There is nothing wrong with using NTSC filters in your emulator.
There is nothing wrong with using NTSC filters in your emulator
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Unless said filters suck.
If you emulate you should use filters. The graphics were designed wtih scanlines and the ntsc signal in mind.
you know it baby
Can you tell me which shader this is and if applicable, the settings too?
I'm often using Lotte's CRT shader with custom tweaks but depending of the game I don't like the rgb grill, it's not that realistic and often too big. I use the shader in conjuction with ReShade + emulators unless they have built-in support for crt emulation.
YES! finally a thread for me. LONG LIVE FILTERS!
i dont care for scanlines, but a little blur is okay.
i stretch games to 16:9 and use only HQ2X
what snes emulator do you guys like? zsnes is a bit of a pain in the ass
I forget exactly what combination it is, gimme a bit and I'll look through my folder
you would've had to sit like two feet from the screen to see those lines.
>he can't lift a 19 inch crt
The absolute state of Sup Forums, everyone.
Filters, no filters, who gives a shit? Play however the fuck you want. That's the best thing about emulation. You can set it up to your tastes. You don't have any shitty filters or aspect ratio forced on you.
I find this image immensely triggering
>chrono triggered
>Just make it look like shit bro!
>They INTENDED inherent technical limitations!
>There is nothing wrong with using NTSC filters in your emulator.
Generally speaking there isn't, but the one you're using there is godawful
What is Sup Forums if not a board where the autistic try to force their opinions to be accepted as fact?
Not him but literally the case you fucking retard
Most dithering techniques, for example, were made with the fact that screens would blend the colors because they wouldn't show clean pixels, notice how in user's pic the lighting looks much smoother without the clear-cut pixel transitions of the curved bricks
The only displays available at the time for consumers were standard definition CRT TVs/monitors. The SNES can only output an analog 240p signal (with very special exceptions for a handful of titles that use 480i in some instances) without modding it, anything that even mildly manages to emulate the look of said 240p CRT screens is better than nothing at all, in my opinion anyway.
Arcade cabinet cave shmups are a great example. They ran on really shitty hardware that slowed down when there was too much to track and draw on the screen and the slowdown was taken into account when designing the games. Later console ports had to emulate the slowdown or the game would run faster than intended, thus making it harder
And on such screens you wouldn't even see scanlines since they were operated at their maximum resolution.
>anything that even mildly manages to emulate the look of said 240p CRT screens is better than nothing at all, in my opinion anyway.
It depends on whether the scanlines are represented evenly or not. Like OP's pick is terrible, as the variation creates luminosity differences that makes it look like random bars across the screen. Then again this applies even if you're using no filter at all: 1:1 PAR is necessary unless you're using very high resolutions where it's not longer evident your pixels are different sizes
Its impossible to show it in a photograph but scanlines are totally visible on consumer grade TVs.
So I have one of the ntsc shaders (can't remember which one) loaded followed by crt-hyllian-3d, with some of the values slightly adjusted. You can have my preset, since that'd probably be easier than manually getting them loaded
>Its impossible to show it in a photograph
>it's clearly visible
Later CRT TVs could do 720p and even 1080i. You'd see scanlines on those with old consoles but I doubt wooden-cabinet 480i TVs of the time had such high resolution.
480i TVs displaying a 240p signal always had scanlines. This should be obvious. Are you really trying to argue with someone who grew up with CRT TVs when you're clearly too young to have actually had one?
Well it doesn't look quite like how it does in person.
In some cases they sprited with the blur from CRT's in mind, yes
I can't find the image, but there was an image showing a sprite of a guy's face made for a older game where in a modern display/emulation, it looks awful and aliased, but when viewed from a CRT the aliasing blurs into each other to give realistic shading.
so it's not just the equivalent of movies/games putting in lens flare even though that's a mistake?
but they were specifically designing FOR those limitations, and thus every decision made was made with that limitation in mind.
there are no mistakes in art
There's also nothing wrong with killing yourself
Suicide is illegal.
right looks disgusting though
Not in your case
Don't worry, i gave you permission
This is what a GameCube with composite 240i output looks like on a CRT TV built in 1987. I don't see any scanlines.
you might be legitimately blind
Last I checked zsnes was outdated and snes9x was your best choice, unless your computer is good enough to run higan without lag then you should use that.
bottom looks the best
Yeah I've seen TVs like that, if you look at the pixels they're alternating slightly so you can't really see the lines. We only had trinitrons in my house, they had very pronounced lines in 240p mode
What filter is this? It actually looks like a CRT unlike every other shitty filter I see.
I really hope retardation is not contagious.
Which are you saying is retarded?
Both, they are not just retarded, i think they have some kind of real condition.
They look pretty cool on a 4k OLED display.
But one is saying right looks bad, the other is saying it's good.
Literally Crash Bandicoot
what front end is that?
This. For those of us with shadow mask CRTs (common in cheap TVs) that was what you got. For comparison here's a 480p image on a Trinitron monitor with clean-ass scanlines.
There is nothing wrong with using NTSC filters.
I use the highest filter option possible
who the fuck wants to look at blocks? the devs would have wanted this
>when hq2x isn't enough
pretty sure snes9x goes upto x6
So I'm a pleb who just loads shit into OpenEmu, any tips or tricks when it comes to emulating?
use the various filter options and see what you enjoy the most. you really should try all of them out because some TVs and monitors may benefit from one type more than another.
don't listen to any other reply