Sup Forumserdict on this MMO?

Sup Forumserdict on this MMO?

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Best MMO for solo experience


its called tortanic for a reason son

pretty good.


Try using the correct game cover next time OP.

Leveling is fun
Max level the game fucking dies

i played a sith tank at release almost up to max level but it got boring then

some dungeons and story parts were pretty neat, pvp wasn't all too bad either. dunno how it is now, that was many years ago.




One of the best RPG's Bioware ever made.


it's basically KOTOR 3, 200 millions budget is worth checking out, but people get scared because at level 7 they bomb you with cash shop pop ups, and then at level 15 you have the same shit already for free...

End game is ass if you don't pay, but you can just quit at that point or reroll.

Ah, Stanrey Roo...

Whatever happened to him? Is it still at bioware?

>only one guy got it on his leg

The shitposting on Sup Forums as well as the Bioware forums was a lot of fun. Was a simpler, better time on Sup Forums.


Just playing it as Kotor 3 and it’s fun. Imo it has too much content for this world, eight stories which are pretty good for a modern Bioware, sometimes I don’t understand why EA allowed it to exist

which one lads?

tell me
i need an mmo to play
please, tell me something before i go back to maplestory

Still erect over its failure.


Assass is less flashy but depending on what tree, its more killy and tanky.
Sorc is best nuker/healer and is a better pick if you just want to play the game alone.

It’s enough for a role playing star wars nerd, plus it was like this in Kotor too, so even oldfags can’t complain

Swtor on release was bad. Swtor today is massively underrated, desu. They should have only voiced the main missions, instead of all of them. Makes it hard to remember what going on.

whos the faggot who didn't get the split emblem

I think a lot of newfaggotry on Sup Forums can be traced back to not properly understanding the boards relationship with this company. It's why we have retards trying to crash DA:O threads today.

It’s best at being another solo Bioware game, I wouldn’t recommend playing it for mmo experience


There was a corresponding shitstorm on the day he was let go if I recall correclty. He got let go shortly before the pit of despair that was the bioware forums died for good if my memory is right

The only one even remotely worthwhile is WoW: Legion, and even then it's pretty shit.
Or there's FFXIV if you're a weeb/pedophile/mentally ill.
That's pretty much it. These are dark times for MMOs.

I"m still mad World of Darkness got cancelled.

Legitimately one of the worst games I have ever played, and I beat bad rats.

It's been a while, old friend


Guess when you need to grind your way to 60 level as a first time player it really gets repetitive in the new mmos. It would work better for new titles to concentrate on role playing maybe

>it was like this in Kotor too, so even oldfags can’t complain
It being like this in Kotor is a reason in and of itself to complain; things should be better not equal.

As an MMO... a little shitty. As a Star Wars game, its amazing.

neither, play saboteur, best story


DA:O isn't a bad game, but it's not really all that great either. It's a solid decent game, a poor man's Baldur's Gate, but I've always called it that. Bioware didn't start going downhill until Dragon Age 2, and subsequently every game afterward hasn't even been worth purchasing. Despite all the flak Mass Effect 2 catches nowadays I remember all the threads on Sup Forums with people loving it to death. It was only Mass Effect 3 that ruined the entire series, much like the TORtanic ruining all the other KOTOR games by making most of 2 non-canon. Though I guess they're all non-canon now.

PS, I just spent like 20 minutes going through my old photobucket account for some authentic ME2 OC from back then.

The community is the best part.

>It would work better for new titles to concentrate on role playing maybe
That's what SWTOR does surprisingly well, actually.
It's just that once you finally do reach level cap, there's fuck all to do.

one of my many many buyer's remorse
when will i learn

Best one. Secret world is close second.

Classes and story are great just needed more end game.
Smuggler was fucken awesome.


I wanna be evol

"W I D E
B O I"

It's just not the same anymore.

Yeah, that’s a good point, but I won’t complain anyway considering how much they have done in other aspects

I still have a folder with a bunch of screenshots from 2011/12 I can't delete because of muh nostalgia

I want Corso to hyperdrive into my soyhole

It does it well for a solo game. I’m sure there’s many ways to insert more multiplayer activities, maybe if they could have done it the game ended up more successful, but they didn’t really decided what to be and mmo players were disappointed while many solo players didn’t even knew that this game is for them


Did they reveal their 2018 roadmap yet? I want to kill Theron.

oh shit Im about to do it!!!!

Id like to see this guy in a boxing ring.


>really enjoy Ziost story and planet
>It turns into an empty monochromatic wasteland with no purpose for existing after you finish the story.

Time to roll a new char user.

Had the same feelings for Taris, it didn’t help that I played as a sith and took part in second destruction of it

Its literally the only mmorpg I played where I actually gave a fuck about the main quests and characters dialogues.
Played for like two days straight just for that and dropped cuz its pretty much dead.

>not going full Sheev as Sorc
I've played just about all the classes, but power mad insane pure DS sorcerer is still my favorite.

Basically it's KOTOR 3 at this point.

Fantastic Free story campaign game, don't need to pay a cent to experience all the Stories.

Reminder that male Chiss Agent has best story.

I thought that it’s dead even a couple of years ago, but in reality it was just a poor server chose. Made a transfer to populated server and it has the same amount of players these days as in 2016 when I took a break.

Its okay from what i've seen, but I hate it for a personal reason. It killed of my favorite mmo.

best/most fun in pvp republic class? not guardian/sentinel

It's a terrible MMO but a decent solo experience depending on which class you pick. There's some genuine fun to be had in some of the class stories but they are definitely not all equal.

Its free and the Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior stories are practically KOTOR 3. Agent and DS Sorc are both great.

>all that fucking banter with the Emperor as a SW

It unironically has better class fluff than Legion had.

Tech bounty hunter. Or stabby stabby saber staffy.

>it's basically KOTOR 3
Get cancer, tool.

Why did noone post it yet?

Not that user, but you need to check those nostalgia goggles. I played Kotor just before Swtor and while they’re different in some gameplay aspects, stories are not that far fetched.


The games so bad it ruined Sup Forums.

TOR Forums thread?
TOR Forums thread.


it's made by the same people you idiot, and has like 8 times the budget invested in it

There is no possible way this isn't ironic. No possible way.

>Losing 25% means that the game is still growing
God I miss this

And my favorite of all time

holy fucking shit I just learned you literally have to pay money to get abilities like sprint and unlocking hotbars for your skills.



>Bioware Forums

>divide by everything is fine and nothing is wrong
I'm fucking dying.

I've never played SWTOR but I've been on a lot of fucking awful communities and this looks so bad that I just can't believe it's real.

This is some in-joke in the community right? Or saves from an old shop thread? How the hell can any game ever get to this kind of state?


literally wow in star wars and thats problematic because its boring___

If Disney does make KotOR canon again, which i hope they wont since they'll ruin it harder than EA did... I hope they at least ignore the events of SWTOR.

The Bioware forums were a strange place.

its shit

Fucking atrocious. I remember them hyping it your own star wars story, where you can plays as you want and choices matter. What we got was retarded, arbitrary design choices and nothing you did mattered at all. Want to be a dual bladed lightsaber wielding Jedi sentinel? Fuck you, dual wield only. They only made that class with weapon combo canon in previous games. Scoundrels got a scattergun off had which had zero cosmetic customization options and was largely neglected. It was a highly touted class feature and it had three attacks, one of which was a fucking low damage root. Fuck everything about this game. You broke my heart.

>It's your own story!
>Log in day one
>Literally 400 people crowding around the same alter as we all make the same lightsaber

Those awful power bottoms who acted like they were special because of their join date or which edition they pre ordered? And cried when they didn't get a beta invite? I hope they all get ballsack cancer.

Anyone got that image comparing an imperial officer with a "officer" in SWTOR, in which the latter is an obnoxious neon color hulk faggot with ugly match armor?

Wish I had saved it, I know the one.