>top 100 games of all time list
>Skyrim in top 10
Top 100 games of all time list
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Its one of the best selling games of all time, it deserves it
>Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time #1
skyrim is unironically a fantastic title and an exemplary display of video games as a medium.
it highlights video games most defining feature, agency
Who the fuck is this guy again?
>Skyrim in top 10
>Actually praising vanilla Skyrim
It's just an Elder Scrolls sandbox or fantasy h-game at this point which is more fun than what publications praise Skyrim for.
It seriously blows my mind how people like Skyrim so much. Every time I try to play it I make a new character and have fun for a few hours then I realize every quest is a dungeon crawl and there are no actual roleplaying choices and I just get bored and stop. Then a couple months later I'll make a new character and do the same thing. It's fun to wander around for a few hours but good God how do people put thousands of hours into this shit?
>Gone Home ranked above Ocarina of Time
I've actually seen a list that did this.
fantastic and exemplary , subjective. but I agree with the last point, most people need cutscenes and spoonfeeding to have a good time
Good point. I really appreciate that there were little to no cutscenes in that game. It was boring as shit to play but at least it didn't make me watch a shitty movie inside my video game.
Name an e-celeb uglier than reviewbrah
pro-tip: maybe projared
They're not wrong
>Bioshock in top 10 but no system shock games listed
Reviewbrah isn't ugly he's just a babyface.
Casey Neistat.
No, he's pretty hideous. I wouldn't be surprised if there was some sort of alcohol fetal syndrome with him.
Yeah, that dude is genuinely fucked up looking.
Reviewbrah vs Dan "Spiffy" Neuman
Who wins?
No he really isn't. His problem is that he's 20 something and looks like he's 8. Unattractive but not remotely hideous.
>Sonic game on the list
>it's the first one
That's retarded reasoning. Do you really think some modern piece of pop garbage is best music ever just because it sells the most to literal musical imbeciles that most people are?
>Do you really think some modern piece of pop garbage is best music ever just because it sells the most to literal musical imbeciles that most people are?
Well, congratulations for not having a singlest clue of music and I can tell you can't even play instruments.
>Well, congratulations for not having a singlest clue of music and I can tell you can't even play instruments.
I play four
I don't remember this scene from the live action Initial D movie.
He was an innocent youtuber taht goes by the nickname Reviewbrah who reviews fast food that was always talked about on /ck/ until the popularity got into his head and was kicked out of his parents place for being a confirmed Neo-Nazi. He lives in his car and is regularly gang stalked by Sup Forums and is currently descending into madness. He was such a good egg, I feel sorry for him.