

Other urls found in this thread:

>watch anime
>Best girl loses
Why does this always happen?

uhh, i got drafted by the military

I’m still mad

that guy that post as anonymous is pretty cool desu fampai

Yeah, we're getting married next year.

Now, if that's actually true, then congratulations.

>Has Sup Forums ever made friends online before?

>everyone except the gifted autist fails in life and is miserable: the anime
Fuck you for reminding me.

>uhhh, I got drafted by the military

i wish i had friends to try final fantasy xiv with

>uhhh, I got drafted by the military gtg

>it's been like a decade since this aired

I met an azn girl in ffxiv. She sent alot of cute stickers and stuff but one day on discord she sent me a picture of a cat sticker along with a poot qualitt picture of her small asian ass kneeling on the couch, then she died of embarrassment when she noticed hours later. Told her it was cute

>play [INSERT_MMO_OR_FPS_HERE] with randoms
>everyone is pretty cool
>have a good time for hours
>eventually leave
>don't add anyone
>never see them again
>friend list still at 0
every time

i think the only time i've made lasting friends is
>someone asks for help
>sure senpai i'll help you, got nothing to do
>end up talking for a while until someone has to go
>they keep pming me once or twice a week with questions about the game
>end up becoming a teacher-pupil thing
>support them all the way to the endgame content and continue playing as equals

This happened to me and a few years later she lost the weight and works as a small time model.

Put a ring on her


Nothing but black men pretending to be trannies there. Be careful.

If it plays an mmo and has the voice of an angel, I guarantee she's huge.

Source: I've gone on dates with two from WoW. Both nice, but weighed more than double me. Granted, I was skinny as a rail at the time, but still.

What show?


So did you hit that fat shit?
Youre a fag if you didnt

>mfw all this happened to me except she lived in the next town over and I took a one hour train ride to see her, only to find out the picture she sent me was a myspace angle hiding the fact that she was a lesser hambeast

>Not wanting a chubby gf to smother you with her ass

>wanting fat gnome gf

BJ from one after smoking a little, other wasn't feeling it.

I know that feel dude. I've played with a girl during vanilla wow for almost a year. We even called each other and she sounded cute af. After about a year I finally got her to send a picture and she was a total landwhale. This was such a boner kill that I had to start on a new server und change my phone number. Never talked to her again after the picture.

>other wasnt feeling it
thats your fault for not bringing twinkies

>mfw same thing happened to me on WoW

She got a boyfriend though but still pesters me to come to the US to see her. I want to go to MURRICA anyway so if it means not having to fork out thousands to stay there for a few months I'm game.

>Watch show specifically about one girl
>Get mad when its about that girl

Had this happen to a guy in my FFXIV guild. He pretty much quit playing after she sent him her picture. She chased away the girl who was actually attractive, too.

i made a friend online once. he died of a heartattack literally a week later.

>meet a girl on wow
>types cute
>likes me a lot
>get on voice after a month or two, it's a gay guy who wants to date me

>meet another girl on wow
>types cute
>i'm an experienced lad now, take every precaution
>call her day 1
>sounds cute
>sends me a picture
>doesn't look fat
>continue talking to her for a few days
>has a mental breakdown and admits she used to be a dude and has a dick

There's just no winning

Imagine how she must have felt lmao. She probably withheld sending the picture for as long as she could.

dude i dont care

>play female character
>make friends with someone online
>they give me stuff and even buy me shit with real money
>have no idea if they realize I’m a dude or not
>enjoy talking and playing with them so too afraid to bring it up

faggotry attracts faggotry ;)

>they buy me shit with real money
also low key fucked up that you let them do it and take it from them

i would have fucked both the first faggot and the tranny and im not even gay

I really don’t know what to do. I’ve literally told them to stop buying me shit but either they’re just super nice or they’re expecting something else from me.

yes, met my girlfriend (male) that way

that's a roundabout way of saying you're interested

>be OP
>meet girl online
>she pays attention to him
>he expects a super model that plays video games and likes him
Made me lol

Sakurasou is offensively terrible. Fuck that show

i have a friend i met in 2013 who told me they were a chick until he recently admitted otherwise. I'd buy him games from time to time if only so I could play with him. I told him I automatically assume everyone is a dude until I'm convinced otherwise and that our friendship never had to do anything with his huge faggot vagina, still friends. Just tell them dude most likely they already suspect it and just wished you stopped being a little fag about it.

>being skinny means you're a super model
the mental hamnastics here are pure bane

>tfw bearyama didn't win the soccer-ass-hoe
Why the fuck did I put up with the second half of season 1 for a fate such as this?

>how to recognize a final fantasy xiv post

How do you get friends in MMOs? Never played one and the only online game that i play is Fifa so i don't really know how but i'm planning to play FFXIV and all my irl friends are normalfags

Fucking this. Not everyone assumes they're automatically going to fuck the people they meet online and just legit want to be friends.

I've made I'd say, like, a friend online. I met a guy on /vg/ once for a game I was playing and we spoke in Discord and stuff for a bit and then he took a holiday to my town and we had a good time together, he later came back and I stayed with him for a week and then sometime after that I went to his town and stayed at his place for 2 weeks.

It's been a few months since we met but we basically talk everyday and I only enjoy his company now, as I grow older and more annoyed with people constantly leaving me after proclaiming how they're my 'friends' only to ditch me some weeks/a month later because I'm not a shiny new toy to them anymore.

Best thing is we're equal skill level, both over average so we do pretty well together.

>play FF14
>never meet anyone or form connections since no one fucking talks in game and everything is some discord circle jerk
I miss old MMOs, people actually used to talk in game

These days you have to get them on video chat, you can't trust pictures at all

they want your sweet feminine benis user, the least you can do is send them pics

based user
if you don't automatically assume everyone is male you are doing it wrong
you see, if you think there's a dick in there but instead is a wiener you can only win

the same way you make friends in real life bro, join a community and talk to people

nobody who plays xiv is worth being friends with anyways

I don't know how you guys keep getting into this shit. Just think about it for a minute. Would an attractive girl that's single be playing a fucking MMO? More so for MMORPGs which is literal self-insert create dream persona.

I know you guys play MMORPGs to escape reality but you have to remember that these girls do that also. Titty streamers cause guys to think that every girl online must be cute/sexy.

But do you love him?

Made good friends with this one dude in FFXIV. We were best buds and did tons of content together, me tanking and him doing DPS. I don't really like talking about real life while online, but answer direct questions honestly. He asked me if I had a boyfriend one time and I just told him "lol no" because I thought he was making a fag joke. Turned out he thought I was a girl because I used emoticons, I have a unisex/girly IRL first name, and I was apparently "sweet" to everyone just because I was friendly. He eventually asked me to be his girlfriend and do the in-game marriage thing one day in huge elaborate fashion by leading me around on some wild goose chase and kneeling down and proposing in front of our other guild members. Some of them knew I was a guy IRL, and they just fucking lose it. Everyone thinks it's adorable and is egging him on, while I am just kind of stunned at what happened. I whispered him how I was a guy, and told him if he had just asked or indicated that he thought I was a girl, I would've told him. Guy totally shuts down for a minute or two and then just sends me this huge capslock tirade about how I'm actually a terrible person. Meanwhile, half the guild thinks I'm a fag and the other half is piecing together that I'm refusing and pretty much everyone in the guild is gathered round to soak up the drama. I whisper the guy an apology and just log out. I got on the character one time a few days later and found out the guy quit the guild and hadn't been online since the incident. Guild leaders didn't care too much, but everyone thought it was pretty awkward. I eventually just deleted the character.

I do, not sure if he loves me back though.

He's definitely helped me out in a lot of troublesome situations though.

>Would an attractive girl that's single be playing a fucking MMO?
Yes, they usually have a ton of mental and emotional issues though

fuck you for leading him on

Are you both guys?

The power of photoshop?

I’m the user with the friend that keeps buying me shit and this story right here is the exact thing I’m afraid of is going to happen.

No, I'm a girl. Neither of us want kids and would want to live in a "both work part-time so we have free time" sort of situation but we've been through a lot, ups and downs.

I'm one of those "batshit depressive fujoshit who have loads of insecurities and need validation constantly" type so I'm certainly no catch.

How dull.

>Nothing but black men pretending to be trannies there

Pretty much. We're not together, luckily for him.

it probably will happen if he is buying you stuff, but you need to do it anyways because that friendship won't last the way it is. it's going to be awkward for you forever and you'll never be fully invested in the relationship. if he really is just talking to you because he wants to get his dick wet then that's not strong friendship material anyways.

Anyone have a story that doesn't involved FFXIV?

Gambatte femanon

It's ok, if you want I'll pick you up.

Photoshop, angles, and make up, girls pull out all the stops when taking pictures of themselves

>want to live in a "both work part-time so we have free time" sort of situation

I really didn't though. Most of the FC thought it was weird that he thought I was a girl because they already knew I was a guy. I even played a male character in-game. The guy just never talked to anyone else about me and latched onto me super hard without bothering to ask about my personal life. I don't mind clingy people, so I just rolled with it until that happened. The whole thing took place over 3 months.

>uhhh, I got drafted by the military gtg
>block her
literally just ignore them retard
>friend messages me every single day
>just reply with
>no effort to extend conversation
>after a week they begin to only send a message once every few days
>then once a week
>now they either killed themself or just gave up on me and moved on
simple as that

You ever imagine him getting railed in the ass?

You didn't find that odd? I would have at least probed him a little to see if he was just gay or something he probably would have brought up how he thought you were a girl and that would be your chance to tell him.

so can you give us some insight on why fem gaymens always seem to be batshit depressive/insane?

That's disgusting. I've asked him about that stuff before, he gets grossed out by that stuff.
I don't like a man who has any joy in stuff in his butt.

I made good online friends in a guild and met one of them IRL as I was visiting her town

Not OP but, You've never encountered a desperate hambeast before have you? They're too stupid to get the hint.

i will notarize this post

then you arent a fujoshit and need to look up what fujoshi means

The main girl always win, remember that rule to avoid disappointment

I'd take a fat gf, I literally just want someone to actually love me

>Nothing but black men pretending to be trannies there
I've heard the trannies part, but black?

Holy shit the only turbo erp fag I spoke to in game is black. How do these stereotypes keep evolving

>claims do be a fujo
>doesn't like yaoi

Girl, you're retarded.

from your post i think people ditch you because you sound like a bit of a pretentious cunt

Get a dog.

It's not abnormal for DPS players to follow tanks around. I had 3 different friends that would hit me up as soon as they logged in because they knew I would run whatever they wanted. I just liked playing the game. If I had the same situation again, I would probably give my ASL immediately to prevent it because it seems like there's tons of delusional people online that are desperate to find their waifu. I thought everyone assumed people were dudes until proven otherwise, but that's clearly not always the case.

I fucking love my yaoi, I just don't want a guy who wants to take it in the ass.

Sorey x Mikleo are the perfect couple because they were destined to be together. Super Lovers was a great anime despite its incestuous undertones. Junjou Romantica was just adorbs.


I have one it's nowhere near the same as another human actually saying they love you and you can't have real conversations or share your hobbies with them

>entry level fujo

I guess

he sounds like he has aspergers anyways

>play day of defeat
>end up on some clan server
>these guys are pretty fun to play with
>it's like 90 people
>have intra-clan matches
>create small clique with ~8 people
>we play other games on the side
>still really good friends with 3 of them
>2 of them disappeared from the internet
>3 have died
Known these fools almost 2 decades and have met 7/8 of them in person

Kill yourself

It's a shame I'm not into mmos. Sounds like a convenient way to meet like-minded people

One time I talked to somebody I met on Sup Forums in Skype. We had one or two conversations and never spoke again. He seemed nice though.

I've met some of best friends through mmos.
However, I met two girls on them too. Worst relationships I've ever been in.
Both girls were from my state and we dated in person. Both were mentally damaged and retarded. Funny how stupid I was to even give it a go when I knew all the problems before hand but I didn't listen.