BLESS THIS RAVAGED Vermintide 2 thread

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why is fantasy so much less grimdark than 40k

How is the Shade class?

is this ok to play with randoms or will i have a bad time

Its fine, I ave no trouble doing all the tomes and grimores with random people. Everyone is still learning the game, it takes time for people to get better breh.

How's the pre-order beta?
I need a quick rundown.

>is this ok to play with randoms or will i have a bad time
Unless you can carry HARD and have a regeneration build no. Randoms run through, don't stay with the group and consume every potion/heal they see even if they don't need it. Literally cancer.

Thank god I've found a group.

Fuck Sup Forums, should I preorder?

I really liked the beta but I also feel like it could get old pretty quickly.

>victor's witch captain ult voicelines

fuck. most ive gotten was an 'idk maybe' from a friend of mine

40k was created to be an edgy 80s metal parody scifi setting

>40k was created to be an edgy 80s metal parody scifi setting

The Elves in Fantasy still have shades of this. I mean, the Witch Elves are based around Glam Rock, hence the big pink hairdoos. Also, half of the Asur's warbanners are 80s rock hand signs.

the biggest problem with randoms is in a month tops none of them will be playing anything but whatever the easiest farming map is

Well hopefully the quick play bonus saves that.

You mean

>1 shot a chaos warrior with Bounty Hunter skill

Anyone find the weapon salvage in cheatengine yet? I have a full time job but still want to level up my weapons.


Okay so this game specifically

Makes my computer run real hot

Is there some specific setting that's fucky that i could turn on/off to fix this or what

Ive got



12GB ram

So i should be able to run it fine normally

Any help is appreciated bros

Listen here boy I'm not going to fuck around online. I just want some offline fun after work.

Cap framerate to 60, disable Anti Aliasing and SSAO

Buy a better cpu, the game is very cpu intensive

Sell your FX8350 soiboi and crap a potatochip in there. It will run better and cooler.

Use voice chat and most of the time people will co-operate better. Every once in a while you'll run into the elf who'll fuck up everything, but that's normal.

>elf and dwarf are running ahead in the horizon
>they are obviously friends (same level)
>"hey guys slow down"
>no fuk u
>soon one of them gets grabbed and then they get swarmed
>me and saltz get overrun a minute later
>"lol it's just a game. don't take it so seriously"

this, your CPU is more important here. set everything to low tho, and you should be good

> first time trying bolt stuff
> 5 power
> pure garbage, overheats like hell
> dont feel i am doing any impact during mission
> mfw
I dont get it.

>Use voice chat
I see you haven't played the final beta yet. Voice chat is broken. It works in 1 in 4 matches and in that 1 match only about half of the message gets through.

It seems like Sienna got buffed. I rock nearly every end results screen even on vet with elves in party.

Play first for loot, then for murder and finally challenge. It's worth the 30 bucks.

Hasn't been a problem for me. Got to play a few hours last night and everything got through clear. Shame if it happens, but it doesn't mean i'm wrong.

>tfw cleared first champion mission with mates

What level should I try the next difficulty? Recruit seems to be getting easy, but I still fail sometimes when teammates go yolo on their own and die.

8-12 depending on the size of your balls

I mindlessly grinded sienna to 12 and had 200 power before I bothered going to vet. You can prolly get away with 100 power easily.

40k was when Thatcher hate was at the peak
And it’s easier for scifi to be grimdark. Fantasy at the time was mainly defined by Tolkien and DnD with some edge from Moorcock

hey guys i love playing the elf and the magnus kruger guy but when is versus going to be announced

Are they going to steadily release more levels for the pre order beta? Did all three levels at least 2 times and don't feel like doing anymore.

Okay thanks

I plan to get a ryzen or.. anything better in the future but at the minimum it's usually good enough to avoid bottlenecking

you can see in the trailer there are a more levels offhand.

Fireball/Bolt are now the two best staffs with the changes made from the closed beta.

Fireball for general use/mass clear and bolt for special sniping. Firestorm and conflagration are worse than fireball for horde clear and beams damage got dumpstered.

Charged fireball shots now do way more damage and pierce infinitely until they hit terrain or an armoured or special unit, where they explode.

*braps your path*

What good is WHC's active ability? The crit increase seems pretty small for the duration and the cooldown is outrageous. Is it just for knocking everything down for a couple of seconds so you can revive somebody?

Clutch mode for when you're in a really fucked up situation.

I know there are more levels because I played the closed beta. The levels offered in the pre order beta are just three that weren't in the closed beta. Surely it won't be just these three until the release, right?

So it's just for the knockback when you get surrounded. Alright


It's a good profession. Waystalker is better but Shade is still good.

Hello. I'm just new to the game. I was playing as Kruber and got to the fields, when suddenly I was encased in this green glow. We were where being swarmed at that point by zombies I think and I was just whacking shit in front of me. What was that?

Either poison gas or whirlwind.

The +25% flat crit is nothing to scoff at. I mainly use it to chain stun bosses after a bomb throw to burst them down quickly

What's whirlwind?

>trying my best to be a helpful team leader kruber
>constantly popping specials, killed like 3 warpfire throwers, 2 ratling gunners, a couple SUCC wizards, and a globadier, explicitly seeing the icon of who killed the specials in question as being me
>killing stormvermin here or there, even got 3-4 kills on a patrol that spawned on top of us
>end of game screen pops up
>(you) have the lowest special killcount of 1 kill!
>2 stormvermin kills

Some rat sorcerer casts it and it spins you around in the air and throws you out and does a lot of damage.

It's what american sorcerers do.


el nurglo..

I actively try to stay with my group while playing elf. A lot of the time I let the dorf or Kruber lead the group. It's a lot more enjoyable that way I think.
>when he braps you from across the map

>headshot a green rat
>elf gets the kill
>decapitate a northlander
>elf gets the kill
>disembowl a stormrat
>elf gets the kill
holy shit when does everyone else get buffed to the level of elf

Saltzspire is already there. Kruber and Bardin are there too, just not for damage dealing.

It's good at backstabbing bosses and stormvermin, that's about it. Stabbing specials is pointless when they die in one longbow shot anyway.

>festering grounds
>spend 30 minutes looking for the very last infection sack
>find out it's actually glitched
>can't unlock new maps because of this

but it's the last map of the beta

Isn't festering the third/final map?

>Join game
>Spawn in the gate of shadows
>Level ends
>Team collected everything
>660 xp and a commanders chest
Feels good man.

can’t wait to Obliterate bottlenecked patrols with it again until it gets nerfed into the ground.

So is this game looking to be good?
I got into Vermintide 1 kinda late so it was always way too hard to find a full game for me but the little I played was really good.

>Ruger's valiant charge makes noises when you charge and smash through people that sounds like you're running over a crowd with your car

Good god the sound design in this game is so satisfying.

It’s for when you’re surrounded.
The knockback gives you breathing space, and the crit gives you chance to hack through a weak part of the horde.

What does it mean when one of my weapons has Illusion in purple text on it?

How hard did they nerf rapier pistol? It takes multiple headshots to bring down even the shittiest trash enemies, now.

Damage falloff is now dumpster tier. 1250 damage shot gets reduced to 125 after 20 feet.

Then I guess I'm not getting too screwed then
Still can't finish the actual mission though.
One of them explodes but the counter doesn't change

Why is everyone saying he's still good then?

because he is

Anyone play Zealot Saltzpyre yet? Is it any good? It looks interesting and flails are awesome.

How long does this game last you? Is there much replayability?

About as much as L4D. It will have modding too.

>When you get bolt staff

This weapon is insane.

>first night of playing and already have green ex great sword

aw yiss

Melee focused Left 4 dead in warhammer setting with loot grinding but no versus

Base your decision off of that

I don't feel that way, L4D is less predictable with the spawns and timings and it's overall more coherent so the higher difficulties feel less like luck and more like a test of your skill.

Feels worse than fireball at everything but special sniping.

Is the loot actually fun or is it just arbitrary bullshit that scales up in relation to enemies

What do you do when you already have the best loot in the game?

Anyone found character voice lines on yt or something? I want to listen to the amazing skaven voicelines

Use the loot to farm for fashion.

>First time hear the gunner start shooting without seeing him
>Jesus Christ! What the fuck is happening?
They have really improved the sound design.

Do you have that creature's phone number?


No different from Diablo loot really. You do unlock new melee and ranged weapons that function very differently though.

>Muh Grimdark
>Posts a Specialist game
We just going to act like GorkaMorka doesn't exist?

El ogros de las norsca...

bounty hunter a best

elf a cute

I enjoyed vermintide but got bored after about 20 hours because it felt repetitive. I wanted more classes, more enemy variety and more depth to the mission system beyond just rotating maps. Would I enjoy this game?

she need a nerf

Ehhhh... That game is all about Orks while Blood Bowl features all of Fantasies races. Don't really know if that counts for anything though...

shhh dont tell them

each hero has 3 classes to choose from

Nurlge worshiping chaos maruaders now work with the skaen, with like 3 new boss monsters.

>cursor stuck on the screen