*sells 7.6 million units and blows Sup Forums the fuck out in your path*

*sells 7.6 million units and blows Sup Forums the fuck out in your path*

Other urls found in this thread:


Sup Forums likes to pretend this is a bad game

How much do you tip your pizzaman, Sup Forums?

But how many GOTY awards did it win?

Sup Forums didn't seem to care much for this game either way

50 according to go that gotyblog site. Which is second

wasn't it zero?

Must be, this game is pretty bad.

at the game awards? zero

How does an irrelevant game sell so much?

i wonder how much of these ''''''''GOTY'''''' have either playstation or a variation of feminist in the title. I suspect it,s a LOT ;^)

retards (PS4 owners) buy shit game (HZD) because they literally had nothing else to play for a year.

>its almost as if sjw bought for the sake of pushing their bullshit forward
shocking kid really

Selling that many copies literally proves it is the opposite of irrelevant, numbnuts.

Broad appeal, lots of marketing, and constant/early price cuts.


Ctrl f and search playstation and get 0 results.

Stay seething

whatever it takes to convince yourself aloy isn't shit user

Is Sup Forums the only place on the internet that hates this game? even /r/Nintendo aknowledges this is a great game

Shitposting aside, I really do think it's pretty mediocre. They don't go nearly far enough with giving Aloy fun weapons, twanging a billion arrows into each machine gets tiresome
>Stick aiming only
>When the DS4 has gyro

*outsells both BOTW and Horizon combined*

*is actually a good game*

how can triple A companies ever recover?

Five bucks. If I got it.

Why does "she" look like an hobgoblin?

it's almost like constant free updates actually sells games!?!?!?

How many of those are from real outlets though? And by real, I mean not "Totally Not Paid By Sony Fansite #4" or "Feminists Who Don't Play Video Games"? For example, places like the Game Awards, IGN, hell even garbage like Shitaku or Polygon.

Why do you shill that shit constantly? Nobody likes moving the controller to aim.

I don't buy pizza

Go back.

she's not an appealing broad though


Not him. Who gives a fuck?

This. It's really weird. There's this huge disconnect between Sup Forums and reality sometimes

*outsells every video game in history combined*

How can video games even compete?

I dont do tips!

SJWs really bought into this game

I refuse to believe this has sold that well.

Meanwhile it totally counts when Nintendo games get GOTY from NintendoLife, MyNintendoNews, NintendoEverything, NintendoWire, and NintendoBlogger ;)

Fucking forgot pic

>b-but nintendo!

>never hard of this game
>it's on special, buy it
>10/10 fun as fuck and really impressive visuals

Seriously why hadn't i heard of this game?

>shipped vs sold

>bundled sales

God she's fucking ugly

>o-only sony does bundles!!!

>5 times the marketing budget
if they didnt sell 5 million units they would not have made any money on that junk

The story in this was pretty interesting. Definitely better than "you're the chosen one gotta collect the triangles to save the princess"

>sjw dont play games!
>those fucking sjw buying games to push their agenda!
When will you retards finally kill yourselves?

It wasn't actually bundled

There was no Horizon bundle though

gyro is dumb. My problem was the arrows tracking the targets. It should go straight where you aim no matter what. I missed tons of long range shots because I'm used to leading the targets


Dont remember Soyboys crying about bundles when Nintendo released Mario numbers.

It's so sad, you've convinced yourself that the game failed and now that the facts have come out, you just can't handle the truth.

>It's a "Brainlet has a hot take on this objectively superior aiming solution" episode


there's a reason this website lent itself so readily to becoming anime nazi central

Only Nintendofanboys are pushing for this trash.

It is. I mean, Overwatch sold far more, are you claiming that is a better game? And Odyssey? And any given FIFA? And Splatoon 2?





That's Zelda

Horizon's 7.6M is Sold Through. Meanwhile Zelda only shipped 7.8M on two systems combined.

are you gonna do this every time a game that isn't on nintendo sells well?


>Not limited edition or available around the world

Face it, Horizon didn't get the Uncharted 4, Monster Hunter World, or TLOU but still sold great

Nope, just pure hard sales


Only faggots who use nothing but control stick think gyro is bad. Mouse destroys everything though

>i-it wasnt bundled guys!

I'd tip Sessler.

Check my 4

Brazil only

>muh school shooter

That's actually a legitimately fantastic bundle.

Why do women insist on using so much silicone

>just pure, largely deep-discounted sales
Don't kid yourself, son.

Kek you're reaching hard finding these 3rd world bundles

I really need to get around to playing it, but I've been so fatigued from open world games.

I liked it. It's one of the better modern "Open World" games.

We dont have to pretend, it is a bad game.

Trying so, so hard to push the meme of this game failing even after being BTFO

The PS4 isnt the Switch my dude

>that image

Every game gets discounted quickly these days. Even Fifa got a discount a month after launch

no bundles here!

lmao. face it, without bundles, this piece of shit would have sold half what it did and would have had a net loss with all that marketing budget


Its so hard to tell these days man, 30 year old women and 30 year old trannies look so similar

Damn that's a good deal.

Another brazil-only bundle

literally would have sold 3 million without bundles



$35 for the complete edition

Why do they only make these bundles for the slim? I've never seen a PRO with a bundle

Yes, you got it. Nintendo is the only company in the industry that does not discount their games.

There is no pretending. Its shit and you eat it up like its impressive.

>i-its brazil only!
>i-its korean only!

Speaking of bundles why did Sony never actually give it a full bundle like Uncharted 4 or Monster Hunter World? Hell at least a PS4 Pro bundle. Maybe because it was a new IP?

Where was I when they were giving out free blows?
I'm not that neet.


Keep goalposting and face it that you got btfo by claiming no bundles exist.

and yet they still sell, just as well as other comparable games. this is the entire point. HZD has been discounted for 6 months and sold probably just as much as a not discounted BOTW

>Uncharted 4

*gets forgotten about in two weeks*

user, when will you realize that none of the markets you're posting are even in the top 10 videogame markets? Uncharted 4 gets a global bundle sold everywhere. Horizon's bundle is sold in countries that don't buy console games.