What in the actual fuck is this Capcom?

What in the actual fuck is this Capcom?

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That is Aloy, protagonist of the 7.6million selling Horizon Zero Dawn.

A trap

A man

usa school shooter

Can you ignore it, or is it forced on you?

That's PlayStation's new mascot Aloy! Say something nice about her!

Did the event for her armor finally start?

Yes. You can make a full set of armour that must be equipped all in one piece, and you can make her bow, which can also be upgraded once.

that thing inspires people to push consoles to allow modding

Why do western devs intentionally make ugly character designs?

She's cute.

To represent their ugly employees.

because westerners themselves are ugly cretins

Hopefully my waifu makes it into Playstation All-Stars 2.

Worst thing about Aloy is that she’s voiced by Ashley Burch. At least it’s not Anothony Burch, I guess.

If such a thing were ever made, there would be a 0% chance of her not making it in.

bruh look at this dude

>Have the chance to make a female protagonist with a pretty but still distinct and sensible design
>lol fuck that scan some broad's face into the computer and give her disgusting matted hair swept up to show off those beautiful ears and forehead

Even in this age where games have the technological power to look exactly like concept art we still get shit like this because those in charge are creatively bankrupt

Fat Princess is already on the roster.

>wide ass head
>narrow as fuck eyes
Literally a potato

what a cool thread guys


>implying you haven't put a potato in the microwave and went to town on it before

for a game you guys hate you seem to love to talk about it

aren't the skills total shit?

superior girl

>for a game you guys hate you seem to love to talk about it

we talk about how bad it is. Just like FFXV and MGS Survive

Who cares? The game is really easy.

I unironically prefer Aloy more.


Is it me or is her ear way too far back?

el luz extinguido

>this is a 31 y.o. european female

why do europeans age this badly, anons?

Charlie Sheen?

What said and, besides, for the good and for the bad, hating makes you feel superior, and venting about your frustation keeps you sane

Mistress T is european?

>we talk about how bad it is
you haven't played the game

What the FUCK happened?


ugly people with ugly thoughts made a beautiful person ugly out of spite

the same thread over and over


I really don't understand this. How does a game that seems so irrelevant sell this much?

It's obviously not irrelevant if it sold so well you fucking spastic

just because Sup Forums likes to shit on the game dont mean its irrelevant

someone should shoop a gun

Then where is its cultural impact outside of having apparently sold well?

It got a lot of promotion and ads and it plays a lot like Assassin's Creed, which casuals like.

the fuck are you talking about

Even the Handler looks better


Plus the main character is a cute girl.

You do realize that if you took all the make-up off of left side girl, unplucked her eyebrows, and had her live a life bereft of skin care product's and day spas... She'd look exactly like Aloy.

so did zelda

normalfags have bad taste

water is wet

more news at 11


This. There's a reason this forgettable waste of nearly 3 hours is the highest grossing movie of all time too.

>le normies amirite!!!
Look at this loser trying to fit in

>Gravity Rush shill pops out of nowhere again

Do you faggots ever stop? The servers arent getting turned back on

marketing retard, the campaign alone was at the very least 1 million most likely

Your point? BOTW sold well too.

To be fair nobody remembers it outside that trivia

They might have paid to see a spectacle but that doesn't mean anyone has any real positive opinions about it

when a game sells that much, I expect to see fanart and stuff of the game and such, or people talking about it with good word of mouth even if I disagree with it. Skyrim was a cultural phenomenon at 10 mil, 20mil, I would expect a game that sells 7.6 mil be making some sort of waves outside of "look how much it sold lol."

The hair

Guerrilla retweets a lot of fanart and cosplay every day

Sales don't always translate into being a "cultural phenomenon". There's a correlation sure, but it's not a guarantee.

GR is boring as fuck

White people in general are more likely to age quicker because of their lack of melanin

>when a game sells that much, I expect to see fanart
have you looked for any or do you just come here to bitch about the game

Just a quick question, how many people in this thread bitching about the game have actually, you know, played it?

Shitty nigger hair, I can't believe they don't let you change her hairstyle in the game it'd make a huge difference.

from what i see not a one

I wish the cosplay was better.

This is about the only decent one I've seen. I wish Moosefix would do an Aloy cosplay.

too small would not bang

la creatura

>no hips
>no boobs
>no ass
>thin lips
>looks like Tom Cruise with a wig

black men can have white women, top tier black women are much better anyways

Its not you.

Why do game devs always fuck up their models? She's pretty cute here—if that's actually Aloy's model—but looks nothing like that in-game.

Let roasties enjoy monster hunter with their feminist icon too

I so want this to be true if only for many ways to see Sony-fans try to defend her.

Im a guy and I could say the same thing about all the perfectly toned and chiseled musculature of the thousands of male protagonists in vidya and movies etc. But I dont cuz im not a whiny little bitch.

you know just because you guys get her in the middle of making faces dont mean she is ugly

You mean raceless halfbreeds?

Aloy is stinky!

Jesus Christ why do Americans insist on inserting their "women" into my jrpgs? No one besides an inbred mutt would look twice at that thing. Fuck off.


>raceless half-breed
do you really believe this person isn't black?


If this game came out 15 years ago this would definitely have been the ad they put in magazines for it

I miss those magazines. I had a huge bin filled with them, then some mice got into the garage, chewed their way into the bin and tore them apart.

The story in this game drive me crazy
i am falling in love with it


>la creatura

Nor have they been turned off, either.

>game goes on sale
>servers are closing in 10 days
>know I won't get a chance to beat the game in those 10 days so I don't buy the game
>sale ends
>they announce that servers will remain open until July

Fuck Gravity Rush 2.

>inbred mutt

Too much ((((realism))))

Are you saying that beauty treatment can make someones facial profile and jawline relatively slimmer without surgery?
Somebody tell South Korea, they're making a big mistake!

>cultural impact