Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet

What is it about this dork that everyone finds so attractive?

Zettai ryouiki

I'm stuck in flugel depths.

The one where you enter a ship and get to the end and then it asks if you want to teleport into dungeon.

Seriously where the fuck do i go? I already turned on the control panel behind four shield robots.

Any pistol recommendations?

Do AR's have negative luck values? I just got my first rank 7 AR over my crappy old gear and its under performing to my rank 4 pistol since my pistol actually gets crits. I have 75 luc and 20% crit rate on my ar

IIRC if you go back to the room with the segmented platforms there's a teleporter trap in front of a treasure box that you need to take.

Beetlejuice for gundams and MK for humanoids

You're the only person that isn't constantly comparing her to her sister and you were childhood friends
You're so pure and innocent he became obsessed with you

I've heard that once you rewind time after the true ending there's some people you won't be able to bring with you and level their affinity? Who are these?

Given these reasons shouldn't they be heads over heels in love with ArFA-sys instead?

>flugel depths

wasn't flugel the villain in one of the seasons?

I don't want to sound unappreciative but what the fuck are you talking about even.

Wrong dungeon my brother

>childhood friends

You're thinking of .Hack

Everyone constantly says you have this aura of leadership and friendliness, but Kureha loves you because you're perpetually kind and perceptive even when she's selfish, Itsuki loves you because you look to yourself for answers and don't let the judgment of others cloud your reasoning, and Zeliska likes you because of your purity, kindness, skill, and drive.


>but Kureha loves you because you're perpetually kind and perceptive
(You) are constantly characterized as dense. It's why all of Itsuki's shit flies straight over your head.

This is a japanese teenager

and my wife

Perceptive in regards to her motivations, not to the hearts of people with ill intent. She tries to be selfish but shows up just for you, goes hunting for rare materials you can only get one day for you because you feel sick, and you know that she cares about you a lot since she entered the death game when she didn't have to just for you. Could have phrased it better.

That's not the MC being perceptive, that's just them being kind and naive and assuming the best of people regardless of their true intentions.

*A Japanese teenager's VR avatar which in no way necessarily reflects her real appearance.

He has his suspicions about people, especially Spiegel (you can tell your ArFA-sys to be quiet around Spiegel) but he just knows Kureha and sees past her tsun bullshit.

Yeah, she has shit character creation skills, she's about a billion times more fuckable irl

>Just reached the room in Forest Edge where a sniper instantly kills you if you walk in

Satisfying tiers
>Very High
Semi auto pistols, LMGs
Sniper Rifles, Gattling
ARs,SMGs, Swords, Launchers
Shotguns, Auto Pistols

Yeah, the boob sliders don't reach that far to accurately reflect her actual size.

>especially Spiegel
I wonder why.

Why does this hag keep trying to act like she's young and hip?

Fucking christ I think I figured it out. You have to fucking take the teleporters in a certain order. I am 100% certain this is the first time this has appeared in the game, and without warning, and THERE'S A LOCKED DOOR THERE THAT YOU NEVER OPEN THAT THROWS YOU OFF. I thought one of the fucking shield robots ran off or something and checked the whole fucking dungeon for him.

That's fucking retarded. Fuck this game.


But he doesn't assume Spiegel's a good guy at all, unlike with Itsuki, because Spiegel isn't. I think that the MC knows that Itsuki wants to have friends where as Spiegel is just fucking cracked. Itsuki's fucked in the head too, but he has hope.

Because she looks like Shibuya Rin.

Man, I think this was one of the most awkward balls dropped in the writing of this game. Went from a subtle 'piece the clues together' villain to a blitheringly obvious jerkass that might as well be wearing a neon sign saying "I'M PART OF DEATH GUN".

I know Dimps didn't have a lot to work with since Hollow Realization made everything incredibly awkward involving him, but still.

Sadly they don't go far enough in either direction, you can't make a flat loli.

All the totally blank faces is so weird.

>Swords and launchers above shotgun
>smgs satisfying at all

Itsuki can actually fake a sociable and agreeable persona.
The first thing Spiegel ever says to you is "REEEEEEEEEE FUCK KIRITO HE'S CORRUPTING MUH SINON".
Even a retard like the protagonist can see a red flag as huge as that.

That's a sign that she's getting desperate. Avoid at all costs.

every time i see you fags post this I laugh like an idiot

this fucking guy shouldn't be so funny


The funny thing is that most people act like Spiegel is just a little goofy in the other games. Even Kirito's just like "HUH, that dude's a bit weird, oh well" until he pops up again.

>tries to literally kill Kirito
>Sinon: oh he's a bit weird but he's a good guy really :^)

How come my item count is going up even though I'm selling all the extra weapons/accessories/clothes I'm getting? What the fuck is going on?

I find it funnier that he's actually right regarding AGI in the actual game.

She's gotta keep up with the crowd considering her position, but it's like she's 5 years too late with the newest lingo so she just comes off as awkward.
I bet she's awkward in real life too.

Sounds like a good guy to me.

"I still wanna try being friends with him"
Sinon I love you but you're dumb as fuck.


It's adorable.
How can Kureshit even compete?

>tries to literally kill Kirito
I fail to see the issue

Spiegel pls

By not having shit bed scenes

>I spent 30+ hours of gameplay not noticing that mats add to the item capacity
Fuck I think I might be retarded

I like both, but Zeliska's are approximately 3x cuter than Kureha's. She's just affectionate as fuck and in her last or second to last one you realize that she can sleep easy because she has (you), whereas she didn't before.

It's cool user, I'm just used to games not making upgrade materials fill up your inventory so I made the same mistake. had to go back and sell all those fucking rank 4 and below upgrade mats.

I can understand writing everyone to be bi and wanting to fuck you regardless of gender but man they could've tried a little harder to make the dialogue gender-neutral or unique for each gender.

Like, Sinon is perfectly willing to strip and change in the same room as Kirito when she assume he's a girl in the anime but here Kureha insists on a separate changing room and warns you not to peep on her regardless of gender? What?

The 4th ranker in the BoB was an AGI build, at least Kirito had a decent amount of AGI for his memelee build if not also DesuGan. Pale Rider was also a decent candidate for a winner if he didn't get murdered. A bad AGI build is probably just pumping it way too much without caring about the rest but it is canonically decent to spec in.

>Itsuki just wants to have friends
He just wanted (you).

Reminder not to fug your AI daughteru until she's ready.

This really is Itsuki

Frankly speaking I don't mind having another Digimon Cyber Sleuth.
Will probably not reach the same meme status as it but w/e.

I'm still surprised they even added a character like Itsuki in a game that's clearly written with the male protag in mind.

Throw them into your item box regularly you dum dums. They still conveniently appear in the Sell and Upgrade menus. Each unique item counts as only one item and your item box has a huge capacity.

Welp, I'm sure this is perfectly fine and won't come back to haunt me somehow

Itsuki wanted a meaningful connection with someone he could believe in and be himself with and that's why he wanted (you). He didn't believe in the things that people touted like friendship but he couldn't deny his own feelings as he hung around in your squadron and shit. It's why he cries despite trying to fuck around before he logs everyone out.

>two girls who are childhood friends and on good terms with each other
>Kirito and Asuna: "You two aren't dating? Sorry, we just kind of assumed with the way you act"

Kureha is just that insecure

where do i get that outfit

You can be a girl, you're just going to be a gay girl.

Assault Diver F. You can buy it like halfway through the game. If the Alternative characters have shown up for you, you can already get it.

I mean, you could always chalk it up to MC being a guy but choosing a female avatar like most people here do.

Yeah but to me it just seemed like he wanted you more romantically than anything.

It's not canonically possible to genderbend in Seed VR games.

Aside from the intro of SAO before Kayaba turned that option permanently off forever to troll everyone.

Oh yeah, no denying that definitely happened. Dude wanted the D/V hard.

At least donut pussy is safe from Kirito probably

Can you change your appearance in GGO though or is the avatar you get the one you stay with forever?

>gay girl
Not if you just gun straight for Itsuki and ignore Kureha and Zeliska. In that case, those two are the lesbians, not you.

>implying the vanilla donut won't be in the next SAO game with Kureha and Zeliska, all as romanceable candidates for Kirito

If anything, Kirito wants to join (your) harem.

>tfw Itsuki cucks Kirito if he chooses the vanilla donut

GGO gives you a randomized avatar that matches your sex, and you can't hide your voice because no one communicates by text only in a VRMMO.

Actually it almost seems like matching sex is a requirement in this universe, probably because giving a man the sensation of a virtual vagina might still be a wee bit difficult. The only time it is canonically shown that male players can have female avatars is the very beginning of SAO, with SA:O being a game universe only exception. That only makes Kureha's complaint about female players invalid because half of the players walking around are female and HR is like 80% women players and NPCs.

>It's not canonically possible to genderbend in Seed VR games.
If the canon GGO has a randomized avatar generation, I don't know why it's impossible to be of the opposite gender. Does the series actually ever state this anywhere, because it looks like the girls that LLENN plays with in Alternative have male avatars.

GGO having randomized avatars isn't a thing in gameverse apparently, otherwise Kirito's harem wouldn't have their usual appearance.

I guess you could argue that they simply hunted the market for an avatar that vaguely resembled them but that seems unlikely.

>can't hide your voice
So everyone's voice is the one they have IRL?

>Destroying everything in Forest Edge
>Keep getting killed by the white robots
>The AI just keeps rolling around like a retard until they get killed as well

I don't think Kawahara touched much on the customization aspect of GGO avatars. He has stated that it was just an excuse to introduce Kiriko. In a realistic scenario it should be possible to change the avatar by paying real money or loads of ingame cash; either way works since that's the theme of GGO being an RMT-allowed game.

No, it's also a plot point that your VR voice doesn't match your IRL voice (Asuna and Kirito comment on this) and Trap Kirito has an feminine-sounding voice that he can convincingly make sound like a girl.

Kureha says at the beginning though, that she looks very different from her real self. Also, the event with Itsuki and his fangirls having the rumors that he "looks exactly like his avatar".

The Alternative girls are all just reverse Kirikos. They have female avatars that look ultra-masculine.

Theirs were converted avatars so it is still possible that randomization occurs for fresh characters. It also neatly explains why Sugu is able to have tits way larger than the game allows you to have, ALO probably has a wider breast slider than GGO.

>the suppression effect they apply


Kureha customizing her avatar to look starkly different from her IRL appearance would fit with her incredible insecure personality. It doesn't have to be randomized.

That's still different from the original canon since Kirito got his random trap avatar upon converting.

I'm not sure how I'm still having the chrome aberration effect. I'm going by the community guide and the instructions aren't complicated.

Zeliska, Itsuki and Taipan have known each other since GGO started, right? So if it was possible to change their appearance, wouldn't they have hinted at something?

Then again, they might have just kept those avatars from the beginning.

>Kirito's harem's voices all match their IRL selves
Wasn't trap Kirito only because he was a special case?

>inb4 real life Kureha is a qt 4'9 slender girl firmly planted in the IMAGINE territory

At least with it being a Reki work we know they probably ain't ugly.

I want to know what Itsuki looks like IRL.

Was he lying to you when he said he looked like his avatar?

you put it in the Scalability.ini right?

So I don't need to touch Fukaziroh, LLENN, Pitohui, or M for the true ending, correct? If so I can finally stop affinity grinding