Quick Sup Forums!

Quick Sup Forums!

Erik Killmonger has just been sent to cease your kingdom. The last video game characters you played as are your body guards. How does it go?

Fuck off with your capeshit.

is Erik Killmonger the name of that black guys character or is that the actors name?

Is that the black panther movie?

>pretending to not know something everyone knows to sound cool


who is this? wtf?

hey dummy I dont watch marvel movies. well, since the toby maguire spiderman anyway


is this the movie where the uganda knuckles meme came from?

*tips fedora*

My MHW character wouldn't even break a sweat. My palico could take him.

Ah yes, Erik, the traditional African name

He's not African retard.

name one (1) good marvel movie. every one I've seen in the past 10 years has been really bland. CGI is nice though

Winter Soldier

How come the blacks in this movie are allowed to be nationalists?

>pretending this movie is known or good enough to work with this meme

ur right hes the quintessential american didnt see that, its captain america right? is it better than the first?
white people arent allowed to have in group preference but everyone else is encouraged to

Niggers can’t Zerg Rush


What mod is that vault suit from?

As someone who's seen em all, the Winter Soldier is my favorite since it isn't a strict copy & paste like most the others. That and Iron Man 1.

Lenneth Valkyrie and her Einherjar

I think I'm good

Will he be able to kill the anime he loves so much?

are you just gonna keep making these threads? one would do man.

Much better, easily the best action scenes in the entire marvel line up.

because they arent white.

you can do anything if your mexican or a nigger. kill,rape,be a nationalist.... but if your white... WATCH OUT! your getting punched nazi!

hmm maybe I should give it a shot. Aryan Soldier Man is more interesting than Black Power Man at least

The DBZ one.

>People relate to Killmonger despite having a similar goal to Hitler
>Wakanda is obviously a metaphor for Japan
>Black Panther goes out of his way to stop immigrants from coming and wants to keep their wall up
>tfw people look at Black Panther as a good example of black characters
They should play 50 Cent Blood on the Sand or Afro Samurai, much cooler black guys.

I last played R-Type on MAME. Can Killmonger beat up a spaceship?

>Lenneth Valkyrie
>an aryan female... to protect the kingdom against a black invasor

uh.. oh

because the whole movie was about how nationalism is bad

>Villain theme is literally jungle flute with trap beat and villain strings/orchestra slapped on


name a cuter villain than micheal b jordan

you can't

Enough with your fucking cuck threads

>muh black movie
>most enjoyable character is white

Zoro from one piece, yeah his shit is getting wrecked.

user...that came out 20 years ago..

My last two? my last two hundred?

his name is seriously Michael Jordan? I heard that was pretty gruesome. Sounds interesting desu

Spiderman (Toby)
Spiderman 2 (Toby)
X2: X-Men United
Captain America (1990)
Captain America: The First Avenger
Captain America Civil War
Black Panther
Spiderman Homecoming
The Incredible Hulk 2008
Ant Man
Thor Ragnarok
Doctor Strange
Ghost Rider
Howard the Duck
The Punisher


They're all trash for faggot manchildren

Vaan, balthier, and ashe. Larsa as a guest. I'm pretty alright, id say

You have Latveria and goddamn Asgard, shut the fuck up.


>Wakanda is obviously a metaphor for Japan
>>Black Panther goes out of his way to stop immigrants from coming and wants to keep their wall up
>Entire movie was why Ethno Nationalism and Ethno states are Selfish isolationists
>tfw people look at Black Panther as a good example of black characters
yes,T'challa has been the best character in the MCU right now. HIS MOVIE MADE 700 MILLION DOLLARS IN 2 WEEKS, WHAT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?!

Michael B Jordan is a black man.

>tfw DOOM will never receive the film treatment he deserves

He's probably talking about Klaw or Agent Bilbo

It's the number one movie in the world. Why is Sup Forums so out of touch?

>It's a "villain is much more interesting and compelling than the bland as fuck main character" episode

Im fine.

What are his powers? I haven't seen Black Panther or read anything about it.

Either way, it's fucking DMC3, I'm pretty sure her's fucked.

>movie hailed as a great achievement for black americans
>it's about black people collaborating with the CIA to stop a black revolutionary from helping oppressed black people

Fucking propaganda film, unbelievable