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i don't get it



Lets players typical ''''reactions'''' when finding a shiny



>hes a furry
>hes also the one that made that anime club video

>you will never feel this overjoyed about anything you do in your life ever again


>my favorite band....sum 41

>you get excited over finding a shiny
>Chad piledrives your crush's heiny

The anime club people have their own countdown channel

I just hacked mine. Took a few seconds.

Sum41 and God wouldn't approve of that method though, so whats the point?


The high school graphing calculator makes it for me. Nostalgic, hilarious, and cringy.

>guitar riff
>guitar riff

I've never watched this shit along enough to notice it.

>dude just inject lol

Sum41 being washouts now, would be the first to tell you do such a thing. That entire generation of punk music lied.
>become another casualty for society
>become another victim of your conformity
all BS that would get you nowhere.

thread theme

What if he accidentally fucked this up somehow?

Lol loser. Go enjoy your hollow victory shiny.

Like all failed shiny hunts, it would incur a feeling of impotent rage, sorrow and regret that would last them for days.

>all the comments are about shiny ponyta

yeah, cause those miscolored shits are actually worth anything. I bet you breed eggs too /vp/faggot.

The shiny percentage has been boosted so many times that it's just a "huh, quaint" moment now and not "OMFGRVRBL THROW MASTER BALL NOW"

>getting your mom upset over vidya games

What a piece of shit,deserved it

I radar chained a shiny ponyta a while back. felt good.

Breed a shiny or no point


>Go Empoleon, use BIDE

>36 days of soft resetting
I'll never understand the autism of Pokemon fans.

I'm still getting over a cold and now I'm laughing and coughing at the same time

Yeah well you will never feel the same joy we feel when we hunt and capture shineys. I'm guessing you don't believe in God either?

I don't understand why he would keep recording and upload it after that point, I'd die of embarassment if I knew people could see that shit

This is comparable to sex, I swear to god

I still have mine, it's never not been useful for me. Best method of calculation out there.

>Mfw I have 2 boxes on Diamond with shinies due to autism.

Man, Shiny Umbreon was worth it.

>No one has made a ponyta AMV with that Sum 41 song as the background music.

Missing a goldmine here.

Now that I think of it, I've never used Rapidash.

if it's such a goldmine why don't you do it

It's funny, I watched this when I was younger unironically.

I suck at video editing.

Aren't we all watching it unironically?

Actually im living my life Ironically and oh lord do i need to take a shower

how do your ironically watch something?

Do you pretend to be looking at the screen? Do your ears pretend to be hearing it?

>Excuse me
>I just had dinner
Fuck, I'm dead


I actually caught a shiny ponyta once. Didn't care much for it (or shinies in general) so I gave it to my buddy. He was turbo happy.

The absolute state of numales haven't changed in all these years yet this video is so funny

>never give up on any target at all

he never gave up Sup Forums, why did you?

I caught a shiny Rayquaza today, that moment felt nice til i realized I'm a 29 year old man who just wasted a day of his life on something someone with a brain could do in less than 20 minutes.

can i get more videos like this please
>that crying at the end

It's fake you retard. If you're hunting a shiny for 36 days and have the choice of bringing whatever Pokemon you want, why would you bring an Empoleon with fucking bide.

I've never encountered a single legitimate shiny in Pokemon, stopped playing after Gen 4.

just because you don't understand doesn't mean it's fake

this sounds fake

I take it back. His autistic grunts are quite realistic.

>Listen to it without video
>Sounds like the guy's getting fucked

I have a shiny Nidorina and Metapod in my LeafGreen that are legit, since I nabbed them when I was first learning about EV values and searching for a Lucky Egg Chansey in the Safari Zone, respectively. I'm pretty happy with them.

Just thinking about his joyful autistic screaming makes me laugh every time.

soft resetting for a shiny celebi in VC crystal atm. in other news, it took me two weeks of soft resetting to find a shiny mewtwo back in the day.

Fuck that's hot.
Are there any doujin like this? Don't leave me like this user, you caused this.

reminds me of stumbling on a shiny Hariyama in Ruby

used Whirlwind


how fuckin pointless, a save editor could have given him every shiny.

>how fuckin pointless, cheat engine could have gotten him to the end of the game

why do you bother playing any games if you could just cheat and get to the end instantly?

found this guy in USUM

Somone's about to be replaced.

>tfw encountered 6 shinies

Fire Red
Pokeball failed and Teleported
Used Whirlwind on turn 1
Used Explosion or Self-Destruct on turn 1

Heart Gold
Killed itself with Curse
Used Roar on the 1st turn

Only shiny I caught was a Shiny Gastly in Heartgold. It was Timid and I EV trained it.

Shitty arguments. Spending weeks encountering a pokemon and resetting just to get pokemon with a different color is not fun and is a huge waste of time.

Why are HG/SS stupid expensive in Gamestop?

Maybe that's the way THEY enjoy playing videogames?

I'm an adult now.
Even if I had the autism, I don't have the time.

Because Nintendo games are ALWAYS stupid expensive even years after release

we are talking a monumentally colossal waste of time

that's not fun, that's a chore. the retarded kid probably doesn't know any better.


This is why I inject

Found this thing among others when I was into OR, no shitty nature is gonna put her down

almost 200 hours of fucking around breeding in a game I haven't touched in a year,
what a waste

>must've put THOUSANDS of hours into Pokemon games over the years
>first shiny I remember seeing is some enemy's in Gale of Darkness, a pink Sneasel
>first one I caught myself is an oddish in Alpha Sapphire
>some time after that replaying Emerald and manage to catch a shiny Wobbuffet in the safari zone

I got a shinny febas in Sun after trying to get one for 4 hours
Then i dropped the game and haven't played since january of last year

Yeah, like everything videogame related at autistic levels. On the other extreme is the cheat feature. Having a pokemon appearing that's an oddity is nice.

Fucking everywhere. Damn speculators.

gamestop hikes up prices of everything but the shittest shit they know nobody will buy

buy your shit online my man

Trying to get a Feebas or a Shiny Feebas, you mean?

A shinny one

I was about to slap you. For some reason, I've seen a lot of anons lately that don't know about the special fishing spots.

Isn't it just safer to use sleep/paralyse and just throw top tier balls until it works? Or use off-element attacks? I dunno. Pokemon is too autistic for me due to EV and personalities and shit and you can just hack them anyway defeating the point of playing the game.

HGSS are highly desirable Pokemon titles, IIRC they had a limited run, which is why they're so expensive now.

>In entirety of the concept of shinies, never found one legitimately without Ninty throwing one my way through promotions, or the Red Gyarados in GSC
>two nights ago, playing Ultra Sun
>A shiny Fomantis appears
>Holy shit
>Somehow, in my excitement to catch it
>I hit Run
>die a little inside
Short time later, talk to an NPC that says to me "finding a shiny is 1 in 4000"
Thanks, game.

How in the fuck are they having fun you dumb cock sucker they reset the play and hope for the best the guy in the vid was fucking around with the computer and the other turbo autist had 3 gba how in the fuck is he having fun

the company that owns the pokemon anime is super shitty with copyright, or else I'd do it for a gag.

natures really did ruin the game

like IVs were hidden enough to not ruin it for me even if they were bad, but if I have a modest scyther I just wasted time catching mocking me with its existence it just makes me want to stop playing.

at least it wasn't in an older game, where it was 1/8000

This one never gets old

Some people just enjoys different things user have you thought about that?