Kirby star arise looks good

kirby star arise looks good

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(Hopefully the other user is still here)
>The concept art meaning Shimomura's drawings and notes, not that piece of official art
Yeah I figured that was off-color. Did read up on his concept art though.
Here's a fixed version.
As for moves, I haven't decided, though I think I'll have him play like Robobot and be a mix of Blade and Orb since I don't think there's enough phase one to base an entire moveset off of. Do want to have a projectile reflect using his sword and a Zero Super.


No YOU look good!


When's famitsu?

Y-You too!


What do you mean? It just came out 2 weeks ago

Does anyone have a link to all these gifs?

can we make Nova fucking exploding a meme?

Definitely looking forward to it. Will be my first Kirby game since dreamland 1 on Gameboy. I was 7 when that came out, played the fuck out of it, I'm also quite old now so it should be interesting to play another Kirby installment.

If you have to ask, no. No scurry along back to /r/Kirby.

>everything I don't like is Reddit

which one do you take through the True Arena?
which move gets spammed?
here you go.

>thinking that post has anything to do with liking or disliking something
Are you retarded?

eh Kirby threads have enough memes for the moment.

what game in the series had the best goal minigame?
how do you feel about every game from now on using the slingshot minigame?

>psi thunder

Aren't they all basically the same time your A press thing? save for dreamland 3 and Kirby 64 obviously.

I just like to use Kirby's inhale.

Isn't it already one in Japan?

It is

Japanese memes are on a whole different level to ours.

Speaking of Japanese memes, are there any good Kirby gachimuchi edits?

I don't know, proberbly is something if you look hard enough.

So you mean to tell me that Robobot's ending was just one giant meme?

There are no truly evil characters in Kirby. They just want to steal cake or something

I know it's 2hu, but I still enjoy this

Hal are master shitposters that lurk Sup Forums confirmed.

It already had giga drill breaker, and a giant meowing :3

If you mean none that are allowed to live, then sure.

matter of fact the only evil characters i can remember are nightmare, dark matter (and affiliates), marx, dark mind (and subordinates), drawcia, necrodeus, and dark crafter

and yet somehow i think that's a minority

>HAL was behind the ado pedo shitposting

Nobody has a problem with 2hu here though.

all according to the keikaku

>they were doing it to prepare people for her return

>still can't stop acknowledging one shitposter

I do.

There's a couple more on Niconico where there's even a tag for this phenomenon.

use this link to watch nico videos if you don't have an account there.

>the first one

Poor Haltmann.

>Dedede plate

there's always this picture

Sakurai > Shimomura > Kumazaki

Kumazaki's games are still good tho :)

i'd say kumazaki is as equally focused on the technical side of kirby gameplay as sakurai is, while still adding story and charm to the worlds that we see

>the nova destroying popstar meme actually is real for once

holy fuck I'm dying.

Haboki when

how many memes are international

Does anyone know what the final completion title is in Kirby’s Adventure and Nightmare in Dream Land? Is there anything after “Super Star”?

I would say there's a lot more focus on flashy things that slows the pace of the games, including the obligatory game focused gimmick that doesn't build on standard gameplay, and how abilities are handled
They are also much more unbalanced, Kirby has more moves and more health than he had in Kirby Super Star, while enemies get weaker and less dynamic than they were in even Kirby's Dream Land. Some of them even just stand in place now, waiting for you to eat them or throw a heart or whatever. Sakurai wanted them to be easy, but still a little challenging.

if they can adapt our memes then I say we adapt theirs it's only fair.

oh who am I kidding their memes our beyond our mortal grasp.

I like Blocky's design, he's literally just a few blocks with a face. I really dig that kind of Kirby simplicity where they can represent the basic idea of something as simply as possible, but still give it plenty of charm. Same with Haboki, it's just a broom with a face. I hope these bosses return someday.

I think Blocky was in Robobot. Wouldn't be shocked if he turns up in Star Allies.

>dat jigglypuff



i wanna say there's not much a difference between super star's and rtdl's enemy behaviors other than a few extra attacks they use seemingly arbitrarily
i mean most enemies don't really react to kirby in too many ways, though sir kibble might be an exception, jumping and throwing his cutter accordingly, but i do see your point in blade knight no longer jumping to slash at kirby

but in terms of the flashiness and gimmicks, it seems they're becoming more aware of players' opinion, since in robobot and KSA you have some flexibility in playing using the games gimmick; you could skip over the armor in PRB and choose your team comp and ability mix in KSA

Blocky was in Team Kirby Clash Deluxe too.

Sometimes it just sucks being the main baddie in a Kirby game. Especially if it turns out you're not actually the one in control in the end.

if you look close that isn't the fairy queen it's actually ultra moon.

He was in Triple Deluxe, too.

Oh shit, I guess I didn't recognize him lol

> yfw the cultists' goal involve using "evil hearts" from a prophecy and thus why they need Demon Hearts
> yfw the Friend Hearts were actually the evil hearts from the prophecy, in which Kirby is possessed and is trying to create a cult himself

well i'll be fucked

then again i've seen nothing about ultra moon

It's just Chicken-chan's new design

What are Acro's chances?

Better than Nelly's and Fatty Whale's, possibly better than Sweet Stuff's.

There's Metal Acro in Robutt.

Thank fuck they changed this.

Them changing out of this in Super Star Ultra tripped my autism into overdrive


I hope you can change he controls cuz that right there looks like shit.

When was he ever not cute?

i'll be amazed if they give you an option to remap it

nintendo games are rarely that generous

I hope so, the A button being Drop ability is fucking idiotic beyond belief.

I can draw some fan art of these fan abilities, right?

I really don't think the artist would mind

is there such a thing as a single-player game with a metagame?
cause if there is i think kirby is one of its more notable examples

Didn't it do that in the original Super Star?

We can do that.
Where's a good place to explode?
Ah, Pop Star.

Time to blow up Pop Star.

Kirby is so cute you could just eat him up

go away popon

Kirby sure likes pasta.

SNES Super Star, yes. But they fixed the horrible control scheme in Super Star Ultra on the DS.

Who the hell decided to give kirby internal organs

>tfw just found out that Nova OCs is a thing
Why did nobody tell me this, this is awesome

the japs. They love kirby gore and vore and are orb fuckers.

>old grandfather clock weights
that's actually neat

Imagine a Kirby game like 64 where you travel from planet to planet, and one of them is a Nova with people and nature living on it called Terra Nova.

Do NOVAs have feelings? What do they think when they hear their fellow clockworks have been murdered in cold blood by a tny pink puffball?


Its been a jap meme for a while dude

I schleech

That first one got me good

How did they manage to make Zero of all things look adorable

The first one is just marvellous.

Thanks for the walpaper senpai, needed something for my new phone
