In all online games outside arena shooters, Snipers have a negative impact on gameplay. They reinforce awful habits like camping, and contribute virtually nothing to teamwork or objectives.
How do we solve the Sniper problem
By making cqb sniper > long range sniper
In Overwatch I just use Winston and focus on the sniper until they switch or quit.
Chocolate and vanilla
I love this guy's Pony porn
So what you're saying is this is actually a barneyfag thread and we can expect him to make his post soon.
In Battlefield Bad Company, they were generally balanced by not being able to go prone like every other character so they were forced to have at least a crouching silhouette and be a target large enough to shoot at.
In TF2, again;
>snipers cannot go prone, can only crouch
>have a considerable charge-up time to balance their killing potential and range with TTK
>purpose is to discourage prolonged skirmishes out in the open
>characters are generally highly mobile either by default(scout, medic) or with a penalty(soldier/demo by rocket/sticky, spy using invisibility gauge), or specifically designed to be countered by the sniper(e.g. Heavy spinning up dramatically lowers his already low movement speed)
>if you have too many snipers, your line of scrimmage that's supposed to have generalists and your support line will be at a deficit
If you have snipers, there's really not much you can do to guard against awful behavior. All you can do is either passively discourage it with stuff like the above, where TF2 has a negative reinforcement system in play, or actively discourage it(server-side class limits).
hahahah dude just get behind a wall like dude don't get in their line of fire hahahaha
This is why we are here.
I think they're fun to play and frustrating to play against, sometimes they can make the game revolve around themselves
Again, didn't solve the problems. Both games turned into sniper dueling, effectively removing any incentive to play objectives or anything more that TDM and farming KDA
I mean....If a sniper is good,and does a good job of taking out enemies and keeping them off of the objective,isn't that still contributing to the team/objective/whatever?
There's like two gamemodes in Bad Company 1/2 anybody ever talks about or plays. Conquest is basically just upselling team deathmatch.
In TF2, sniper dueling basically evens out since both teams have one person just trying to kill the other. You're not really gonna feel the difference between 12 vs 12 and 11 vs 11 when your snipers might as well not exist.
Depends on the game. In CSGO its pretty balanced.
1 body shot kills, but can only fire once a second, and its easy to get flashed or smoked off an angle.
The Sniper is the only gun in the game that can 1 shot but all the negatives means you just can't hide far away and get one kill like in Battle Field. You need good positioning and fast reflexes and be able to make smart choices on when to engage to be effective.
No. Area denial is a myth. Good map design dictates that it will never be fully effective. To say nothing of how easy it is to exploit sniping in regards to hacking/cheats.
Also, honestly. A ridiculously small number of snipers are actually good or reliable. An overwhelming majority are dead weight.
>Good map design
Dude, Overwatch is in the OP post. I thought we were working on the assumption that the map design was horrible.
With most games you just need a little nudging and patching. Overwatch needs a full makeover and snipers are the least of its problems.
By playing them and ignoring the other shit
>Overwatch needs a full makeover and snipers are the least of its problems
I wholeheartedly agree. I had fun, but man do I feel like I wasted too much time on it...
Kill yourselves.
sure sure, after breaking past their line of def on anubis at the start, right?
just jump my fucking GIANT HITBOX MONKEY ASS up in the goddamn sky and not be seen by anyone!
Additionally, Snipers who don't camp and play with their team STILL change the entire dynamic of the game they're in.
I stated many times that AWP ruins CSGO, but whatever, it's a fight I've won by quitting the game.
Everything a Spy can do, a Sniper does better. It's sad how TF2 still has no class equity.
There's no conceivable reason for that map not to have a second gate on the right. Same with Volskaya, from within the manor.
They ACTUALLY changed the bank in Dorado, what is hanging them up on the two legit worst maps?
How does the AWP ruin the game?
class equity is a myth
well, at least vols, you can jump from the side or tele or w/e with like 8 guys
Post more torpedoes.
Camping is a legit strategy though. Having one or two snipers keeping objectives clear of flankers works wonders. The only problem is in games where player count is small like OW for example. With shit like Red Orchestra, having a sniper or two can really improve your team's advantage. That being said, I can't understand why people even play snipers in OW; the close-range and mobility based heroes are too fun for me.
Why is manor on Vols even a thing? It's only good for some cheeky spawn camping in pubs, but the health pack is too far to be of use, the enemy team wouldn't risk camping past choke, and I can probably count the number of times that balcony's seen use in the in time I played.
Creepy ERP matches in the server browser.
Can I die from suffocation between Pharah's thighs?
You start by admitting that there isn't a sniper problem. It's popular with the audience and that's really all the justification it will ever need.
Why do artists do that weird shit where Pharah takes off all her armor and clothes except for her gauntlets and leg braces? I get it can be hard to distinguish a character, but you got the brown skin, the weird hair tassels, the tattoo on the right eye. It's Pharah. Just draw her naked or in some other clothes.
Probably just similar to bikini style armor in fantasy stuff.
It just looks cool.
Not to everyones taste though.
I like it.
Dude shes an amputee, those are prosthetic limbs
why do people bitch so much about camping? i honestly dont see whats so bad about it
sorry you fuckin died to someone waiting for a head to pop up
same with bunny hopping
dude jumping around making it harder for you to hit and then cry about bunny hopping
youre just shit at the game and he isnt running in a straight line for you for an easy kill
fps players are the worst
Because it's boring to play against
>literally all official art of Pharah outside of armor shows her with totally normal limbs
She just wearing her armor while half-naked.