Other urls found in this thread:



They are still both an order of magnitude bigger blunder than something that's considered to be one of the biggest blunders in the last few years.

To be fair, people actually had expectations for Evolve and it was way more hyped up than the other two games.

Blunderborn had plenty of hype.

who pre-ordered here???

>There are more people in this thread than there are playing Lawbreakers right now

Anybody have those twitter screencaps of Randy creating the Battleborn porn subreddit?

>Fucking Evolve has more players
Also what Turtle Rock is up to these days?


>7 things why battleborn is so badass

>12,070 all-time peak

If Lawbreakers went F2P, it would easily get 5,000+ players



I miss Battleborn threads.


frig off randy

It's funny because the all time peaks aren't even that good to begin with
It wasn't so hard to predict this would happen

seizure inducing levels of disorienting

nah yer a cheese burger walrus


how do you even achieve anything? there's so much information, as well as the red shit which MUST be intentional, like a flash bang or something...

The only LawBreakers related information I remember hearing was one of the main guys making the game:

1)Shit on Xbox because it wasn't getting it

2)Posting a Tweet with a picture of a unisex bathroom in the game, saying something about progressivism in gaming

What's funny is there are more genders than their are Lawbreakers players right now.

Now post the Lawbreakers one.

>Already up by 1%
How will Sup Forums ever recover?
LawBreakers is already coming back and you cant do shit about it


God damn that scope animation is sickening.
How the fuck do you even aim that shit?

Evolve wasn't a bad game. It's just had no replayability. If you played a few hours then you're going to do the same exact things for the rest of your time playing the game. Unlike any other multiplayer game where there are things to change up the entire end result. Evolve different monsters and hunters didn't do that. It played exactly the same.

>that hand

the rest of that I can be ok with but holy hell that hand

>mrw I still find this shit hilarious
Its amazing how bad these games flopped.
Oh, and just as some friendly advice,
turn your volume up if you go to that video.
Its a bit quiet.

They're ripping off Final Fantasy now?

Of course Cliffy, of course

oh poor cliff

just go back to making unreal and unreal tournament


He's back?
Yes, I think he's back.

Fuck you. Buy the game!

Most devs should just stay off of twitter.



Kamiya is too good for twitter.


That's pretty shitty but not nearly as bad. The hud is more usable, the color scheme doesn't clash as much. Still too many fucking effects for every shot but it's at least readable.

>When the game designer lets the team design the game for him

>fucking streamers, refusing to play my game for free!!!!
Is Cliff the manlet of gaming?

Amazing retort coming from a walking vagina

>Get random notification from Facebook yesterday
>'Gearbox Software Official' has changed its name to 'Gearbox'
Wonder if it means anything.

>50 people playing on a good day
>somehow have money to make new content and to pay a voice actor
Also if he'd lower the price to $10 he could build an actual playerbase. Lawbreakers has to compete with F2P games but people will be willing to pay $10 to play with fewer chinese gold farmers but $30 is asking too much in this genre.

Because Cliffy B and Gearbox still had a good name and so companies would throw a lot of money at them when they promised to make "the next Overwatch".

I still can't believe another game would surpass battleborn's failure, but goddamn if lawbreakers didn't just prove me wrong, it fucking dropped dead from the start.

>the CEO of a company telling people to fuck off on twitter
How long until the Randy saga ends in homicide/suicide by Mr Pitchford?

Pre-F2P Old Republic I think is still the biggest most hilarious failure of all time.

Fuck off Randy Bobandy

>it's another "let's fund our shitty game with the profits of our not shitty games" episode
lol they'd get along with Frontier Developments.
Also "the next Overwatch", really? I mean, Overwatch is still online.


That had to be a shitpost. There is no way that guy was serious unless he had 25% of a playerbase in his ass.

those days were cray cray

Tortanic involved a whole lot of retards trying to mental gymnastics their way out of feeling buyer's remorse like never before.

I think it's because it drew a lot of people who weren't gamers so much as just obsessed with star wars.

Say what you will about Blizzard, their customer service is alright.


Fuck off!

jesus christ, my sides

>There are more black dicks penetrating one white girl more then Law Breakers Player Base.

Were Biodrones just mentally ill?

>someone approved this


To be fair, the guy on the left is being a smartass and needed to be told to fuck off for once in his life.

Im sure the developers were pretty fucked up in the head too

Dude that is some fucking Steinernomics right there.

I wonder how many still have them.

You know a dev touched rock bottom when he argues with randoms on twitter LMAO

I never got the drama. I bought the game on launch, played through a few stories (loved lightside sith warrior) then unsubbed. I definitely got my money's worth

>try to remove pickle tatoo
>pickle is now green

He's kinda right.

>durning beta companions could actually die or fuck off
>faggots complained they lost their companion because they chose the wrong dialog option
>bioware changed it

So in the end you had situation where your companion straight up turns traitor yoshi style and you just shrug and let him stay with you.
There are few other things like that.

You mean less than 2 people are playing Lawbreakers right now?


It was a basic fucking feature.

>Evolve is a game that doesn't evolve

>our fans
Are there fans? Genuine question.

And what do you hope to achieve by posting this? Yeah yeah we get that lawbreakers is deadz lul ecksdee, but we already got that the first time. It's not like you can do any better, come back when you've made a game AND is successful. I'll wait.

Do you guys think Randy or Cliffy browses Sup Forums? I know for sure Todd does.

We've confirmed they do.

So, is Law Breakers as dead on consoles as PC?

filling documents for imminent bankruptcy



So, if you give me your money, then you have more room your money, so you can get even more money...

So basically you should give me all your money, because "room".

Now you're thinking with socialism.

I'm curious about console numbers

Battleborn slit its throat like it was a newborn.


>His pride soared as he gloated that he bought access to sidebars

I can't call a game that still exists, still has players, is the third most popular MMO and still gets updated, a failure


I wonder if the dota2 porn subreddit still has users.

I bloody well hope that red cross is meant to be vision obscuring.


For Evolve I feel there just wasn't enough to keep people on it for too long. It was something that would get stale fast. Also everyone blew their load for it too fast when they had access to the beta. By the time the game actually came out everyone felt they had long since exhausted the game which for the most part was true considering when it officially released there wasn't much extra happening.

Lobos I believe still has his.