If you kill him you'll be just like him!

>if you kill him you'll be just like him!

Other urls found in this thread:


>when the villain baits you into killing him so that he can steal your body

It's okay, you have to put on the suit first.

when does that happen

Birth By Sleep

Reminder that this statement is 100% tru e and makes sense

>You can't kill the main villain!
>...even though you've already killed hundreds of his soldiers just to get here

>You can’t kill the main villain
>Even though he’s responsible for the murder of some of your friends and will likely continue to kill people

>MC kills him anyway

>how can i be the villain when you've killed millions...

>first time meeting big bad
>makes a logical argument for being bad
>game won't let you join them

Because good is dumb.
>crying liberty.jpg

>One final test. The rules are simple. Over on that table is a host of vicious implements... which you can use to exact your pound of flesh, to take your vengeance, to indulge your obsession. Or... you can choose to put your vengeance aside and you can forgive. You can forgive me for the pain that I've caused you and your wife tonight. Which is it going to be?

>killing enemies that are a lower level than you gets you evil points and the bad ending

>If you kill a murderer, the number of murderers in the world does not change.
No, but the number of murderED goes down a bit.

>MurderED reduced by killing someone
Technically it increases by one if the killer is a vigilante. Lawful executions aside.

Chrono Cross.

>the Pope executes your father and brothers in AC2
>beat the shit out of him in the final level
>"I won't kill you. I'm not like you."

>AC: Brotherhood
>the Pope comes back and kills your uncle, too
>he also destroys the entire town you built in the last game

"Whoever sheds human blood, by humans shall their blood be shed." God said that, so fuck you. Murdering murderers is 100% not a problem.

What I mean is, someone who kills a murder is likely to only kill the one person, while someone who murders indiscriminately is likely to just keep killing.

wrong. there is nothing wrong with vengeance killing or killing to prevent more deaths

To be fair, I do remember him getting chewed-out for it anyway.
Something along the lines of
"Ezio, what the fuck were you thinking?"

The novel version does this better
>I won't kill you just yet. Imma get in that vault you worked your life to open and you'll be watching as you bleed on the ground

>gets in and out of the vault

>"Well? What's inside?"
>Nothing. Your whole life is a lie.
>(Pope drinks poison. Survives later on)

>doesn't kill people

>if you kill him you'll be just like him!
>*Sheathes sword*
>"You're right, we should jail and hold him"

>escapes in the sequel and kills your friends and family

All Ezio wanted to do in life was fuck bitches and get Florins.

It aint his fault little Petruccio got killed for no reason. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.

Nah, Shiros a fag and only self insert fags like him

Yeah, and that's the folly of statistics vs. fact.
You can't know if they'll keep killing like a mindless animal or if their murders up until that point had a calculated purpose and conclusion. It depends on the murderer.

>Guy kills any POWs he gets his hands on, even if they surrender willingly, along with plenty of other atrocities.
>Finally gets his shit pushed in.
>"I give up! I'm a POW now! You can't do anything to me or you'll be just like me!"
>"yeah that might work if the shonen protag MC was around but I'm not him fag."

Lin finishing Greyfield off was incredibly satisfying.

Environmental Station Alpha

Fuck off

God bless, someone has the right of it. I don't know why people spam this image so much. It's not up there with "People die when they're killed". It genuinely makes perfect sense.

Paper Mario: TTYD


Based Lin, best character from days of ruin and best girl

>>It's okay to kill millions of animals for grinding
>It's okay to kill millions of faceless grunts with friends and families
>It's not okay to kill their boss because he has a name

fuck off lol

>Shiro is self insert
Factually wrong.


>animals = people

LITERALLY soy logic

Why does that character always get posted in these threads? Is she some cliche moralfag who whines about being just like the villain?

Is it ever explicitly stated that Shirou is redman in SN? Like, It's hinted very heavily, and it's written in a way that assumes the reader knows the fact, but is it actually ever stated straight up?

they make it pretty clear, but i don't think they ever directly stated it. t. played through the whole thing a month or two ago

Nah, you'll be superior because you'll be the victor.

I hate this shit sooooooooo fucking much.

No, she busts a cap in the villain's ass without hesitation after he tries to pull that line.

See The bad guy tries to pull the "you'll be just like me" line and she calls bullshit and kills him anyway. Nothing bad happens, she doesn't go full edge, she just got rid of a nuisance. It debunks the trope.


I want a setup where someone tries to pull this shit and the protagonist just fucking wastes the villain and says something along the lines of "no, that's stupid, this is like cutting out a cancerous tumor, don't be stupid."

"People die when they are killed" also makes sense, it's just never mentioned within context. Shirou returns Avalon, the thing that saved his life countless times, so he says "People die when they are killed. That's how it should be.", making reference to how if he did the things he did as a normal person he would have died.




It's one of those general disconnects between story and game mechanics that a lot of games have. Which are understandable from a gameplay point of view, but still make me chuckle.

Force Unleashed, Assassin's Creed 2, Mass Effect 2. Gotta take the moral high-ground with the one important villain at the end of a tunnel of countless nameless mooks that you just murdered.

Any games where the protagonist gets that spiel and kills the villain anyway?

Is Shirou the Jaden Smith of anime protags

Fable the lost chapters.


>if you kill me you'll be just as bad as me!
>yeah, you're right

The meaning makes sense, but he line should have been translated as something like "People should die when they're killed" or "People are meant to die when they're killed" or something along those lines.

That dude doesn't die though.

>If you kill him, you'll be just like him
>I always wanted to be like him

But the translation "People die when they are killed. That's how it should be." makes complete sense, the phrase is meant to be redundant to state how it should be an obvious thing that Shirou has cheated against so far. Shirou has gone trough things that should have killed him but he didn't die.

You made me remember that awful cutscene from Xenoblade Chronicles. Fuck you.

He says it in reference to using the grail to bring people back to life, not giving up Avalon. He never loses Avalon in the Fate route, which is where he says it.

This, there's no way poor people can even hope to be as useful to the planet as animals.

He does though? You HAVE to give Avalon to Saber in Fate or she dies to Enuma Elish and you get a bad end.

Nah I just posted him because he's a great villain. I will say Ryu does attack him so he the heroes at least try to kill him.

Days of Ruin is truly the best Advance Wars. Too bad it didn't sell well and Nintendo dropped the series.

Fire emblem awakening, kind of

Neo-conservative logic

Women truly have no honor

>If we kill him, we're no better than him. If we kill him, he wins.
>Yeah, except we are better than him and he doesn't win. He doesn't anything. He's dead. That's the point.

Ethnicity of this poster: not white

True, "slavs aren't white" as Sup Forums tells us

>Antagonist kicks your ass but spares your life
>"If I kill you, I'll be just like you"

XBC2 did that somewhat.

>Whole game makes you kind'a like Malos
>He's never one presented as an asshole to anyone but you, he's nice, caring and supportive to his own team
>His motives suck but they're understandable
>At the very end of the game where Rex understands the truth of everything and says he doesn't want to kill Malos, only stop him and try reform him, you actually wind up agreeing with him
>And then you remember he killed Vandham and it's complicated

Luckily they didn't pull any bullshit and Rex did kill Malos, but still.

Hell, it doesn't even need context. There was never anything wrong with the line on its own. People shout about it being redundant but saying "someone died" and "someone was killed" have very different implications even if one does make the other true.

It's only brought up because it's in Fate and people want to show their pseud chops, but if the line cropped up in a proper novel, people would just continue onto the next one without batting an eye. There're a lot of times when things aren't quite obvious until they're said.

If you haven't seen it already, you guys may like the movie Super.


>You think that stabbing me to death is going to change the world!?
>I can't know that for sure... Unless I try!

he gives back Avalon and projects it in the final battle. So they both have Avalons