Far Cry 5
Fuck off shill
FPBP. Ubisoft is so fucking retarded that they can't even trigger the Sup Forumstards on Sup Forums, which is why they need to make all these fake ass threads and create the illusion of people giving a fuck. Pathetic.
Politics is for casuals. Can't fucking wait to play the first fully bro-op Far Cry.
kek nice to see Ubishit recycled the RB6: Patriots plot, guess 2011 wasn't ready yet for the that level of anti-nationalism.
inb4 all the players sympathize with the 'villains'.
nice JUST tattoo
Nah, it's pretty much the exact same thing as the Last couple games, just in the US instead of South America or an Asian country. Honestly the only reason I'm not into it is just because of that, it seems like too much of the exact same thing, I got 4, and it was neat, but basically a clone of 3 and I never finished it and at least that one has coop for some goofs with friends, I don't see myself getting invested in this one either. Maybe I'll grab it from the bargain bin in a year or 2.
>Ubisoft tier "open world"
>Downgraded graphics
>Shallow game mechanics
>People forget about it after a week
>Games as a live service
Is it actually fully coop? Because I hadn't heard that and it makes me slightly interested.
seriously, co op can make a game. pic related.
>"ids ze seme XD"
It's not the same thing as the previous games when the full campaign is co-op, you can customize your character, and the setting seems basically the first really interesting one since 2.
ma and pa gona freak
Can I make my liberal transgender faggot have purple hair? Bye, Ubisoft SJW.
reminder that video games are serious business
>JUST tattooed across his tummy
like pottery
Please kill yourself shill
pic not fucking related at all
I'M the one that said we should all play this together with my friends and jesus christ what a mistake that was.
While I don't agree with calling anyone wanting to talk about Farcry 5 a shill, OP's topic is too obviously so to disagree. Rolling though.
>too controversial
nah. if they wanted that they would make a game about killing muslims
I think it says LUST, because he has the other 6 sins on him.
Lolis are disgusting.
after you, pedo
They are though, like insanely, government regulated, people have died, economy, billion dollar, agenda/propaganda pushing, and culture changing serious.
Thanks for the reminder.
>no jumbo titty farcry game
I like that people post this like it means anything. The vast majority of people live in the blue areas.
Can I just get a good balance in gameplay speed
Every Far Cry from 3 on feels like it moves at breakneck speed, it doesn't have to be 2 slow but I just want it to slow the fuck down so I can squat in the bush a bit
>The blue spots are the areas filled with actual people
>The red spots are mostly empty space
>lol Hillary BTFO xD
Yeah, it's not like 4. The whole campaign has coop.
>video games are serious because I say they are
>look at this unrelated map of trump voters
I'm pretty sure that's the point. The issues that affect people in the blue area's and red area's couldn't be more different. Yet they have dominion over both, including stealing their money and producing nothing but niggers.
>because I say they are
So all the money, government reg in most countries, and main stream cultural influance is now...Wait for it...Because a single user says they are.
Get fucked faggot.
And fuck your faggot Ubisoft shill thread.
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
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They all look kinda shit but if I had to pick, I'd say 8 or 9. No one really stands out or has a particular charm
>big tits, small nipples
I'm not saying they need to be like soda cans, but c'mon
>the blue spots are filled with vapid, thin-skinned, neoliberal-prorgressive soyboys and purple-haired hambeasts
>the red spots are filled with normal people
amazingly fitting picture
I really like rainbow six siege
>If you're not a redneck, American loving, god fearing Christian, gun loving, white supremacist, racist, and conservative than I'm going to kill you because muh cult.
>Believes he's the messiah/reincarnation of Jesus Christ.
Rednecks are an embarrassment to this country.
Top fucking tier
Rednecks are objectively better than soyboys and bugmen.
They're the most likely white demo to be on government assistance.
>Rednecks are objectively better than soyboys and bugmen.
Maybe if you want your car fixed. I can't imagine any other reason
I can't think of any reason why anyone is worth anything
Large cities on coasts create entirely different people than the rest of the country.The more crowded an area the less sane the people.
Redneck is just a blanket term used to describe people who don't live in the bigger cities. I'd much rather hang out with rednecks than any city cuck who never shuts up about his wife's son.
>everything not california and new york is the same
>Large cities on coasts create entirely different people than the rest of the country
Do you think living in a town of 50 people doesn't do the same fucking thing?
>Redneck is just a blanket term used to describe people who don't live in the bigger cities
In the case of the post you replied to it means religious luddite douchebags who think the Civil War never ended.
Living in a town of 50 people sounds healthier than living in a city of millions of people.
You only say that because you probably are a redneck. You live in fucking dirt and hate art and your number one goal in life is probably to shoot someone for walking onto yer dang ol property. Rednecks are violent scum.
I'm aware. I just dislike when people get called redneck for simply growing up in a small town of less than 2,000 people. People are gonna be shit no matter where you go, in small towns it's a different kind of shit compared to cities.
case and point retards like who have no clue what they are talking about
can't go wrong
I live in a west coast city, you stupid piece of shit.
The people here are retarded, arrogant, and vapid little cunts who think that the entire world needs to align to their consumerist, neoliberal, and materialistic way of life.
Under no circumstances should these people ever be given any kind of political representation.
hmm I think Far Cry 5 could be a fun game, we will have to see
i hate this haircut
controversial because americunts get triggered too easily
>anyone giving a shit about far cry
Thank you for sharing info regarding this comprehensive and well-made product bundle fellow Sup Forumsidiot. Where can I place a pre-order for such an indispensable addition to my "vidya" collection? Is it Gamestop, or Amazon? Surely it's reasonably priced (I hope!).
Can't wait to buy it! :)
I'll pirate it maybe
Redneck is means people who used to work the land. Working in the sun caused their necks to be red.
You shouldn't pirate games, "user". Buying video games is an essential part of commerce that allows Ubisoft to ensure that they are able to expand their library of high-value and enjoyable products.
I know you're being ironic but shut the fuck up
Good point man. I won't pirate the game game. I will buy it and 3 other Ubisoft games using Uplay! I can't wait to boot up Far Cry 5!
>literally towing the line
That is the only game co-op couldn't save. It was that bad.
Rude and uncalled for. Like we here always say this website needs better moderation.
You should calm down, maybe go play Rayman Origins or Assassins Creed!
>Take over this base so there is less enemies
>Climb this tower to reveal map
are people this retarded, it's going to be the exact same gameplay as the other copynpaste far cry games.
Someone change the lust scar on his abdomen to say just
What happened first, Drumf announcing his run presidency or FC5 development?
It can't be a coincidence.
Mostly a coincidence. Liberals, Cucknadians and Yuropoors have been bitching about Americans loving God, guns and glory since 1776.
you know if the figure quality is actually decent, i might actually shill out money on this.
but knowing how ubisoft handle their assassin creed figures might as well dont.
oh look its this shitty topic again for the 30th time.
Can't wait for this game to look like shit whilst running at barely 20 frames on a 1080
I bet (((you))) will, my man.
go hide in your fucking tornado shelter, alabama cuck
Okay then, convince me to buy it Mr. Goldberg.
Far Cry 4 was November 2014 so 5's development probably started first.
And I wouldn't be surprised if they've got a shortlist for potential settings anyway
day one pirate like all ubisoft games.
why even play it
why not?
Oh boy, are we getting close to the release date? I can see the increased marketing/shilling of this shitty series on Sup Forums lately.
besides those are cuts and not tattoos
>shoot island niggers
>shoot africa niggers
>shoot asia niggers
>shoot different niggers
>spear caveniggers
>shoot whiteniggers
What's the problem OP?
But is it too jewish?
Basically this
>They can't even trigger Sup Forumstards on Sup Forums
Clearly they can.
deliberately controversial to sell more copies
classic tactic
Learn to spell namefag.
Also fucking get off my website namefag.
Fuck off newfag. Jesus fucking Christ. I knew Sup Forums was full of underageb&, but fuck me.