Can't change your name

>Can't change your name
>Store requires a minimum $5 credit charge even though you only need $2 to buy game
>Slow UI in store

Pic unrelated. Why is Sony so incompetent?

You can choose the "add remaining funds" option or whatever it's called.

I agree, Nintendo is garbage.


kek. n1 OP

Remember when the PS3 store was fast and had a search bar, then they made a grand update that made it the slowest app in the known gaming world.

And that search function they used to replace the normal keyboard, scrolling through one letter at a time. Beautiful.

The PS4's disgusting eshop revolts me. The fact that the whole system menu is like a big billboard is nauseating. A long way from the comfy simplicity of the PS2. Hell, the Vita was a lot better. I don't know how they fucked up so bad on the PS4.

False. Minimum funding is $5

That only works if you're buying something where the remaining cost exceeds $5. If you want to buy a 99-cent add-on and you only have 24 cents in the wallet, they'll still make you add $5.


Fuck off Nintendie falseflagger. Your shitty tablet barely even has an online service

Well that's stupid.

It's like they decided to make buying games as slow and stupid as possible

LOL SO FUNNY XD!!!111!!!!

>Nintendo bait and SWITCH

Hello Sonybro.

Yeah. What the FUCK were they thinking with that "upgrade." Half the time when you launch the PS3 store nowadays it just hangs and you have to restart. I also fucking HATE how in the PS4 store you have to use that idiotic wheel of fortune system to enter in your search terms. Why the fuck can't we just type shit in, like you can EVERYWHERE ELSE on the PS4?

It reminds me of an Onion news story a few years ago where apple replaced the Mac Book keyboard with the wheel from the ipod. I could not believe they made that dumb of a change. And Japan didn't get the update either, at least not for a long while. My Japanese account still used the browser based store.

It’s pretty amazing that the PSP has a faster and more intuitive latout.

>PS3 store
No. I've never once known it to be fast. And downloading anything on PS3 took ages longer than every other platform combined.

not if you just pay with your card rather than putting money into the wallet.

You can change your screen name easily.

Downloads maybe but the actual store before the "app" was just an HTML page that loaded amazingly fast.

is psn down?

We can all agree games are awful.

>Can't change your name
>Slow UI in store

Sounds just like the PSN

user I just bought a game there with only a few cents missing, you can literally pick "remaining amount"

are we so desperate that we lie now?


Reread the OP

Buy on the web, log in on ps4 and download only retards use the console store

>Buys digital games
>Calls others retards

Deepest lore

Sony has a great opening screen and a good way to show your library. The store is terrible. To find the mon hun demo I had to look through their version of the vame encylopedia.

why haven't you adopted a tripcode yet?

On PS4 is shows my games in chronological order of how I played them instead of in folders like on PS3. In what way is that good.