Can we have a sword thread?
Can we have a sword thread?
>fantasy """"""""""""""swords""""""""""""""
>The virgin sword versus the Chad greathammer.
Do you fags even lift?
not really too big on Roy but goddamn if fire swords don't get me rock solid
what are some games with fun spellblading?
Swords a shit
Halberds coming through
Fuck off back to History, you low-key Sup Forums cuck.
Sorry you hate realism faggot.
We need more top tier realistic designs wielded by manly MCs like this!
You're on a board for VIDEO GAMES. Fantasy is all we got.
> more like a slab of raw iron
Do you?
>forge a fishhook
>call it a sword
What did he mean by this
He's a bit hard of hearing and thought the client who ordered it forged wanted to win a "baitle".
>Water sword
>In the shape of a fish hook
I'm not seeing how that's a bad decision desu desu
hyper weapon
Haven't played Ryse but I've always liked the aesthetics of the gladius, but I tried to keep it relevant to Sup Forums
big sword
Fuck yes was this thing glorious on my first pure melee run.
Club weapons>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Swords
>maxes out at 4800 dmg more then anything in the game
>destroys nearly anything in one hit
>it even lights up an area yet still didn't break stealth either wtf
god damn that thing was bullshit.
Ah... you were at my side all along
Which one, Sup Forums?
It's a classic, baby!
Refined Lothric Knight Sword is best sword
>we knew what it meant when he drew it in anger, it meant you were dead
i got ds3 on sale
do i jump in or play 1 first, i only buy games on sale but bandai namco is jewing me out here on steam
dude, you'll never sale these arrows!
you can enjoy 3 fine without having played 1, in fact you might enjoy it more without being able to compare it to 1
go sleep Og, it past dark time
My favorite weapon in DS2.
Silver knight straight sword is so fucking gorgeous, it's one of my favorite vidya weapons ever
fantasy weapons in general look like foam toys, they're always too fat and too large
Even the longest and heaviest real swords tended to have blades less than 2 inches wide and less than a quarter inch thick, to say nothing of fantasy gun designs
>we Monster Hunter Souls now
How was Ludwig wielding that giga sword when he was a human
he was a big guy
as I understand it he never actually wielded it, he just owned it.
Ludwig's Holy Blade was copied from the actual weapon he used
But that's the original holy moonlight sword, not the mass produced Ludwig's holy blade that church hunters used
Looks like painted cardboard.
Its about the gameplay my dude. Those str and dex scalings.
>fantasy sword
>anything fantasy but warhammer fantasy
recycle bin.lnk
the best swords are totally plain.
>sonic is a divine avenger shitter
>only fantasy games exist
Besides Dark Souls wasn't this was on Otogi aswell?
Sully had taste.