Only 10/10 character designs only

only 10/10 character designs only


dunno, you could maybe find a source if you image searched it

Nevermind. I didn't notice the tiny text on the bottom.


I love Reisen!






>What is recoil
>What is cylinder gap gas expulsion

haha rabbits eat their own poop

So post on-
>giant revolver man

never stop, user



I do too, but she's yours

John Madureira style in Darksiders was pretty good.


Holy shit, I was about to post some of his stuff too. I love his style.

The one and only.




Wouldn't the Recoil destroy the body?

finally a good one

haven't even played the game

I think he's not working on Darksiders 3.
It's noticeable.

Do you fucks actually think this stuff is good character design?

>can only shoot sideways
Fucking retarded



Agreed, the game looks really bland. It's like all the atmosphere got sucked right out of it.

Hip windows make me diamonds.

You have the other 10/10 thread to post your waifus in, let the big boys discuss the good character designs.

not even the best one
I'm so fucking sad she's gone


This and agito are my favorite base forms



Everything I love dies, and this goes double for online multiplayer.

thats retarded




>ITT: shit taste everywhere


honestly this is retarded, would probably work on a cutesy little nier style robot but other wise ultra retarded

Top 3 for me are:
1. Hibiki
2. Agito
3. W

The best secondary rider is Gills.

you just like the unique VA

Have it your way


this looks like something out of a comedy movie, how can you take this design seriously

>bowling pins for shoes
>chain bow
>axe arrows

wtf is this shit

He probably smokes weed too


>Xenomorph bow

>what are lungs
>what is heart

Putting aside petty organic concerns like lungs and a heart...

Where the fuck do his hand and joint-servos go other than right inside the barrel, rendering it pointless?


Aspect Raidou Kuzunoha



Where is his heart?
Is he deaf?

I fucking loved playing as a tragic Scooby Doo villain.

>tfw no Jade Sea anymore

That fractal doesn't count.




I prefer her...other form. Specially in game.

Omg, just looked at Gigantic and all I could think of was how stupid the characters
proportions are.
Whether it be their outfits/gear or body shape, every character has disproportional thick and thin parts.

Looks absurd.

Fucking stupid



Cia's design is better.

Yes it was the best one because the one you posted sucks.


It ain't easy being cheesy, but it's easy to see that I'm right.

Siege has some awesome designs, shame more of the recent stuff is getting too silly (mainly Ela) but the vast majority are solid and instantly recognisable at a glance

>stupid whore with an ugly hat and no design appeal outside of the sexual who looks like she belongs in a soul calibur game rather than a zelda title
ok user

I'm pretty fond of a lot of designs for Furi's bosses, particularly The Edge.

You and the fuuka poster are on point this year.

I swear, every time I see him his head is smaller than last time.
Also somebody post those terrible special edition miniatures








>literally everyone starts checking her out when she gets up



oldie but a goodie

Can you really even call something that's based on real life shit "character design"?


Some better Heisei designs:

10/10 you say?




Hard to say no with the art direction of that guy.