Battle station thread

Where do you play vidya?

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>Made in pedophilla

Here is my setup
75" 4k TV for modern consoles
Ultrawide Asus PG348Q for PC with a GTX 1080
Also have a CRT for all the old consoles right next to the TV but you can't see it.

You like your name wide.

god I wish that were mine


Lotion next to the computer, fap time.

I have that same tv. Excellent taste


Anyone know what type of lights those are in OPs picture? Most lights seem to not illuminate well like that, and just look shitty.


Thanks, just got it 3 days ago to replace a 1080p projector I used before. love it so far.

they're my lights.
they are actually cheap. If you want i'll show you where I got them on amazon.

Please do, I need something to reduce the strain on my eyes.

Yeah that's my station, so if anyone has any questions feel free to ask.

I play right here. today, I played Kingdom Come Deliverance and Battlefield 1


Cool, thanks man.

Do you have lights on the underside of the desk? If so, is it the same set?

>harmful blue light everywhere
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

I bought 2 of the amazon link.

Put one behind my computer, one under my desk.

>Not being Tron

Piss filter lights just aren't as cyberpunk kino. They can be comfy, though, if not a little boring looking.


Where do I go to buy a CRT nowadays? I want to get one for my OG Xbox.

Probably local thrift shops. See them all over Good Wills and similar places around Oregon.

Name wide?
It's for my skin, not masturbating.

Anime wide*


I'm not a furry.

>multiple fox plushies on the bed
I don't believe you

They're cute and I like stuffed animals.


I ""like stuffed animals"" too user



Nice set up man.


Anyway, FINALLY got around to organizing my battle station. Going to post before and after to see what people think. Sorry for the quality of either photo.

(old station)

(new station)
Also, purchased a new samsung 65" (instead of 50 in old station).

Not how I meant it and you know it.

model # on TV? also... do you like Halo?

Is this the room of that white boi who accidentally his entire GF's head in Japan

okay what the hell in the corner.

omfg fuck you

retro station... ignore the lack of color.

Really happy to finally be moved out. It's liberating as hell.

Looks like a no nonsense kind of set up. I like it

Comfy as fuck user

Your set up's the dream, man.

looks really comfy at night user. chillin'

Thanks, I'd be lying if I said I'm not always excited for nightfall so I can hit the lights.

Please be gentle.

cute set up for a cute girl.

fair point. hamsters in the cage?

Olympicanon! comfy as usual.



how about you fuckers rate once in awhile?

cute! i have a weird story about rats actually. i caught (never noticed me thankfully) my friends mother naked with her daughters rats running all over her body one night while I was a kid.

That's... that's a pretty weird story, user. I can't even imagine doing that myself just because their claws are so sharp

Because I don't like rating people.

yeah... it's pretty damn odd. i don't think i'll ever forget it.

well then fuck outta here.

>well then fuck outta here.
That's kinda rude desu

Okay lotionboy. I always hated on your setup but in the new room it looks actually comfy.

sick of you faggots who just want to be 'showered' with responses, but can't even take a minute to rate others.

show butt

Thank you very much.
I can't.

Need new wallpapers.

Finally back in apartment and vermintide 2 preorder beta started.

>I can't.

Because I won't.


Nice setup! But with all that room, I would buy a bigger mouse pad. Maybe one where mouse and keyboard fit on.

Hewwo uwu
show benis uwu

>some live
>some die

I have no reason to.
No, cute cat though.

How is that box-like tower? I was shopping around for new towers and saw a few like it but couldn't really get a solid feel for how people felt about them.

Why do you need 2 keyboards?

R8 my first case with cable management

cable management is fine but holy fuck you picked the ugliest color for you case

fuck off how about that?

>managing cables

This case is fucking beautiful.

>dude milsurp lmao


tank u fer ur cervix

Yeah more black and glowing blue please. Dying for that. Looks "cool"

Only thing about this case is that the power button doesn't have a satisfying heavy chunk like it looks like it would. I'm gonna fabricate a new one with a heavy spring

Guess you could say I'm over Overwatch

Looks like a black case but someone took a photo of it with the flash turned on

It's good, I like it a lot.

Why not uwu


No one needs to see my wiener.

But I do owo

God I wish that were me

Looking for decent keyboard to replace my shitty HP brand keyboard.

>tfw been using my stock HP keyboard for 10 years now
the w key has recently become 'mushy', but it has served well.

>blue lights everywhere and a led desk lamp
hope you enjoy slowly going blind my dude

I'm a high sensitivity mouse user though. But I'm considering getting a larger one for more control over aim in vidya.
