Embarrassing vidya thing I've done since I was a kid

I have great difficulty describing why this works, but it just does. I am in my 20's and have been doing this since I was very young. Flailing your arm around and holding something in your left hand makes it feel like you are really playing a video game, except it is in your head and you have complete control over it. It feels very silly the first time you do it in a new location, so I imagine trying it for the first time would be very weird. I'm curious if other people can get the same effect that I get. It's a great way to pass time in the shitter.

>he needs to flail around like a retard to use his imagination

>i was in this thread

>It's a great way to pass time in the shitter

It just looks like you are trying to masturbate with one hand and hold the door of the shitter with your other hand. It sounds like a joke about being able to taste the salt if you close your eyes and pretend to shake salt into your mouth from invisible salt container.

man what are you doing.

itt people who don't realize this is pasta

wow I just tried this and nothing fucking happened

This reminds me back when I was young and I had a going into threads machine

You have to eat all the eggs...
