Why does Demon's Souls have the best looking armor in all the Souls franchise? Did they get lazy with DaS 1-3?

Why does Demon's Souls have the best looking armor in all the Souls franchise? Did they get lazy with DaS 1-3?

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I always used Mephisto's black clothes with Selen's valkyrie headpiece.

Flute Armor 10/10

Ayyo white bois, you said Flamelurker was hard as balls and I beat it first try, what gives?

It's not your first Souls game you 11er

das3 wasnt my first souls game either and Ariandel kicked the shit out of me

>Because DeS artsyle leans more on the eastern side then the western side

>Did they get lazy with DaS 1-3?
Nope. DaS2 has better fashion than everything else From has made.

Nice PS2 graphics.

DaS 2's armor sets feel like generic fantasy though, they don't feel unique at all. The most unique looking armor looks like Garl Vinland's armor.

>It doesn't count because I'm going to say it's generic
Sure thing.

As if Demon's Souls and Dark Souls had better.

>They never made Penetrator's Armor a set

It still hurts.

The fashion ins Demon's Souls was crap. The only good sets were Fluted, Gloom, and Binded. Everything else looked like plastic or made your character a bow-legged lard-ass.

Demon's Souls has better lighting and atmosphere than DaS 2

DS2 is great for cosplay but most armors are meh. I agree with Op, DeS got the best armors

>Overuse of bloom
>No dynamic lighting at all
DaS2 blows that game the fuck out, sorry you're fucking blind, it must be a hard life.

I knew you'd either use a No Man's Wharf pic or a Dragon Eerie one to try to prove a point. No, my dude, cherry picking two areas doesn't prove anything. We all know how bad DaS 2 looks.

>I knew you'd pick something that looks definitively and objectively better that anything in Demon's Souls.
Well at least that argument is over, thanks for the concession.

>Dark Souls 2 looks goo-

DaS2 has way better lightning than DeS. You're fuckin dumb m8.

DaS 1 had the best armor designs because Elite Knight set

All the Souls games have that crap.

>generic dwarves
>generic fantasy land people
>generic fantasy armor
>elephant enemy that looks generic as fuck
>pirate area that could be in Kingdom Hearts 2
>generic rat dungeons

What happened?

Not nearly to the extent this high school project did

Because it was From's purest and most focused project

Ever Dark Souls game is derivative and generic as fuck.

Yeah, because the others are such visual masterpieces.

Never claimed they were, friend

That's in all 3 though

Nah, DeS had it's bad spots and DaS1 really has a lot of bad spots. I can't speak for DaS3 as I never played it. From have always been pretty sloppy with levels, DaS2 was not some bizarre anomaly.

But neither of them designed it first, did they?

>DeS, DaS1, DaS3, BB
>berserk reference
>another berserk reference
>even more berserk reference
>again, berserk reference
>still another berserk reference
>still again berserk reference

What happened?

Christ that looks fucking awful.

DaS2 version looks the best.

Who else /gotOldMonkheadwrapbeforeserversdied/ here

You forgot the DnD references.

But that's just what From are. Pretty much everything they've ever done is a cheap knock off of something else. People make out like nobody has ever seen anything like the Souls games before when they aren't really anything new, they just came out at the right time. If this were 6th gen instead of 7th/8th gen I doubt they'd have been anywhere near as popular.

Ignoring the jankiness, are the King's Field games worth playing? Do they have cool stuff you can talk about?

If you like DaS2 you'll like King's Field, since a lot of the level design and enemy design seems more in that vein than a typical Souls game.

It looked like trash in DaS2

>Pick a fatass
>Armor looks like trash
You don't say

Nah. Slow boring trash. If you want to play a decent game in that style then pick up something like Arx Fatalis or Ultima Underworld.

Mad that your rusty piece of shit DaS2 doesn't look aesthetically pleasing as DaS1

This is from DaS2 , you clearly took a picture of some janky texture mod.

Nope, That was DaS2. Maybe Sotfs fixed it, but armor in original DaS2 looked like ass.

I never played Vanilla DS2, so you might be right.

DkS2 was the most work they ever did with armor. However DeS was easily the most creative.

This game feels like a Korean knockoff of Dark Souls. It's functionally the same thing but the something about the overall art style and setting is off putting.

Considering that the three games have different looks, I don't know why the fuck people say dumb shit like this.

I beat flamelurker on my first try too. I was Royal though.

DaS 3 looks very similar to 1

Only played DaS1 so far (upto the dual boss - fat hammer guy and skinny fuck-you-I'm-too-fast guy (can't remember their names)).
The armor seems kinda fuckin awesome so far.

Im still mad we could never get the penetrators armor. It looks fucking sick.

It looks like BB, not like DaS1, so no, not really.

that would be the best

>lighting = atmosphere
Get patrician, shitbags.

Because it's traditional looking and not over the top fantasy shit. Not saying its realistic but it's more based in reality than a lot of the armor in other games.

>lighting isn't armorsphere
What a special little boy you are.

Don't forget to consume your daily intake of soy today.

Why did the Miyazaki madman decide to bring back Earthen Peak to DaS 3 DLC, out of ALL the places in the Souls franchise? Jesus Christ.

So he could make another poisoned swamp.

aren't there enough already in DaS3?

Miyazaki said that Swamps are his favorite areas to design, so apparently no, there weren't enough.

DS2 had the best fashion IMO