Why the fuck do most "white" female characters in Japanese video games look fucking half asian...

Why the fuck do most "white" female characters in Japanese video games look fucking half asian? Have these people even seen white women irl before? Compare this character from Tekken to something from the West like Senua's Sacrifice or something, Lili looks fucking half japanese or something, not fucking white. Wtf is this racist ass bullshit?

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Karin has always looked whiter than lili, yet is japanese

Japanese people are terrified of real white people and are mentally blocked by their dumb culture from comprehending other ways of thinking, so they always make them half so that the character can be familiar with the culture/speak Japanese.

this outfit doesn't really look good on her

OP you just cant differentiate human faces anymore. Why does everything have to do with race?

but its dumb considering Lili is supposed to be fucking French

seriously the fuck french woman looks like that

I can just fine. See this? This is the face of a white woman. Lili looks fucking asian with blonde hair.

Okay and thats also a face scan into a game, Are you just retarded? Tekken looks more anime.

>Tekken looks more anime

So how come the asian characters all look asian then? Kazuya looks like a Japanese man, not "anime". Lili looks fucking Japanese. You clearly have an agenda since you're ignoring the evidence in front of you.

>Have these people even seen white women irl before
The guy who did the pre-rendered cg for Silent Hill had difficulties with the characters because they didn't know what caucazoids looked like and didn't have much reference material if memory serves.

Japs like hafu faces with big tits and blonde hair. And they're not wrong.

What I don't understand is why the women specifically, the guys in Tekken that are non asian look like their respective races. Nina looks white(although her face is bordering on being a little too soft and veering real close to asian territory). Master Raven looks black. But Lili looks fucking asian. Leo does too, and so does Lucky Chloe.

Why the fuck is Sup Forums obsessed with race?

Why the fuck does a white female character look asian?

It's racist as fuck though, the black girl looks black, so why make the white girl look fucking asian? She acts nothing like a white girl either, she acts Japanese, especially with that Ohohohoho laughing shit, white women don't laugh or behave that way.

>She acts nothing like a white girl either, she acts Japanese, especially with that Ohohohoho laughing shit,
Just like a shitty anime.

because hybrids are superior, pure japs are trash, pure whites are trash, but mixed race taking the best of both is like super boner material

>She acts nothing like a white girl either, she acts Japanese,

Thank fucking god


white girls suck

Next you're gonna make a thread about why does Noctis look asian

Why does he look asian though?

Noctis was designed by Nomura. He was basically his digital son.


keep crying bitch nigger

I want Lili to poop on my chest

Are you retarded?