Remember to have a GOOD POSTURE
How is your posture while gaming?
Remember to have a GOOD POSTURE
How is your posture while gaming?
Other urls found in this thread:
Not good, and I already have scoliosis so its a vicious cycle
Fix it
me every night
somebody say posture?
classic meme thread
>severe scoliosis
Why does this make me laugh so hard
you know not what you have wrought
Crack your shit bro
Fixed version:
Good Posture because of actual physical activity.
Sway Back because you're chilling so fucking hard.
Lumbar Lordosis because you're sticking your retarded ass out to get fucked just like your wallet.
Thoracic Kyphosis because you're hunching over at your desk.
>tfw not cool enough to have the "sway back" posture
if I saw her working like that I would think she had cerebral palsy or severe nerve damage or something
I'm stuck between good posture and military
I've been very conscious about my posture, but in my effort to over compensate for possibly not having good posture, I'm between "good posture" and "sway back"
I feel like this image is required posting.
someone please make a gif of this nigga doing a butt wiggle
someone post it already
>severe scoliosis
Military posture is refined correct posture.
Fucking this, the video too while you're at it.
I see through your tricks. this is a stealth boy booty thread!
why are posture threads always so good