Look at this Paladinep

Look at this Paladinep

she's very cute



I want to fuck swimsuit nep.

Not for sexual


I know you don't believe that.


Too flat

My goddess-wife lady Purple Heart is so perfect!


She a cutie patootie. I need to start off with the PS3 games before any others

Don't do that to yourself. Play the PC remakes if you want to play the first 3 games


But the story is different, right? I could play it for that

Are the games actually worth playing or does Neptunia just exist for these extremely repetitive threads?

Do you like

>turn-based JRPGs
>cute anime girls and fourth-wall breaking humor

If so, then yes they are worth playing. The only reason I ever gave neptunia a chance myself was because i like turn-based JRPGs, and ended up really liking the series for the girls and humor as well

PallyNep makes my dick hard. Those arm pits

PH has goot pits too

I'm more a fan of her short skirt


Neptune is cute. Cute!

>change name to CYBERdimension instead of HYPERdimension (Neptunia)
>sell a whole lot of bunch of it to loser weebs who think it's anything new and not the same shit but with a changed nsme because the original is going stale

4go is actually fun to play, what sorcery is this?

Adorable. I wish PH/neppy was my girlfriend

I know that your penis is uncommonly big and I wouldn't mind choking on it all night long and drowning in your cum, but Cyberdimension is different enough

I wished it had hit detection though but yeah it's fun. Ram is best girl.


>tfw you get the last card
Who thought it was a good idea to have that kind of drop rate in a singleplayer game, fucking japs. I hope there is not some BS requirement to 100% 4 Neps online.

>10 minutes into game
>"can you really buy friends with money?"
They really didn't take long to bully her

t-too lewd..

Which ones are safe to turn on? I don't want some cheat items that trivialize the gameplay like the previous Nep games had.

just do the costumes then, they are all the same just different colors

the items are pretty shitty desu.. I think its like 30 and you get four types but are for like +3 to INT or MP/HP .. not very game breaking stuff

>Neptunia game
>Except you can create an OC (male or female)
>And you can romance a Nep


Just the costumes. But reminder to watch out for those floating grass things. They're known to wipe out your party if you allow them to blow up in lower levels.

Also, avoid the 3rd dungeon


>get to romance neppy
Hell yes

Dont know. Neptunia doesnt really feel like a series that's meant to cater to OCs, since a large part of the fun is the referential humor about the gaming industry.

No OCs, some of the characters it already has are too much.

Do people still play 4 Goddesses. A hack and slash with 3 others sounds neat.

OCs are very questionable topic for Nep games, the two times they tried, it failed, it was handled decently well in V2R with (You) just being a person they talk to once in a while
Though I wouldn't mind some sort of way to romance the neps, its probably better to leave that out so as to not burn any bridges

Well, it just came out on PC so yeah

Is there a doujin with a hacked Nep getting turned into a tanned gal slut ?

I’d probably get it on ps4.

OCs are irrelevant in Neptunia, since the Neps already often break the fourth wall by talking directly to (You). Not to mention that most of the cast are already representatives of some gaming companies,which OCs have nothing to add on.

That said, a completely different IP that lets you create characters by Compile Heart would be nice though.

No, because there's barely any doujins about Nep anyway. Remember, the series isnt exactly that popular in Japan.

What order do/should I play?

The older games are unplayable garbage. Don't torture yourself user.

4GO and MegaNep V2 are the only games that matter


V, then VII and 4GO

Anything else, is bad and only likeable for the girls if they're your waifu or something.

Nepgear is the cutest!

Fuck off Uni

more like FUCK Uni

These are the main games in order:
ReBirth 1 (Introduces all characters, but ultimately not canon)
ReBirth 2 (Focuses on the sisters)
ReBirth 3 (aka Victory 1)
Megadimension Nep VII (VII stands for Victory 2, not 7, play this after ReBirth 3)

If you really don't want to play all of them, I would start with ReBirth 3 and then Nep VII.

Uni isn't that busty

Uni is my UNIverse

Wait a decade for the true Nep Art Online, then we can all create our donut steels with Tsunako art and RP together in the fluffiest MMO ever made.

As long as I can rub other people's navels

Are there any nude mods yet?

This is Nepgear.

Why are you people so obsessed with attacking a niche series that you know nothing about and don't want to play?

>neptunia game
>except you chose one nep to be the MC
>and you can use that nep to romance other neps
>there's harem route

2 years from now, the year 2020 is the 10th anniversary of Nep, will IF and CH make very good and big Nep game with no re-use materials?

>Buy this to play with friends
>everyone lags like a motherfucker every single room
>find out this has been a problem ever since the release of the ps4 version

Cool, time to refund, i was enjoying the game too ;_;

Ai-chan will somehow screw up and miss the anniversary release date by 1 month.

You can just play single player you know

>Game marketed as a 4 coop hack n slash action game

I like Neps as much as the next guy but come on, we all know the history in the nep games isnt something spectacular.


How is 4 goddesses online compared to the other neptunia games?

My sister like it so it must be fun to play
I bought the game on PS4 but still haven't play it because my backlog is piled up so I don't know.

Is this nep any good? How does it compare to say v2 or fffadf?


Wether it's Noire or representations of Noire; she has no friends.

It's a hack and slash game like NepU but a lot more polished, instead of being a Senran copy, it's much like SAO aka an offline MMO.

why is nep such a cunt

>he wants to be known as Noirefriend
Get outta here, sharegrinder.

I want to be bullied by Nep

I don't want to be noire friend
I want to be noire's __pet___

Noire is so cute she can't resist bullying her.

Why does this game run like shit
any tips to help?

Turn of PP and shadows.


Post processing.



Now this user knows what he's talking about.

I would play as Uni and form a one-woman harem featuring Nepgear and only Nepgear.


Yes, even better if you include Makers as well. I'd give Vert the little sister harem she deserves.

Sisters are easily the worst part of any nep game

Theyre not in 4GO though?


You mean the little sisters? If that's the case, no, they are all adorable. Kill yourself, fag.

This may be a bit dumb, but how do I change the camera angle when ingame?

I pressed something and how the camera is pretty close to my character and I can't seem to get it to default angle.

>5 hours ago
>33 IP's
>image dumping
Glad post PC ironic weeb nep shitters are on their way out.

4GO? If you are on PC you can use the mouse, but check the menu for your key bidings, both controlers and keyboards should be there.

There's also an option for camera distance, that's probably what you need to change.

>Uni POV
