What the fuck went wrong?

What the fuck went wrong?

with the exception of doomfist, all the new characters were female, thats where the game went wrong

nu Blizzard and Activision only care about


from Warcraft 3 and Starcraft down to the money grubbing Heroes of the Storm, Hearthstone and Overwatch. All with loot boxes to boot.

It was a bad game from the start, and is probably only worse now.

t. 24 hours of playtime around launch because my friends were playing it

>egypt woman
>mexican woman
>robot woman
>black man
>white woman
>white woman
Reminder that straight white men don't belong in Overwatch.

doomfist is male and a generic nigger. shitty hero regardless of gender

All the designs are derivative crap.
You are comparing them like some are better than others but all I see is shit and your mouth still has traces of fecal matter you shit eating Blizzcuck.
Kill yourself.

>Introducing non aim based heroes in a supposed FPS game

That went wrong, it never works since there are no skill barriers for broken shit that doesnt require aim

besides your racist beliefs i was jut talking how ALL the NEW added characters were all females, doomfist was the only male one, which is completely retarded where we could have a new melee class that plays like a assassin using daggers and camouflage while looking like some sort of boy in hood but instead we get knight girls or retarded shit like moira and sombra

They ran out of TF2 and MOBA characters to ripoff.


Sup Forums hates this game to fit in

I hate this game because it's not good nigger.

I want to fuck that GILF

the game is alrite, just has nothing on TF2 which it totally ripped off

I guess I could agree on mediocre.

It's a bad game, and I say this as someone with 100's of hours sunk into it when it was tolerable

You're trying too hard to fit in.

the alt right does everything they can to be exactly like the sjws they hate so much but by the end of the day they are just like them on a mirrored political wing, so that applies to Sup Forums and everything in this shithole,just a bunch of senseless pathetic idiots who do nothing but being contrarian and timewasters effortless bitches

Doom fist was great, the rest are shit because women are not allowed to be sexy.

no you are, go back

yep, clean game that loses the charm of TF2 by removing any chance to prove yourself through your skill of aiming

a while ago Sup Forums was shilling this game, now Sup Forums hates it ??? whats happening, did the shitposting cycle restart again ??? we all do senseless thread shilling something just to hate it late for no reason

Nigger this game is garbage. The only good thing about this game is the mediocre waifus.

>women are not allowed to be sexy.

are you fucking joking or retarded beyond all human comprehension? all the overwatch women (including the old woman) are hot as fuck.

Massive difference between being a hot character and sexualising characters to make them "sexy"

You mean what right?

The porns been great,

your nice faggot name tells us you're some spic that should be ignored, keep it up

It got too popular. Once a game gets too popular it's a bad game.

Where not even talking politics here you mentally deficient , barely sapient walking piece of shit.
the game is lacking in certain areas, get over it.

i see, Sup Forums is dead cuz of the faggotry of its users
fuck you ape-looking BR NIGGER

Tell that to all the fuckers making the porn.



Pretty much all the Blizzard models are pretty conservative

Pretty funny considering they love to make whore characters in WoW

But I like Doomfist.

Check you retarded mothers moldy decrepit ass.

what the fuck happened with blizzard and hyping his new characters

>ana had a lot of backstory before her reveal
>sombra has the hide and seek bullshit
>orisa had here creator being revealed first making everyone think her was the new character
>doomfist has an anime reveal

>moria was just tosed in
>same with this new character

did blizzard just don't give a fuck anymore?

Bridgette, Ana and Doomfist are both terrific designs. Moira doesn’t really fit to me. Orisa and Sombra are alright

Only care about shit that will sell more memeboxes to fucking idiots

Fanfare has died down quite a lot, no need for a lot of exposition, just toss them right in, cause they have expected to put in more heroes.

>ruining my expeditions
>ruining my missions, making shitters online cart
also fine
>ruining my porn


Being retarded should be bannable again


But user, anyone that plays roadhog is a massive faggot.
Your list is correct though.

no, the only massive faggot here is (you)

How so?

shes irish

in general people didnt like being teased for weeks

No wonder she's so flat.

>judging someone's typo
>when his last post was a run on sentence
back to your containment board

Why would you leave Sombra off the bottom?


oh crap i forgot about her completely

Check out /trash/ when you get the time
Go to the catalog and search for monster hunter.

if only we all could

>People are talking shit about a robotic centaur

clearly a base character held off for an early update
straight creative trash
straight creative trash
straight creative trash
>The new girl
easily the best additional character since Ana

How is Ana derivative?

>90% straight porn
what a waste of time

i kinda like brigitte, her gameplay and the way she looks and feels in the game is really good. squire design with a smaller shield is good too.

the other 3 are terrible for sure though. ugly as fuck.

Meant for

At launch the cast was predominantly male, and with the new heroes it's a 50/50 split not counting Bastion. It just seems like they're adding exclusively female characters, but that's so there's an even ratio.

There's plenty of gay shit on /trash/
go nuts


Oh boy, here we fucking go

>easily the best additional character since Ana
>It's just a knock off crusader

Moira is an ugly cunt and Orisa is kinda dumb-looking but I don't see the issue with the rest.

>only good thing about OW is porn
>they want dudes in

does the new girl have a skin that has a full face helmet

Ana > Brigitte > Doomfist > Sombra > Orisa >>>>>>>>>>> Moira

can't wait for the Blackwatch Moira skin so she can stop looking so stupid

You’re the problem.

>heroes of the storm
>the easiest moba to get costumes and heroes in
>money grubbing
top fucking kek i got multiple legendary skins from lootboxes in heroes which are so easy to get im honestly surprised they didnt just say fuck it and make it impossible to buy anything with real money

They added loot box only skins recently btw not money grubbing h4h4

Metzen left after Sombra and all the characters became even more flat and boring afterward
There's your answer

i havnt played in like 2 or 3 seasons by now but who cares? HOTS has to be the easiest game with lootboxes in it to actually acquire them by playing the game there is 100% no reason to buy lootboxes in that game or even pay blizzard money at all because of how easy it is to get them

I regret buying and playing this game every day

It's fine up until you add content that you can only get through gambling, this is why both Overwatch and HoTS are predatory practices.

They prey on people who have low self control and NEED that certain skin. Instead of buying it like you would in LoL, Dota 2 or CS:GO you have to play lotto to get the skin you want.

They can go fist themselves with cute wrists for all I care the pathetic money grubbing cunts

but you dont have to spend real money at all in those games they're the only decent lootbox games out because of how easy it is to get them and they have no p2w aspects at all as opposed to fucking battlefront 2

>they're less predatory so it's rlly not that bad :>

Here's a tissue to wipe Blizzard/Activisions' cum off your face, hope they're paying you well you little whore

Doomfist and Sombra (which you forgot) were alright, didn't care for Orisa or Moira

You're not the only one buddy.

This guy knows what's up

brainlet get an actual argument you child, i think lootboxes as a practice is dumb as fuck and i hope they pass those bills to regulate it but to act like blizzards has the worst lootbox setup in the industry is so painfully stupid i honestly think you're an EA shill trying to tell everyone that battlefront isnt that bad.

The game starts off good but its gotten stale and repetitive after a while


Marketers, Jews and liberals.

anime poster strikes again
i guess you've used up your IQ for today hope schools easy for you tomorrow.


This. It was nice when it was first out, maybe a little barebones. Despite the game's massive profit intake, additional content has been few and far between. Most of the new heroes have been hot garbage that no one wanted. There's also this problem where many of the heroes in the game don't require skill to actually be played well, like pre-nerf Mercy and Symmetra.

I'm also not a fan of how the devs are wasting their time trying to crack down on every edgy teen who says nigger. We need to go back to self policed community servers and far away from match making garbage where they deliberately make you lose games by pairing you with retards.

Sombra is one of the better ones. They should've nerfed the other heroes to be at her lvl not buffed her to be at theirs

Drink your milk, kids.

All the heroes but Orisa have been good, they need to get rid of her. She's incredibly unfun to play and fight against.

Laugh my fucking ass off family

>white children having the right to pick and choose now who belongs in their club

I thought you were all dying out, now you have enough numbers to exclude certain groups you don't like? And in what universe are the Irish not white lol

spics are heavily catholic though